"Rush west! We've done it! We can go now!"
Due to the added push that the Red-eyed King's reinforcements gave them, one of the portals was finally sealed. Sunday, at around 8 in the morning. News of their successful siege would reach Travis and the rest of his forces.
The forces led by William finally got the job done, though out of the original 20 soldiers that were provided by the Western Alliance only 9 were still alive. The permanent portal might have been closed off but they were still in the Church of Light's territory and the only way to truly win is to decimate the opposing troops. A task that wasn't meant for any of them. They finished their mission and now was the time to retreat.
"Come in Assault Squad B, we have received your confirmation. I repeat we have received your confirmation. Retreat back to the docks and salvage as much of your troops as you can. Reinforcements will arrive at around 9:45 am. Phase 2 of the plan will begin soon." Noah's voice was one of the guiding lights that helped William and the troops in their mission.
"What he's saying is easier said than done, If any of you are still willing to follow then I'll lead our team back to the docks. We've earned this lads, it's time to take our victory lap!" The troops rallied with William, using their last bits of energy to focus on escaping the region.
With minimal losses along with the help of the orc warlock Hamak, the focus of the fanatics was split. Between an attacker with enough troops to threaten them and the seal on their portal. William and the remnants of the Western Alliance's gift would reach the docks safely, having earned their rest.
The scene that William watched at the docks was one that he wasn't prepared for. He had heard of the dealings between Travis and the other top rankers of the world, but the soldiers that followed Travis was truly otherworldly. Modified humans, that was the most common form of soldier among the top rankers yet he only had a few of them.
The centipedes the size of trucks and houses, each with the head of a scorpion with a few pincers. These creatures flowed out of the boats and headed straight into the city. 'There must be hundreds of them.' William was in shock.
But as if that wasn't enough, Travis himself reached Gold-grade and was riding on top of a threat far stronger than anything that William interacted with so far. 'Not even the Strong-armed magician had this sort of aura.'
The mother that birthed all of the centipedes, a behemoth of an insect that could easily crush the skyscrapers of the city. Travis sat upon its head, with the only guard behind him being a Gold-grade demon. 'The lazy one... Deltusk? Deltrax?'
"You can stop here, Nyx." Travis waved his hand causing the largest centipede to stop.
"William, Good work out there. Is Hamak still not here yet?" Travis gave him a pat on the shoulder, commending him for his work.
"No, sir. He is still engaged with the Light Church troops." William was shaking in his boots, he expected Travis to ask for reinforcements but it seems that he didn't need them in the first place. 'And what's with those four... they're unusually pale. No.. Vampires. How the hell?'
"I see, Daban can you block out the sun for that region?" Travis asked the Elf Sorcerer.
"Of course, My Liege." The Silver-grade sorcerer while physically weaker than the vampires was considered their mentor in magic. Travis plucked him out of the defense group, due to his ability to aide in the problem that the vampires were having.
"There you go, take the undead that we brought with us. Hamak is an Orc Warlock, he's likely still alive but he can't deal with everything alone. It's time to prove yourselves bloodsuckers, most of those guys are humans try to outpace the centipedes if you don't want to lose your food source." Travis was then stopped by a question.
"Are we permitted to turn them into our own?" One of the vampires, their leader. A blonde woman that Travis didn't bother to learn the name of.
"Do what you need to do. Clean them up and join us to the north, when you're finished. If something unexpected comes up then just inform Noah."
The Vampires along with Daban and the undead troops headed straight south. "Ohh right, I almost forgot. What happened to the reinforcements that the Skeleton King sent out?"
"They are fighting alongside Mr. Hamak."
"I see, Good job out there William. The same goes for the rest of you, you can leave things to us from here on out." Travis jumped up onto the head of the large monster. "All right Nyx, let's go help your senior."
William initially thought that Travis had other plans. Allying with multiple high-rankers could entail asking for reinforcements, William was fully on board with asking his benefactor the Red-eyed Skeleton King to provide more support. But instead he was Blind-sided by the amount of firepower that Travis still had up his sleeve.
"Hahahahah, resting? Am I a fucking idiot? Phase 2 should be the fun part." William walked towards the rest of the others, most of them were heavily injured and are being nursed back to health through regular means. No magic and none of the advanced medicine from the Terran realms. "Oi, if anyone's willing to follow me then you're free to do so."
"Oi, oi! What the fuck are you thinking of doing? Our job is done, you're courting death here!" One of the others spoke out. Clearly disturbed by the dumb idea.
"I'm going to jump right back in! Doesn't it feel wrong to just leave Mr. Hamak out there? He was already acting as our distraction, those Light Fanatics are likely eating those undead whole. We avoided fighting unless necessary to close that portal, it's safer to fight now with the reinforcements right behind us. This is the perfect chance to gather merit points!" At that last statement a few of them began to stand up. "Then let's go! Heading to the demonic portal is a bad idea, we can leave that to Sir Travis and his elites. We can fight the small fries, points are points right?"