Battle for Lindburg II

Vantak was having the time of his life. Ever since becoming a Gold-grade, the sounds of combat couldn't be anything more than the backdrop of his experiments. With an enhanced amount of mana, he now had enough to not only create abominations whenever he pleased the necromancer also gained access to spells that he learned but couldn't use beforehand. 

His newer creations, abominations born from the Elite Silver-grades and Gold-grade corpses that he's been collecting are all out in the field. Due to his vast experience in creating abominations and the abundance of High grade corpses, Vantak had a total of 7 Gold-grade Abominations and 20 Elite Silver-grade abominations. Not counting the thousands of reanimated corpses that he was raising every hour.

This was still Vantak after all, the same necromancer who ruled over this city during the first month. With the others facing his direct counters, the demons were the far easier prey for him. 

The green mist covered the ground, causing most of the demons to have a much harder time with both breathing and their vision. Those with wings would fly up but this only made them fall for the hundreds of raining arrows from the skeleton archers. A few of the raised undead were spellcasters as well, using what little mana they had left to send out balls of pure mana at the fleeing demons. 

The abominations acted as the main generals of the army, they were some of the few that could move independently, they could understand basic orders and even use most of their abilities from when they were still alive. They were similar to Ara, but instead of being a mere servant that could only obey commands, they had thoughts of their own. Actual commanders that served Vantak well, they were constantly being fed information by Noah.

"HIsss... The Master of Otherworldersss will be arriving Sssoon! Make Hasste you moronsss!" An Ahagin abomination with the torso of an orc and the head of a snake. He had a total of six arms and his lower body is that of a long snake. One of the 7 Gold-grade abominations under Vantak. 

The undead around it are moving according to its command. A Basic Gold-grade in life, as an abomination it is in the intermediate Gold-grade and is one of Vantak's masterpieces. 

Travis would arrive to the scene, riding on top of the enormous vetraxan. Any and all of those that have met him before bowed before Travis. Only the undead who didn't have minds of their own remained in combat.

"Massster Travisss It isss a pleasssure." The Ahagin abomination bowed. 

"Report, Where's Vantak?" Travis who already radiated an aura of power, appeared to be in a sour mood.

"Hidden in the skyscrapers, my liege." A bowing abomination, this time it was a winged-Butikan, a lizardman with the leathery wings of a demon. 

"Continue with what you were doing, Vantak!" Travis called out and just as soon as he did so, the dark elf appeared right next to him in a puff of green smoke. The abominations continued with their duties, now with more efficiency due to the added forces that the Vetraxan Broodmother provided for them. 

"Greetings, to his highness the Master of Otherworlders!" Vantak bowed. 

"How many abominations did you create?" Travis was straight to the point.

"7 Gold-grades and 20 Silver-grades, the rest of them are still fighting with Hamak, Master Travis." Vantak reported, he looked tired even for someone that didn't require much sleep.

"Good, stop all of the Gold-grades and gather them here." Travis ordered, they were now in a protective circle courtesy of Nyx and her armored exoskeleton. 

A whole line of 7 Gold-grade abominations, each in the Intermediate Gold-grade. Each looked far more disgusting than the rest, some with more than just the limbs of a few monsters, others with multiple heads. They all looked like monsters straight out of a horror movie. "Deltrax is currently trying to take demon nobles under his control, he should have quite a few of them occupied right about now. Meaning that there's only a handful of them left to defend the portal." 

"How many of these Gold-grades can you give me without losing our footing here?" Travis looked at Vantak, his serious expression was still there. Vantak knew not to anger his benefactor, especially when they were in the middle of a battlefield. 

"You can take them all my liege, they were meant to be gifts for my master after all." Vantak had no need for the abominations anymore, they were finally going on the attack. He could keep the enemies from breeching through with the help of his undead and the Silver-grades alone. 

"Good." Travis then opened up his status screen. "All of you, sign the contract that I sent out." They were contracts created by the Mercenary Recruitment ability. Permanent contracts, the same one that Vantak was under. "I took Vantak out of purgatory, this contract states that I can take you back from hell and place you back into battle at least once."

Travis then took out the Territory Claim Ticket. 

[Number of Friendly Units: 272]

[Number of Allied Units: 3,412] 

[Due to the fresh territory the following boons are free for all friendly or allied units (24 Hours): Bolster, Strengthen, Hasten.]

[Buildings are required to maintain and create boons.]

[Number of hostile units: 5,319]

[No penalties are currently active.]

[Caution! A portal leading directly to the Abyss is present, close off the portal within the next 12 hours or risk losing your territory!] 

"Noah, I'm sending you all of the information on this territory. Check the direct messages." 

"Received, The territory claimed seems to be 1/3 of the whole city."

"We can work on claiming the rest later, for now I want eyes in the sky. Give me information on the Gold-grade demons." Travis was walking slowly, behind him were the Seven abominations. Vantak was already away, off to create more undead forces. The number of hostiles increased every minute, each coming out of the Abyssal gate, but Vantak was doing his best to keep up. Raising corpses whenever he could.

"I received confirmation from Deltrax that he's engaged with 5 of them... the original count of 12 seems to be wrong, Master Travis." Noah scratched his head. "There's a total of 15, Gold-grade demons sir. Five are with Deltrax, the other five are flying straight for Hamak and the Red-eyed king's forces. While all 5 of the Elite Gold-grades are... they're guarding the portal!" 

 "You heard him, there's at least five Elite Gold-grades in front of us. Noah, can you tell Vantak to give me a detailed description for each of these abominations? At least before you send him off to take down the other Gold demons?" 

"Yes, sir." 

"Inform everyone of what's going on...actually wait. Let me do it, connect me to all of the communicators again." 

"To all of the forces under my command, the original assumption of only a dozen Gold-grade demons was false. There's actually 15 of them, Five are in talks with Deltrax, Five are defending the portal and the last Five are headed directly for the old battlefield with the Light Fanatics. Focus on survival, Vantak is on his way. Anyone that can still pick up their weapon and fight will be called to arms." Travis paused as the abominations around him began to stir, the first of the five Elite Gold-grades has been spotted. 

"Lindburg was where I grew up, my grandmother really loved this place. I'm ready to reclaim it, they're demons aren't they? THEN GIVE THEM HELL!"