The story follows Captain Rance Delacroix, a disgraced pirate seeking revenge on Cal, the woman who betrayed him. His quest takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a larger conspiracy orchestrated by a powerful entity known as "The Serpent."
Guided by the mysterious Lyra, Rance and his crew embark on a perilous journey to find the hidden city of Umbra, rumored to be a base for the Serpent's operations. Along the way, they face monstrous creatures, navigate treacherous waters, and confront whispers of the Serpent's influence.
Reaching Umbra, a city shrouded in perpetual twilight and ruled by dark magic, Rance and his crew are challenged by the city's denizens. They are forced to navigate a web of intrigue and hidden agendas, unsure who to trust. As they delve deeper into the city, they inch closer to the truth about the Serpent and Cal's betrayal, facing dangers they never anticipated.