第五章 “我没想到的”" Chapter Five" What I Didn't Expect

第五章 "我没想到的""

Chapter Five" What I Didn't Expect

- Rory was standing in front of Princess Li Xiao's residence, preventing anyone from entering and revealing that Princess Li Xiao was not in the palace. At that moment, a high-ranking lady dressed in a luxurious purple dress and attractively arranged decorations on her hairstyle, good face and cocky features came and headed with her maids to Li Xiao's residence. When Rory saw her, she bowed to her to pay her respect, saying, "Greetings to Concubine Lynn, hello Your Highness." Concubine Lynn looked at her condescendingly and said, "I'd like to see Her Highness the Princess, let her know." Rory stepped forward with her head bent down and replied, "Her Highness is not well, you can't see her." One of the courtesan's maids came forward and slapped Rory, saying, "How can you answer her majesty like that? Rory knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I deserve punishment, but you can't enter, Her Highness the Princess is sick and can't see you, she may infect you. Her Highness the Princess is worried that she will harm anyone,

Queen Lynn gave a spiteful look and then stepped Rory's hand, saying, "So Her Highness the Princess refuses to see me, isn't that an insult to me? I underestimate my status as an emperor's concubine, don't I?"

- The emperor was walking down one of the palace corridors near Li Xiao's residence so that he could see her dwelling from that distance. One of the courtesan's maids Lynn told him that His Majesty had passed by and might notice what we were doing. Indeed, the emperor stood for a moment looking at Li Xiao's residence, saw the concubine helping Rory's maid get up and talking to her in a clear voice, saying, "You have to be careful, dear, have you been hurt? Bring the medicine." an innocent smile on her face. Then the emperor came with his entourage, and he walked towards her, smiling, saying: "My dear Lynn, her heart is tender and affectionate," she turned around, pretending to be surprised, saying, "Your Majesty, oh, you are here you have surprised me. The poor maid was hurt, I couldn't bear to see her like this, oh, I apologize I interrupted Your Majesty's picnic." The emperor grabbed the concubine's shoulder and smiled, saying, "Why do you apologize, dear? Let one of the maids help her, and you walk with me." She smiles at him innocently, saying, "Your Majesty, I am honored by this. It seems that the day is really good because I met Your Majesty." Then the emperor and the concubine are gone, and Rory got rid of the concubine with a miracle that was almost revealed.

- Inside Jin Xin's residence, specifically inside his spacious work room surrounded by many documents and books, the place was clean and tidy, and on his desk were business documents. The doors of the room opened and Jin Xin entered with his assistant Min Lian. When Jin Shen sat down and spoke to Min Lian saying, "What is the latest news you got from Mr.?" Min Lian replied: "It is stated in the decree that we stay in the same manner and will not advance a step until he gives us the signal to start, but sir, "Min Lian, we will only do what is asked of us, or do you want to lose your younger sister?" Jin Lian replied, "I have crossed my limits, sir.". Their political power is not to be reckoned with So that they can control the emperor's decision with their power, i.e. threaten the throne and the rule of the Zhang dynasty. Min Lian asked, "Sir, what prevents them from taking the throne when they have such great power? Why are they allying with our master?" smiles Jinxin saying, "The people have their power, Min Lian. They cannot take the throne until they win the side of the people. The people can demolish governance and they can build governance. Let's just do what we were told. It's already night, I'd like to take a shower, tell them to prepare the bathroom for me." Min Lian took several steps back, then turned around and left the room.

- Li Xiao reached the palace, entered through the gate, and then sat in the worn-out room waiting for Rory. She started thinking about what happened to her today: "She was almost exposed by him, but when he came I was already still where I couldn't move, I was shocked. Oh, why don't I skip it? He was wearing those dark clothes, not in the palace but in the capital's headquarters. General Jin Xinyuan earned the title of general deservedly, worked hard to get the title of general, To be able to enter the palace and get closer to my brother. He's really smart, the trick involved everyone, even me the idiot believed his words, what a farce." She talks to herself: "On that same day, I was waiting for him, here in the same room, to talk as usual, he hears me the conversations I want, and we laugh together, that's what I chose." Rory then walked in with Li Xiao's clothes in her hands, looking around to make sure no one noticed they were here. With a confused face, she said, "Your Highness, why are you late? I have suffered a lot today for you, and my thinking is damaged Something may happen to you, or someone gets in your way, or kidnaps you, or reveals your identity as a princess? Oh, my God, yet I asked about you Concubine Lynn. She came to see you, I expect she came for what happened at the time of the emperor's ceremony, when I criticized you before his majesty." After you dressed and with Rory's help, Li Xiao recalled what happened and said, "I didn't expect her to come to apologize, because she doesn't apologize and won't give up. Rory stood in front of her, arranging her clothes, saying, "Your Highness, I was so tired that I made her leave. I tried every way to push her away, eventually I managed. Li Xiao noticed Rory's red hand as if she had been beaten. She held her hand and said, "What is this, Rory, what happened to you? Did the concubine Lin bully you?" Rory replied, "Your Highness, I'm fine already, I've put the medicine, I'll be fine in a few days." Xiao looked at me angrily and said, "How can she hurt you? Don't worry, Rory, I'll take your right." Li Xiao and Rory headed to Li Xiao's residence, and then on the way back they encountered"I didn't think you were suffering like that, Your Highness, you have to rest more so that we can go in with your room, come on." Greetings from both sides, the concubine Lin still holding Li Xiao's hand, walking together, and then they entered the room. The concubine Lin Li Xiao helped sit down. Li Xiao was surprised and wondered what the concubine was planning. Xiao thanked her to me, saying, "Thank you, sit down too,

Let's drink some tea. Rory, pour tea to Her Majesty." Rory poured some tea and said, "The tea smells good." The concubine inhaled the smell and then sipped a bit of it, saying, "My brother gave me this tea because I liked it, it seems that our tastes are similar, haha."

- The concubine softly lowered the cup and placed it on the table, then began to speak: "By His Majesty, Her Highness the Princess, mentioning to me about what happened at the time of His Majesty's ceremony, I was emotional with you and criticized you in front of him. I didn't know your face was damaged and I used the niqab to hide it. I wanted to apologize to you but I didn't have the chance." She called her maid and said: "Your Highness, I have brought some medicinal powders of the finest kinds, they are from my hometown, used by few great gentlemen, it will work so that you can heal."

- Li Xiao expressed her thanks, saying, "I really appreciate this. Rory, take the medicines. Wait Rory, what happened to your hand? Has anyone bullied you? Rory hesitated and said confusedly, "Your Highness, I'm fine, don't worry. The concubine Lin stared at the maid Rory as Li Xiao spoke to her: "Rory, don't hide from me, sit next to me. Give me these medicines, I'll apply them to your hand. You may feel pain at first." Concubine Lin looked in annoyance and anger as she saw drugs being used for someone inferior. Li Xiao replied, "I don't have medicines available for strong bruises, and also Rory won't be boiled, she deserves the most precious things."

- While Li Xiao was applying the medicine, she deliberately waved her hand and then the hot tea fell on the hand of the concubine Lin. She screamed, and one of her maids rushed to her. The concubine Lin spoke loudly, holding her hand: "Li Xiao, you are deliberate, how dare you bully me!" Li Xiao looked at her and said, "Your Majesty, I didn't mean, oh my God, your hand was damaged. I'll help you, your medicine is effective for burns too, isn't it?" Concubine Lin got up, flicked her clothes and then walked out angry without answering Li Xiao.

After she walked out, Xiao laughed at me saying, "Haha, Rory, have you seen me? Rory smiled and said, "But you may doubt His Majesty and be punished, or it may hurt you." Xiao walked to her bed and said, "Don't worry, I can handle it. I'm tired today, I'd like to sleep. Rory replied, "Ma'am, thank you for today. Now I'm going, sweet dreams, I ask permission."

- Jin Xin was sitting at his desk, put his hand under his head and was sleeping. In his dream, in front of him was a vague girl whose face he could not see, in the middle of a room, holding a sword. He went towards her, hugged her tightly and then leaned his head on her head, uttered words but didn't hear what he was saying. The girl moved away from him and grabbed the tip of his sword, then stabbed herself in the heart, and fell into his arms, saying, "It is your turn to be tormented by this life." He cries and screams. Suddenly he woke up from the dream bereaved and panting. He raised his hand and touched his face, saying, "Tears? Why do I dream of you every time, why?" His assistant Min Lian walked in and said, "Sir, the bathroom is set up for you, you can go now, but are you okay?" Jin Shen got up and said, "I'm fine, go rest now." He then walked out of the room, after reaching the water basin, said, "I feel hot." He went into the cold water trying to reduce the heat he felt. He started sweating, grabbed his left shoulder and then removed his clothes and looked at his shoulder, where there was a symbol on it, it hurt badly as if it was burning with fire.

- At the same time and at the same moment, Li Xiao was in her room, and suddenly she started to feel the same burns in her shoulder and was in pain from it.

* To be followed in the next chapter
