Chapter 39: The Solar Ascension

Jasper continued his slow, majestic float towards the sun, looking every bit like a vampire saint ascending to the heavens. Raven, exasperated and desperate, stood on the ground, shouting at him.

"Jasper! Get your ass back here! The sun isn't your friend!"

But Jasper was in a trance, his mind clearer than it had been in weeks. Just as his skin started to sizzle and steam in the sunlight, a figure appeared on the horizon, silhouetted against the burning sky. It was a man on a flying carpet, wearing an elaborate turban and holding a glowing staff.

The figure swooped down, intercepting Jasper mid-air. "Hold it right there, oh deluded one!" he called out in a melodious voice. The man waved his staff, and a shimmering barrier formed around Jasper, protecting him from the sun's rays.

Jasper blinked, coming out of his trance. "Who the—what are you?"

"I am Ali, the Genie of Al-Khameen, Master of the Mystic Arts and Guardian of Lost Souls," the man announced grandly. "And you, my friend, are in desperate need of my help."

Raven, watching from below, called out, "What's with the costume? Did you get lost on your way to a fancy-dress party?"

Jasper scratched his head. "Genie? What even is a genie? You look more like a rejected theme park mascot."

Ali's eye twitched, but he maintained his composure. "I am no mere entertainer. I possess ancient powers beyond your comprehension."

Jasper floated down, now intrigued. "So, you grant wishes? Like a magic butler?"

Ali sighed deeply. "No, I do not grant wishes. I offer guidance and wisdom. And right now, you need my help to break free from the curse of that accursed television."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Oh, great. Another weirdo with a savior complex. Look, dude, Jasper already touched some grass and snapped out of it. We're good!"

Jasper nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine now. But I have to admit, that TV was really something. I kind of miss it already."

Ali looked aghast. "Miss it? But it's a tool of dark forces!"

Jasper shrugged. "Maybe, but it has some pretty entertaining shows."

Ali sighed, realizing his task might be more complicated than he thought. "Well, if you're sure you're healed... But I still suggest we destroy the TV to prevent any future brainrot."

Jasper shook his head. "No way. I'm keeping it. I've already missed a month of shows."

Ali tried to reason with him, but Jasper was resolute. Eventually, Ali gave in, albeit reluctantly. "Fine. But at least let me check to make sure the curse is completely gone."

He raised his staff and muttered an incantation. A beam of light enveloped Jasper, but it quickly dissipated, indicating that there was no lingering curse. Ali sighed in relief.

"Okay, it seems you're genuinely healed. But I still don't trust that TV."

Jasper raised an eyebrow and asked, ''How old are you Ali?''

"Ah, you see," Ali the Genie began, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation, "I've lost track of my age since I got stuck in one of those infernal lamps. Must've been a couple thousand years or so, give or take."

Jasper grinned. "Tell you what, why don't you watch some shows with me? You might change your mind."

Raven facepalmed. "Here we go again."

Despite her protests, Jasper and Ali went back inside and set up the TV. Jasper handed the remote to Ali, who hesitated before pressing a button. The screen flickered to life, displaying a cartoon show.

Ali crossed his arms, scowling. "I cannot believe you would willingly subject yourself to this device again. It's an instrument of corruption!"

Jasper laughed. "Come on, Ali. You're an ancient being with incredible powers, and you're scared of a little TV? Just give it a shot."

Ali's scowl deepened. "I am not afraid of it. I simply know its potential for evil."

Jasper shrugged nonchalantly. "Suit yourself. But you'd be missing out on some pretty entertaining stuff."

Ali, torn between his disdain for the television and his curiosity, finally gave in. "Fine. But I will not enjoy it."

Jasper smirked. "We'll see about that."

As Ali pressed the button and the show began, both he and Jasper were quickly engrossed. Hours passed, and they continued watching show after show, completely absorbed.

Raven watched them with growing concern. "You've got to be kidding me. I just fixed him, and now they're both zonked out on this thing."

By the end of the day, Jasper and Ali were sprawled out in front of the TV, their eyes glued to the screen, completely caught up in the shows.

Raven shook her head in disbelief. "Unbelievable. I just fixed him, and now the wannabe wizard's hooked too."

As Jasper and Ali remained glued to the TV, completely engrossed in the shows, Raven paced back and forth in frustration. "Unbelievable. How am I going to snap them out of this?"

She glanced at Jasper, his eyes fixed on the screen, laughing at a particularly silly cartoon. "Alright, Jasper. Time to get your priorities straight."

With determination in her eyes, Raven took a deep breath and strode into the TV room. She knew exactly what she had to do.

Raven positioned herself directly between Jasper and the TV, blocking his view. She slowly pulled her shirt down, revealing her breasts. "What are you doing?" Jasper asked, his eyes widening.

"You know what I'm doing," Raven replied with a smirk.

Jasper raised an eyebrow, still somewhat distracted by the TV behind her. "You're still trying, huh?"

Raven leaned in closer, her voice sultry. "More than trying, Jasper. I'm succeeding."

At this moment, Ali noticed the scene and his eyes widened in shock. "Oh, what are you doing? That's haram!"

Raven and Jasper turned to Ali, puzzled. "What's haram?" Jasper asked.

Ali pointed at Raven's exposed chest. "This! It's haram!"

Jasper frowned, still confused. "I mean, what does haram mean?"

Ali cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Haram means forbidden. Such acts are not allowed by god, unless you are married. Jasper, you can take up to four wives, but they must be treated with respect and fairness."

Raven, still holding Jasper's attention, asked with a mischievous smile, "So, can I have four husbands?"

Ali looked horrified. "No, no, that's haram! A woman cannot have multiple husbands."

Jasper and Raven exchanged bewildered looks. "That seems...unfair," Raven said, crossing her arms.

Ali shook his head vigorously. "It's the way of my people. You must follow these rules to avoid sin."

Jasper, not entirely understanding but wanting to defuse the situation, said, "Don't worry, Ali. We're married."

Ali looked relieved for a moment but then frowned again. "Then you should not do this here. Go another room, you infidel bastards"

Jasper grinned, taking Raven's hand. "Good idea. Let's get some privacy, Raven."

Raven and Jasper left the TV room, leaving Ali alone with the television. As the door closed behind them, Ali sighed and shook his head. "These beings and their strange ways."

Ali turned back to the TV, intending to turn it off. But the screen flickered with a new episode of a captivating show, and before he knew it, he was once again drawn in, his protests forgotten.

Meanwhile, Jasper and Raven moved to a more private area of the castle.


As we entered the room, I couldn't help but chuckle. "You really know how to get my attention."

Raven smiled, pulling me close. "And you finally stopped watching that thing."

I kissed her softly. "Some things are worth focusing on." and then I carried her to bed.

The next morning, I woke up next to Raven. The room was dimly lit by the morning sun filtering through the heavy curtains. The bed was a mess, sheets tangled and a small bloodstain visible on the white fabric. I wasn't sure if the blood was from her first time or because I got caught up in the moment and sucked her blood. Either way, it was a reminder of the night we had.

I stretched, feeling the usual stiffness in my muscles. The events of the night replayed in my mind. "She really did well," I thought. "For her first time, she handled it like a champ."

The TV was still on in the other room, faint sounds of some morning show leaking through the door. I glanced at Raven, still asleep, looking peaceful for once. I figured she deserved the rest after last night.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, taking in the state of the room. It was a mix of our clothes and the remnants of our night together. "Better clean this up before she wakes up," I thought. "Don't want her to freak out over a little blood."

I walked over to the window and peeked outside. The castle grounds were quiet, the solar panels gleaming in the morning sun. I took a deep breath and sighed. "Back to reality," I muttered...