Rendezvous With The Popular Aunt (1)

Inside the gate of the Legaspi residence, a red sports car was parked beside the fountain outside the entrance to the mansion.

"It's been a while, my dearest nephew!"

A sophisticated and beautiful woman who looked to be in her thirties, came out from the red car and ran toward Antonio with a big smile on her face.

"Hello, Aunt Brigitte!"

Antonio responded, his voice filled with excitement as he walked toward the woman.

The woman named Brigitte, hugged Antonio tightly for a while before letting go and faced toward Christopher, who was standing behind Antonio.

She then spoke in an unrefined manner as she tapped Christopher's shoulder.

"Hi there Brother Chris, I'll be borrowing your precious son for the time being."

Christopher nodded his head at the woman, despite her looking quite silly with her wide grin.

If he didn't know who this woman was, he would have instantly called all of his guards and banned her from going near his son.

Brigitte is actually Antoinette's younger sister and Antonio's aunt.

Ever since Antoinette's death, Brigitte became very protective of Yoyo from Sabrina.

She wasn't there when the murder happened, but she was well aware about the real intentions of Sabrina.

She even tried to warn her sister back then, yet the latter just laughed at her and even defended Sabrina.

Christopher smiled as he witnessed the woman's fondness for his son.

"I'll be going on a business trip tonight and I'll be back in three days, please take care of Yoyo for us until then."

Christopher said to his late wife's sister with a meaningful gaze.

When he said to take care of Yoyo, he meant to protect his son from Sabrina who might try to appear without notice again.

After that incident with Sabrina before, Christopher notified Alden and their other relatives on his late wife's side, who were always on watch out for the murderer of Antoinette.

Brigitte turned serious for a moment before smirking with a proud smile.

"Leave it to me! By the way, I also heard from Alden that he went out of town early this morning and may come back next week."

Christopher arched one of his eyebrows before he nodded.

'Alden seems to have told her his schedule on purpose.'

He thought and then turned his gaze to Antonio.

And as if the woman read his mind, Brigitte suddenly suggested.

"How about letting Yoyo stay with us during those three days that you won't be here? You can also give your household employees days off if you want."

The corners of Christopher's lips twitch after hearing that.

'Ah, so this is why Alden told her his schedule. How clever of him."

Christopher praised his older son in his mind as he turned and glanced at Brigitte.

"If Yoyo wants it then I'll allow it."

He said before facing Antonio, who immediately said his answer.

"That will be a great idea, Aunt, Dad … it's been a while since I've last seen Grandma and Grandpa, the uncles as well."

"Have fun with your aunt, Yoyo—contact me if anything happens."

Christopher gently said while stroking Antonio's soft black hair.

'Antonio will be the safest if he stays with his maternal relatives while both Alden and I are out of the city.'

He thought as he caressed his son's hair.

Antonio softly makes a hmm sound as a response.

. . .

"I'm glad that you really woke up, Yoyo, you don't know how worried everyone was during your coma."

Brigitte said as she drove the car to their destination.

"I'm also thankful that I managed to wake up as well, Aunt … I thought that that would be the end of me."

Antonio replied and smiled as he looked at the bulletin boards they passed by.

A lot of bulletin boards are being displayed on huge buildings for advertisements.

And they are currently passing the bulletin boards that show the product endorsements of his aunt, Brigitte Del Rio.

"Don't say that, dear, you're such a kind person that a lot of people will be sad if you didn't wake up until now ... maybe, the heavens gave you a chance to continue living because they know how good of a person you are."

Antonio heard his aunt saying, making him feel all mushy inside him.

Back from his past life and in this life, his maternal relatives really do take care of him very much.

'I wonder why back then, I turned away from them when they told me that my girlfriend was not good for me, when in fact they were just warning me because they care for me.'

He thought as he felt regretful hating his mother's side in his past life.

"You really sounded like Dr. Lordan right now, he said the same thing to me before too."

Antonio commented after remembering his talk with Dr. Lordan on his second day of waking up from coma.

"Eh? That scary old man can actually say something nice? He must have a soft spot for you."

Brigitte muttered but Antonio still managed to hear her.

Antonio then softly smiled and focused again on appreciating the beauty of the places they passed by.

He then remembered how he managed to get in contact with his aunt.

Last week, when he was busy watching his mom's projects, he discovered on one of the variety shows his mom attended about Brigitte.

There, his mother, Antoinette, talked about how Brigitte is always wary and hostile toward Sabrina whenever they were together.

After watching that show, Antonio then came up with an idea for his revenge against Sabrina.

He's not planning to use his aunt to take revenge on Sabrina.

Rather, he wants to team up with her and gain help from her as he avenges his mother's death.

He tried to contact Brigitte through his facelook account since they were friends there.

He really didn't know if his aunt would be able to notice his message since Brigitte is a very person and always goes on a world tour for her concert.

If it's not a concert that she's busy with, it will be about writing and composing songs in their company's studio.

Antonio even thought that his aunt would take several days to notice his message or worse, she wouldn't really be able to read it.

But much to his surprise, the woman called him after just seconds of him sending the message.

She didn't reply through a text, instead, she called him the moment she read his message.

Then after quite some time of catching up, they decided to meet up and bond with each other.

And that's how he ended up in his aunt's car right now.

"By the way, Yoyo, do you really want to be an actor?"

Antonio snapped back to reality after hearing Brigitte's voice.

"Oh yes, Aunt."

Antonio quickly replied, noting that this topic is one of the reasons why he is excited to meet this aunt of his.

Yesterday evening, he made sure to text Brigitte about his decision to become an actor.

And just like his father, his aunt also asked him if he wants to try the other lines in entertainment such as being a singer or an idol.

But Antonio already firmed up his resolve, he is determined to be an actor.

Therefore, last night, Brigitte promised him that she will give him some advice when they meet up.

Antonio turned his body to face his aunt, who was about to say something.

"Okay, I'll support you in that dream of yours but let me ask you something first."

Brigitte said in a casual tone.

Antonio nodded his head as a sign for her to continue speaking.

"Do you know how risky it is to become an actor as of the present because of those untalented people that ruined the image of newbie actors, right?"

Brigitte asked his nephew and the other quickly agreed.

"Yes, Aunt Brigitte, I heard people nowadays only watch the projects of veteran actors."

Antonio voiced out his thoughts.

"You still want to continue on the acting path after already knowing that?"

Brigitte asked again, for some reason she was reminded of the past.

When she was talking with her sister, Antoinette, the latter just kept on being adamant with what she had already decided.

Antonio looked at her with an unyielding expression on his face then said.

"Of course, Aunt, I don't think I'll be interested in other things aside from acting."

Brigitte stared at Antonio's face.

"Sigh! You really are the son of Antoinette, both of you are so stubborn on the things that you wanted … well, that's part of your charm though."

She said with a wide smile as she pinch her nephew's cheeks.

'Idol agencies would really cry if they happen to see Yoyo choosing acting instead of them.'

She thought as she gawked at her nephew's deity-like appearance.

"Are you hungry, Yoyo?"

Brigitte asked her nephew as soon as saw a coffee shop near them.

She knew how fond Antonio is of cafes and foods.

"Yes, Aunt."

Antonio responded right away when he smelled the fragrance of coffee and pastries.

"Alright, let's go and chat inside that coffee shop."

He heard Brigitte say as the car swiftly moved to an empty parking space in front of the shop.

"Let's go, Yoyo."

Brigitte spoke as she put on a beige bucket hat and sunglasses before opening the car door beside her.

Antonio also opened the door beside him and stepped out of the car.

As soon as the two of them emerged from the car, Antonio felt déjà vu all of a sudden.

'This also happened when I went out with Brother Al before.'

He thought as he noticed people staring in their direction.

He then looked at his aunt before realizing something very important.

'Ah right! Aunt Brigitte is a celebrity, they must have still recognized her even with her hat and sunglasses on.'

Meanwhile, beside him, Brigitte put her arm around Antonio in a protective manner.

Unlike Antonio, she isn't dense to not know who the people are really staring at.

The moment they got out of the car, she already realized the reason why people were staring at them.

Aside from the fact that they recognized her as a popular singer, the major reason why people can't look away from them is because of Antonio's appearance.

He looked like a celestial being that was trying to mingle with humans in his white sweater that was paired with gray cargo pants and converse shoes.

'I should have let Yoyo wear the hat and glasses.'

Brigitte internally sighed as she walked beside her nephew toward the entrance of the coffee shop.

When they were at the entrance door, Antonio and Brigitte looked at the guard confusedly.

The guard was just standing there and gawking at them and not doing his usual job of opening the door for the customers.

As seconds passed and the guard still didn't open the door, Antonio stretched out his hands to push the door but before he could do that, the door was opened by one of the coffee shop's cashiers, who was panting as if she ran from quite a far distance just to open the door for them.

"Welcome, ma'am and sir!"

The coffee shop's cashier greeted them with a friendly smile and nudged the guard of the entrance.