Chapter three

"Wait, what? Broken heart? Explain!" she blurted, feeling a strange mix of concern and utter disbelief.

Doris looked down at her hands, then blurted out, "Your father, the Count, arranged your marriage to the Grand Duke. You... you weren't happy about it."

Suzy's brows furrowed. An arranged marriage?This was straight out of a bad historical romance novel! "Wait, arranged marriage? But I don't even know this guy!"

"You will," Doris whispered. "But... well, because of the marriage, you..." she trailed off, a pained look on her face.

Suzy felt a cold dread pool in her gut. "Because of the marriage, I what?"

Doris hesitated, then blurted, "You tried to take your own life, Lady Cassandra. You went to the old well in the garden and..." Her voice trailed off.

Suzy's heart hammered against her ribs. The well! The one she'd fallen into back in New York! Could it be the same one? Hope flickered in her chest. Maybe, just maybe, this well was the key to getting back home.

"The well?" she pressed, her voice a desperate plea. "Tell me about the well, Doris. Everything you know."

Doris's eyes welled up. "It's an old well, rarely used anymore. Some say it's cursed. They say that on moonless nights, you can hear whispers coming from its depths."

Suzy's hope deflated. Whispers? This wasn't leading anywhere. "Whispers, huh?" she muttered, disappointment heavy in her voice.

Doris nodded, wiping away a stray tear. "The guards found you unconscious in the well just before dawn. The doctor couldn't find a pulse, thought you were gone. But then, a miracle happened. You woke up."

Suzy felt like she was in a dream. One minute she was surveying a potential mansion, the next she's a noblewoman who apparently tried to drown herself?

Suzy lurched out of the massive bed, the world tilting precariously for a moment. "Whoa, hold on a sec," she muttered, grabbing at the nearest post to steady herself. Her head still felt like it had been kicked by a particularly grumpy horse.

Doris, ever the watchful handmaiden, darted forward with a worried frown. "Careful, Lady Cassandra! You should rest a little longer."

Suzy winced at the title. "Actually, make it Suzy. Lady Cassandra is a bit much for this early in the morning, don't you think?"

Doris blinked, her brow furrowing in confusion. "But... but you are Lady Cassandra."

"Yeah, well, let's just say Lady Cassandra is currently on vacation," Suzy said with a wink. "How about Milady? That sounds a little less stuffy, wouldn't you say?"

Doris hesitated, then a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Milady it is then."

Suzy sighed. "First things first, a shower."

Doris blinked, her brow creased in confusion. "A shower, Lady Cassandra?"

"Yeah, you know," Suzy said, gesturing vaguely, "like a big box that sprays water on you."

Doris's eyes widened. "A... box of water? I'm afraid there's no such thing here, Milady."

Suzy groaned. Right. No modern amenities here. "Okay, fine. A bath then," she conceded with a sigh. "Make it a hot one, with lots of bubbles if possible."

Doris looked even more bewildered. "Bubbles? In the bathwater? But why?"

Suzy threw her hands up in exasperation. "Because bubbles are relaxing! Look, just get the bath started, alright?"

"As you wish, Milady," Doris stammered, clearly flustered by Suzy's odd requests.

Suzy wandered over to a massive wardrobe, its doors carved with intricate floral patterns. Inside, an array of gowns shimmered in various shades of silk and velvet. She wrinkled her nose. Not exactly her usual ripped jeans and t-shirt style.

"Ugh, nothing comfy here," she muttered, rummaging through the clothes.

Just then, Doris reappeared, a tray laden with a steaming goblet and what looked like a plate piled high with colorful pastries. "Your breakfast, Milady," she announced.

Suzy's stomach grumbled in protest. Okay, maybe breakfast wouldn't be so bad after all. She grabbed a pastry, tentatively taking a bite. It was surprisingly good – sweet and flaky, with a hint of cinnamon.

"Hey, these aren't bad," she admitted, taking another bite. "But you know what would really go well with this?"

Doris tilted her head, her expression curious. "What would that be, Milady?"

Suzy grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "A good cup of coffee."

Doris tilted her head, her expression even more lost than before. "Coffee, milady?"

"Yeah, like… coffee? A strong cup of coffee?" Suzy explained, hoping her hand gestures weren't too ridiculous.

Doris shook her head apologetically. "I'm afraid not, milady. We have tea, herbal infusions, and of course, milk."

"Alright, alright," she sighed, rubbing at her temples. "Just give me some tea, and maybe a slice of that bread." The bread, at least, looked somewhat familiar.

Doris beamed in relief. "Excellent choice, milady. I'll have the maids bring you a selection of jams and preserves."

As Doris bustled about the room, Suzy couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the poor girl. This whole "Lady Cassandra" thing was clearly a big adjustment for both of them.

Suzy munched on her toast, the unfamiliar flavors a strange contrast to the steaming cup of tea. Breakfast was a far cry from her usual bowl of cereal, but she supposed being a lady meant fancy food too.

After breakfast, Doris bustled around the room, fussing over a large metal tub filled with steaming water. "The bath is ready, milady," she announced.

Suzy peered into the tub. "Whoa, that looks intense," she said, picturing the giant metal vats she'd seen in history documentaries. "I think I can manage on my own, thanks."

Doris seemed surprised, but eventually agreed with a small curtsy. "Very well, milady. But please call if you need anything."

With a sigh of relief, Suzy shooed Doris out and locked the door. Taking a deep breath, she stripped off the cumbersome dress and climbed into the surprisingly comfortable tub. Sinking into the hot water, she let out a contented groan. Maybe this whole princess gig wasn't so bad after all… at least when she wasn't forced to wear itchy dresses or eat enough food to feed a village.

As she soaked, her gaze drifted to the reflection staring back at her from the water's surface. Even with the unfamiliar clothes and strange surroundings, there was no denying it – the person in the mirror was beautiful. Long, auburn curls cascaded down her shoulders, framing a face dusted with a smattering of freckles and dimples that appeared when she smiled.

"Wowzers," Suzy whispered, tracing the unfamiliar features. This Cassandra chick definitely had good genes. But then, a pang of longing washed over her. Her own family, her real life, felt a million miles away. Her parents must be worried sick! They were probably planning her birthday party right now, balloons and cake and…

The image of her birthday cake snapped Suzy back to reality. She couldn't stay here, lost in this strange time. She had to find a way back, back to her own time, back to her own life.

Just then, Doris's voice drifted through the locked door. "Milady? Are you finished in there?"

Suzy jumped. "Uh, yeah, almost done!" she called back, hurriedly scrubbing herself with a soft cloth. A few minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy towel.

Doris, who was carefully laying out another fancy dress on the bed, looked up in surprise. "My goodness, milady! You look radiant!"

Suzy gave a self-conscious shrug. "Thanks. So, listen, Doris," she began, a determined glint in her eyes. "I'm feeling a bit restless. Think I could go for a walk in the garden?"

Doris's eyes widened. "A walk, milady? But…" she trailed off, clearly hesitant.

"But what?" Suzy pressed gently. "Is it not something ladies do?"

Doris bit her lip. "Well, it's not exactly… proper etiquette for a noblewoman to wander about unattended, and who knows you might want to take your life again."

Suzy rolled her eyes internally. Proper etiquette? Who cared about proper etiquette when she was stuck in another dimension? "Look, Doris," she said in a firm but friendly voice. "I promise I won't go far. Just a quick stroll around the garden to clear my head. Fresh air will do me good, right?"

Doris seemed to contemplate this for a moment, then finally nodded slowly. "Alright, milady. But I must insist you take me with you."

Suzy grinned. "Deal!" she said, relieved.