Chapter 9: Tempest Wolf: Ranga


"Speak normally"



"And they mistook me for a girl again when you fainted, even though I'm a boy," Rimuru said angrily, looking away.

"Haha, you don't look like one," Izumi said, laughing.

Yunyun said.

"Shut up," Rimuru muttered angrily, looking at Izumi, who was lifting weights.

(Besides, I don't have a problem with the powers, only with the appearance. All my acquaintances/friends/family know me with this appearance, so I can't change it now) Rimuru thought angrily.

"Shut up?" Izumi said, confused because he said it in plural. When she was about to ask, she was interrupted.


"Iz... Izumi Ri... Rimuru," Inko said, suddenly entering with two envelopes in hand.

"The letters arrived," Inko said, looking at the two siblings.

In Rimuru's room:

(Did I say shut up?) Rimuru thought fearfully because Izumi noticed what he said and was about to ask.

Yunyun said.

(Damn it, why did you talk at that moment?) Rimuru thought angrily.

Yunyun said sarcastically at first and indifferently at the end.

"I know, I just want to see who passed," Rimuru said indifferently.

Things would proceed as in the anime for Izumi, who would have 0 combat points and 60 rescue points, except that in the video All Might shows of Uraraka, Rimuru is also shown. When the PM says there's no need, Rimuru agrees and asks about the rescue points, which he admits exist, calming Uraraka. Uraraka has 45 points, and Rimuru has 70 points. When it ends, Izumi can be seen crying with happiness.

Timeskip 8:00 PM

"All Might," Izumi said, crying and running towards AM (thin form), while Rimuru followed, smiling at Izumi.

"What the hell?" Toshinori said, blood coming out of his mouth.

"All Might? Where?" A couple at the beach lookout said.

"Izumi, tell them you mistook someone else," Rimuru said, alarmed, along with Toshinori.

"I MISTOOK SOMEONE ELSE," she shouted for the couple to hear.

"Congratulations on passing both of you. As you know, I didn't inform the academy of our contact point, and I wasn't a judge," AM said, looking at Izumi.

"I didn't care if you mentioned OFA, but I know Izumi does," Rimuru said calmly.

"You know me well," Izumi said, embarrassed.

"Still, I'm surprised you'll be a UA teacher," Izumi said, excited.

"Me too, although I imagine you joined before meeting us to find a successor, right?" Rimuru said calmly, while AM nodded.

"That's right, I joined with the intention of finding a successor. But then I met young Izumi, and I don't regret it," AM said.

"Although with just one punch or kick, I can break my body," Izumi said, looking at her hands.

"It's normal," Rimuru said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Izumi said, confused.

"Idiot, you have the power of the No. 1 hero. How do you want to use it without breaking an arm or leg without knowing how to control it and with your body not ready for that burden? Your body can handle like 5 or 3%, not 100%. Now I'm leaving; I'm investigating something to heal wounds," Rimuru said, leaving, surprising Izumi and All Might.

"Besides, AM, if that works, maybe your wound can regenerate, possibly extending your time a bit. But that will take a long time. Well, I'm going home, Izumi. Goodbye, AM," he said, turning to AM, who looked surprised, and left.

"Is that true?" AM said, surprised, looking at Izumi once Rimuru left.

"Honestly, today he seemed a bit more distracted, and I never know what's on his mind, but he acts like he knew me before seeing me," Izumi said to AM.

With Rimuru

(Yunyun, is it possible to make the magic stone in this world?) Rimuru thought on his way home.

Yunyun said.

(Okay, at home, tell me the composition, please. And tell me how I can make full potions?) Rimuru thought and heard something in an alley.

(Yunyun, what do you detect in there?) Rimuru thought seriously.

"Yes," he said, running toward the alley.

Entering the alley

We see a homeless man hitting two dogs, a puppy, and its mother. The homeless man enjoyed hitting the dogs because they stole his food for being stray dogs and hungry. The mother stood in front of her pup, taking the kicks for it. She was bleeding from the wounds, though they weren't severe, and was about to fall unconscious. But she didn't fall to protect her pup.

"Enough," Rimuru said, angry at seeing the dogs in that state. His aura leaked unconsciously, making the homeless man run for his life while Rimuru rescued the dog.

"Grrrrr," growled the puppy's mother, thinking Rimuru would harm her pup.

"I won't do anything. Here, one for you and your pup," he said, sitting on the ground and taking some meat out of his stomach in slime form.

The mother moved slowly due to her injuries, carrying her pup in her mouth, and took the food, eating it with her pup while watching the slime do nothing strange.

"Poor thing, do you want to stay at my house for today? We could treat your wounds and sleep comfortably," he said, surprising the older dog and making it growl.

"Do you think your pup would like to see you like this, all injured?" he said, looking at the dog and then at the pup, who looked at its mother with sadness, making the mother see and accept it, then falling unconscious.

"Rimuru?" a familiar voice said behind him.

"What's up, Izumi?" Rimuru said calmly.

"I heard your shout from here and saw someone running away," Izumi said to Rimuru.

"Here," he said, carrying the pup and giving it to Izumi, then carrying the injured mother.

"What happened?!" Izumi said, alarmed by the mother's injuries.

"A homeless man was hitting her until she was like this. What kept her conscious was the fear that he would go after her pup next. That's why when I chased the homeless man away and gave her food, she calmed down and lost her fear. So she fell unconscious. Now we must go home to treat her wounds," Rimuru said, running towards home with Izumi and the dogs.

So they went home and treated the mother's wounds. Spring arrived.

We see a thoughtful Rimuru.


"Hey, brother," Izumi said.

"What is it?" Rimuru said to his sister.

"What will we do with the dogs?" Izumi said, looking at the dogs.

"I don't know. Mom said they could stay until they recover," Rimuru said, thoughtful.

Yunyun said.

(That could work) Rimuru thought with a smile.

"What are you going to do?" Izumi said, seeing Rimuru approach the mother.

"I'll call you Ranga," Rimuru said to the dog.

"What's happening?" Izumi said, surprised to see the dog start to glow, covering her eyes.

"Hehe," Rimuru smiled, seeing what happened.

"What happened to her?!" Izumi said, seeing that Ranga had wolf traits and a star on her head with horns.

"I just gave her a name," Rimuru said to his sister.

"A name doesn't change a dog's race," Izumi said, alarmed.

{Hey, Ranga, get into my shadow} Rimuru said, pointing to his shadow.

{Master, I don't mind the name, but you got the gender wrong. I'm female, but I accept the name} Ranga said telepathically to Rimuru as she went into his shadow.

"Wow, sorry about that," Rimuru said, looking at his shadow, confusing his sister.

End Flashback

{Hey, Ranga} Rimuru said telepathically.

{Yes, Master} Ranga said from his shadow.

{Did you teach your pup to defend herself with magicules as I asked?} Rimuru said telepathically.

{Yes, she managed to get into her shadow without her knowing, just as you asked} Ranga said telepathically.

{That's good, after all, I asked you to do that so she can help if needed when I'm not around} Rimuru said telepathically.

{By the way, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to ask, when you gave me and my pup a name, did our race change?} Ranga asked.

{That's a bit confusing, and even my sister doesn't know about it. But when I gave you a name, you stopped being a dog and became a Tempest Wolf. That's why you look like a wolf, and not just any wolf, but a monster like me. I was the only monster in this world with superpowers, so I could hide it easily, and you can do the same. Magicules, that's what I use to launch my attacks or stay in human form. Now I can stay in human form whenever I want since it doesn't consume magicules. If I run out of magicules, I sleep for three days} Rimuru said to Ranga telepathically.

{I see, thanks for sharing your secret. I promise not to reveal it} Ranga said.

"Hey, brother," Izumi said, catching Rimuru's attention.

"What is it?" Rimuru said, confused.

"We've arrived," she said, looking at Rimuru, who was surprised.

"Already?!" he said, looking at the building shaped like a giant H.

"What were you thinking?" Izumi said.

"About Ranga," Rimuru said.

"I see. Do you think Uraraka passed?" Izumi asked.

"I suppose so. Look, we arrived at class 1A," Rimuru said.

"Do you think those two will be there?" Izumi asked fearfully.

"I think so. From the attitude he had in the exam, I know Kacchan and he are like a dog and a cat," Rimuru said, opening the door.

"Take your feet off the desk, it's disrespectful to those who made the desks."

"Huh? What middle school are you from, extra?" Kacchan said.

(Such bad luck) Izumi thought.

(A cat and a dog) Rimuru thought, seeing the two.

"From Soumei Junior High. My name is Tenya Iida."

"Soumei? You're an elite? It'll be fun to crush you," Kacchan said.

"Crush me? And you want to be a hero?" Iida said, but then saw Rimuru and Izumi.

"Hello, I'm Tenya Iida..." Iida said.

"Yes, we heard. My name is Izumi Midoriya," Izumi said.

Everything was observed by a short guy with grapes on his head, looking specifically at Rimuru.

"Why are you staring at me so much, shorty?" Rimuru said.

"Isn't it obvious? I see how beautiful you are, though you lack breasts," the short guy said.

"Leave it, he's just a pervert."

"Hey, grape head, he's a boy," Kacchan said, surprising everyone and traumatizing the short guy.

"That's a lie, right?" the short guy said, looking at Rimuru.

"It's not a lie, and if I catch you looking at my sister or any classmate in a lewd way or crossing the line, you'll deal with me," Rimuru said, leaking his aura and scaring grape head.