Chapter 4 - Mooncakes and Mistrust

Six Months Later

Taizun City, Frostberry Food Market.

Six months had passed since Chen Shenghlei found himself in this world. Initially, he was overwhelmed by despair and confusion, but with time, his goals and future became clearer.

After four hours of training, Chen Shenghlei decided to explore the city. Constant training and cultivation were tedious, especially given his low aptitude and colossal physique, which made progress difficult.

"Big brother, you really haven't made any progress at all," said the boy walking beside Chen Shenghlei. They strolled through the market, where stalls on both sides of the road offered cultivation resources, talismans, and spiritual food.

The boy continued, "I refuse to believe my brother would be a failure. That's why I've come up with an idea."

"And what idea is that?" Chen Shenghlei replied, patting the head of eight-year-old Chen Shaodan.

This little fellow was his cousin from his maternal aunt. Who had come here to complicate their lives. One day, without informing anyone, he sneaked out to explore the city and stumbled upon a gang of menacing street dogs.

They threatened to rob him, but luckily, Chen Shenghlei arrived just in time, and his intervention changed everything. His sheer, elephantine size sent the thugs fleeing. They must have mistaken him for a powerful member of the Immortal Clan, known for their ruthless nature.

These thugs were no fools; they recognized the majesty of  Mount Tai.

In that moment, Shaodan's golden eyes sparkled as he gazed at his brother and bowed, vowing to become as majestic as Shenghlei. Since then, Shenghlei gained a devoted follower. And Shaodan become determined to help him conquer his struggles.

Shaodan's golden eyes shimmered with affection. "You see, elder brother, my uncle was also very fat—over 400 kg and barely able to walk. But then he took a few wives and concubines. I heard strange noises from his room, and every time he came out, he seemed to have lost weight. In three months, he lost more than 80 kg."

Chen Shenghlei chuckled. "What are you suggesting, kid?"

Shaodan puffed out his chest. "When I asked my father, he said women are evil and can suck the energy out of any man. So if you take a few wives and concubines and let them beat you like uncle, you could lose weight too."

Chen Shenghlei didn't know what to say. He pinched Shaodan's cheeks. "Forget it. I'll find a way soon. You just focus on food and your well-being." He thought to himself that his uncle must be shameless to not even care about a child overhearing such things.

"Aww... elder brother, that hurts! I'll beat you up when I grow up."

"Dream on, kid."

Chen Shenghlei felt a strange satisfaction in teasing children. Their adorable, tearful faces were quite endearing.

Soon, they arrived at a certain food shop known for its sweets. In ancient times, these sweets were highly valued with high cost.

Then Chen Shenghlei ordered,

"Shopkeeper, give us two mooncakes and pack eight to go."

The middle-aged woman running the shop quickly stood up, recognizing the authority exuded by Shenghlei's slightly regal clothes.

"Here you go, young master."

Little Chen Shaodan spread both hands eagerly for the mooncakes.

"Wow, brother, you really are better than Brother Zhen. He scolded me for eating sweets."

"Heh... as long as you know," Chen Shenghlei said.

He paid six low-grade spirit stones to the woman and continued walking through the city.

City was bustling...

Even, Amidst all the activity around him, Shenghlei couldn't shake off his worries. Despite trying hard for six months, he didn't see much progress.

The main problem was his body's hunger. If he didn't eat enough, he felt weak. But if he ate too much, he gained weight. Even exercising a lot didn't seem to help much.

Stuck in this tricky situation, Shenghlei realized he hated feeling weak more than he disliked being overweight. So, he decided to eat more food while still working out hard.


Just when Chen Shenghlei mulled over his thoughts, a significant cannon event was unfolding inside the grand mansion of Lu Wen, the city lord of Taizun City.

Lu Wen's mansion was an imposing edifice, exuding authority and grandeur. High walls enclosed the vast compound, where lush gardens filled the spaces between numerous courtyards, each one brimming with rich spiritual energy.

Inside the grand hall, rows of officers stood with their heads bowed in respect. At the hall's center, Lu Wen, a majestic middle-aged man, sat with a commanding presence.

Beside him stood his wife, Gu Yao, a mature and beautiful woman. Her black hair cascaded over a Blue and red  hanfu, and she cradled their 12-year-old daughter, whose eyes mirrored her mother's green. Both mother and daughter were tearful, the weight of the moment evident in their expressions.

Lu Wen's gaze was steely as he looked at his wife with concern in his eyes. "Is it true, Gu Yao, that this young man protected our family from demonic beasts?" he asked gravely.

Gu Yao, clutching their daughter tightly, nodded, her voice trembling with the memories of the Evil Mist Forest. The haunting scenes of corpses hanging from trees, blood was dripping relentlessly, remained vivid in her mind.

"Yes, lord Husband... when....journeyed through the Misty Forest, our protectors fell one by one unknowingly, and their voices silenced before we could react. It was then, on the brink of despair, that this man bravely fought off the beasts and rescued us."

"So... this is what happened."

Not long ago, Lu Wen had received word that his wife and child, returning from her maternal family, had been ambushed by demonic beasts. His heart had sunk at the news, but now this man, who claimed to be their savior, stood before him. Judging by the man's strength, Lu Wen estimated he was at least at the 7th level of the Qi Condensing Realm

Lu Wen released the powerful aura belonging to the late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator, his eyes piercing as he looked at the man in a black robe.

"Young man, you said your name is Yan Lunshen, correct? And you have no family to depend on? How about you serve as our city's protector?...haha! I will also give you a stage-breaking pill as a reward if you join us.... So, what do you think?"

The man in question had white hair and red eyes, an unsettling presence, yet his demeanor was undeniably gentle. In an instant, he knelt. "Yan Lunshen pays respect to the lord," he said, his voice unwavering. "To serve such a noble and esteemed family would be my greatest honor."

Hearing this, Lu Wen chuckled heartily. "Hahaha! You indeed have a silver tongue...kid" he remarked. Then, turning to his trusted general, he addressed him with authority,

"Chen Tianglong."

Chen Tianglong, who stood among the other officers, felt a surge of threat at Yan Lunshen's obsequiousness but said nothing, maintaining a stoic expression. When called, he stepped forward.

"Yes, my lord," he responded.

Originally, Chen Tianglong was an orphan with no background or support. In the past, it was Master Lu Wen who had rescued him and provided him with a chance and position, allowing him to build a family and lead a stable life.

Two hundred years ago, Lu Wen himself was just a Qi Condensing cultivator. The bloodshed he witnessed drove him to create a city that accepted everyone, regardless of their status or prowess.

This ideal led to the establishment of Taizun City, known as the City of Freedom, a beacon of hope for independent cultivators and a source of jealousy for many cultivation families. This was also why Lu Wen sought to recruit as many powerful cultivators as possible.

However, Tianglong felt something was amiss. The guards of the madam were all at least on the 6th to 7th level of Qi Refining realm, so why was this individual, who wasn't better than them, able to successfully defeat those demonic beasts? Knowing the City Lord's kind nature only made him more alarmed.

With a Smile, Lu Wen's gaze shifted from Yan Lunshen to  Tianglong as he declared, "From now on, you will be the deputy general of the Iron Fist Vanguard. At the same time, learn from fellow cultivator Tianglong; he will be your senior, and you'll work under him."


Yan Lunshen turned to Chen Tianglong, his red eyes gleaming with intensity, then bowed respectfully. "I'd be honored to learn from you, Senior Tianglong. Your reputation speaks volumes; even neighboring cities hold you in awe. To have the chance to work alongside you feels like a stroke of incredible luck for me, truly beyond my wildest dreams. I fear I may have exhausted all the luck of my clan."

Chen Tianglong felt a wave of discomfort at the excessive flattery but maintained his composure. "I hope you will live up to the expectations, Yan Lunshen."

"I assure you, General Tianglong, I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly. Serving under your command is a privilege I do not take lightly," Yan Lunshen said, bowing deeply.

Hearing both of them, Lu Wen nodded approvingly.

"Good… very good. Tianglong, ensure he is well integrated into our ranks."

At this moment, there wasn't much Tianglong could do. After all, he wasn't the master of the city.

However, silently, he made up his mind that if he found this guy doing something nefarious, he would personally kill him.

Especially considering those red eyes, Tianglong was certain this guy must be a blood cultivator, a dangerously formidable type not to be taken lightly.

_ _ _

( End Of This Chapter )