Chapter 7 - Training (1)

Next day.

The Chen family villa was aglow with lanterns, and a table laden with delicacies stood beside the arena, filling the air with the joyous sounds of celebration.

The occasion was the advancement of Chen Shenghlei in his cultivation realm, a momentous milestone for the family.

Advancing to the Qi Condensing realm was crucial for any Taoist aspiring to learn Cultivation Arts skills or achieve further growth. Those lacking cultivation talent and born as innate warriors typically followed the physical cultivation path.

However, even an early-stage Qi Condensing realm cultivator could easily overpower four innate grandmaster warriors, highlighting the immense strength of this realm compared to the previous ones.

Even so, Chen Shenghlei still was a small fry compared to the other people around the world who were more talented and stronger than him.

Besides, cultivation was a journey of constant advancement and adventure, and Chen Shenghlei's achievement marked a significant step on this path.

And this was just the start of his journey; as for where it would lead, no one knows.

"Now my baby can learn so many martial arts and become even stronger. Mama is so proud of you," said Zhao Yumei, her eyes shimmering with pride.

She was dressed in a modest nightgown, she lovingly fed second-grade monster meat to her son, Chen Shenghlei, occasionally showering him with kisses on his forehead.

Her motherly instinct radiated pure happiness.

"Mother, please, I'm not a kid," Shenghlei protested, his face flushing with embarrassment and affection.

"Puff!..every child says that, my dear," Zhao Yumei replied, her smile widening.

"But I'm truly an adult," he insisted, trying to sound assertive.

"Alright, alright, I believe you," she said with a gentle laugh that warmed his heart.

The celebration was shared by everyone in the household. Maids and other staff joined in the festivity, their laughter and chatter adding to the lively atmosphere. In a corner, Dao Feng and Dao Cheng devoured large amounts of beast meat with gusto, as if they had never eaten before.

"You sure you've advanced to the Qi Condensing Realm? Your aura doesn't seem that dominant," said Chen Zhen, eyeing his younger brother with surprise and curiosity.


Shenghlei channeled a small amount of Qi, drawing it to his hand. It soon became enveloped in black Qi, darker than the night sky.

"Hmm, so you have indeed grown a little. Since you're new and still need help, how about I help you stabilize your realm?" offered Chen Zhen.

"No, I'm cultivating diligently. I don't need your help," Shenghlei replied, his voice firm.

"But sparring makes things easier, little brother. When I reached this realm, Dao Cheng helped me. It's only natural that I should help you now, as family."

"No, thank you. I said no absolutely not," Shenghlei stated firmly. He knew his brother's "help" meant a harsh beating, and he'd rather cultivate alone. He wasn't foolish enough to challenge a fourth-layer cultivator, nor was he a masochist. Refusing was the only sensible choice..

Seeing his brother's determination, Chen Zhen relented and didn't pursue the matter, although he wanted to help his brother a little so that he could become strong.

"Big brother, try this... it's delicious," said Shaodan, who had been quietly observing but now eagerly offered some low-grade spiritual berries.

"No, Shaodan, you should eat. Mother has already forced me to eat so much."

"Huh, forced? Do you even know what you're getting yourself into, son?" Zhao Yumei interjected, her tone a mix of love and concern. "The art you're about to cultivate won't allow you to eat these things easily. Enjoy them while you can, because after today, even if you cry, mother won't allow you any other dishes."

"Haha! Your mother is right, Shenghlei," stated Tianglong, his father.

"Father and mother might have to go outside the city for some time. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to eat these things. Now that your mother is showering you with them, don't refuse."

The lines of worry on his face hinted at the frequent monster attacks on Taizun City and the responsibilities that might soon call him away..

Chen Shenghlei looked at his mother, his heart swelling with love. All the struggles and troubles he was willing to face were for the sole reason of seeing her smile.

The warmth of her presence, the gentle touch of her hand, and the pride in her eyes were all he needed to fuel his resolve.

Whatever happened in the original story was in the past, and he wouldn't allow anything bad to happen to her.

He would change the fate of everyone around him.

...At least, he would try.


Several days later.

Inside the private training ground of the Chen family, near a large banyan tree, Chen Shenghlei stood tall, holding the scripture of the 'Mountain Crushing Dragon Art' in his hand, his eyes filled with great enthusiasm.

Chen Shenghlei's realm had now stabilized, and he could effortlessly use the power of Qi Condensation's first layer. As time passed, his ability to manipulate Qi was growing stronger. It was now time for him to start practicing the new art his father had spent considerable effort to find.

"It's said this art has nine levels, and each one crossed will enormously enhance one's power. Also one's physique also improves alongside the cultivation, making them rich with vitality, fit like a true dragon—strong and majestic."

---Yin Yang Mountain Crushing Dragon Art---

As the name suggests, once a cultivator masters the Yin Yang Mountain Crushing Dragon Art, they can unleash the power of the Stone Dragon, an ancient creature from the dark realm.

Crushing mountains with sheer physical prowess becomes feasible, irrespective of the cultivator's innate talent or spiritual aptitude.

The Phantom Monarch created this art to overcome the perception of weakness associated with his feminine appearance. 

He was Inspired by the "Yin Scripture of Divine Hourglass Body Art," and  he aimed to develop a technique that would transform his physical appearance to be more manly.

However, instead of achieving this, he ended up with a flawed and broken art.

One of its significant drawbacks is the severe drain on vitality, often leading to permanent weight loss and even premature deaths.

It is a double-edged sword, capable of bestowing great strength but also risking the user's life if not used cautiously.

""For normal people, losing too much weight might be a problem. For me, it's a blessing in disguise. It could also make my body stronger, far more than any physical cultivator."

Chen Shenghlei muttered to himself.


He channeled his spiritual qi into the scripture, and an overwhelming amount of information surged into his mind.

This knowledge was intended only for the first sage of the art.

"Isn't the name of this art quite misleading?" he thought. "Although it's called 'mountain crushing,' it's more about being crushed by a mountain to temper one's body. But it's reasonable...How can one crush a mountain if they are weaker than it?"

The art follows a straightforward yet brutal formula: it imposes a dominant and formidable aura upon its user, multiplying their actual weight by one million times.

This immense pressure must be endured for 12 hours to unlock the next stage, where the weight multiplier  formula doubles to ten million, making further advancement increasingly difficult.

But Chen Shenghlei saw this as an effective way to lose weight—all he had to do was stand in place and open the first floor of the divine scripture.

"Let's try," he said, steeling himself.

Immediately, his vision went black, and he found himself standing on flat, desolate ground. He channeled all his qi to strengthen his body.

Soon, a colossal weight descended upon him, crushing his bones and flesh. It was far more than any 13-year-old could endure. He didn't even have the chance to grit his teeth before his qi was completely depleted, and he passed out.


In the celestial court, the Colossal Emperor, adorned in robes of stardust, lounged upon his golden throne, which creaked under the weight of his ample presence.

Attendees moved with deference, their gazes fixed on the grandiose ruler whose cosmic influence seemed to stretch even to the expanse of his royal waistline.

He was obviously Chen Shenghlei.

Chen Shenghlei sits upon his throne, surrounded by a bevy of celestial maidens eager to fulfill his every desire.

One particularly alluring maiden approaches him with a sultry smile, her eyes ablaze with longing. "My emperor," she whispers, "allow me to pay my respect to the divine dragon."

Shenghlei's gaze hardens as he surveys the scene before him, his voice resonating with authority. "As you wish," he commands, his tone brooking no dissent.

Soon the maiden drops her gown and kneels on her knees, her hands unzipping his regal clothes. And soon the maiden caressed the dragon with her soft, watery mouth, and the emperor smiled dominantly.

Sounds of dao started resonating in the courtroom.

There were other maidens too, some feeding him succulent grapes, their fingers brushing against his lips with soft caresses. "Do you like the taste, my lord?" one asks, her voice a playful purr.

"Indeed," Shenghlei replies, his eyes glittering with amusement. "But I find your touch even sweeter."

One celestial beauty, her bare bosom heaving with anticipation, leans forward to offer him a goblet of celestial wine.

With a mischievous grin, she cupped her blossom together and with qi energy, she poured the goblet against her cleavage, allowing vine to spill over her ample curves before offering it to him.

"My lord," she murmurs, "drink deeply and let the nectar of the gods intoxicate you."

Shenghlei accepts the offering with a smirk, his gaze lingering on her enticing form.

His mouth soon explores the peak of the divine mountains. "Delicious," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "But even more so from such a vessel."

Another maiden, her eyes filled with adoration, leans in to whisper in his ear.

"My emperor, you are the sun and moon of our lives. Allow us to worship you as you deserve."

"Ahah.. Your devotion pleases this emperor," Shenghlei replies, his tone firm and commanding. "Show me just how deep your worship runs. You see, this child's play is not enough."

At this moment, Chen Shenghlei hears an unpleasant voices:

"Young master chen—"

"Young master, wake up"

" it's already evening—your father would be angry, young master."

Chen Shenghlei was perplexed. "Who dares to infiltrate this emperor's courtroom? Guards, castrate the fucker!" he commanded, suddenly waking up to find himself in his room.

"Young master, are you okay?" asked Dao Feng, his protector and an innate realm master-level warrior.

Chen Shenghlei understood what had happened and realized he was dreaming. But to have such a dream when he was just 13 didn't seem right.

Anyway, he looked at his appearance and found he looked too weak—the effect of the Mountain Crushing Dragon Art had gravely affected him.

But it was only natural.

"I'm fine, Uncle Feng. You can go now. I'm okay, I just need some rest."


(End of the chapter)
