chapter [3]

After his recent disappointments, Kaito's wariness was understandable. He looked at Yuuma, trying to discern her intentions, still fearful of being mocked or manipulated again.

"This is kind of sudden, don't you think?" Kaito responded, his voice revealing a hint of caution. "I mean, why would you be interested in me?"

Yuuma smiled, a smile that seemed genuine and warm. "I know it might seem strange, but I've always seen you as someone special, Kaito. You seem very kind and considerate, and I would really like to get to know that part of you."

Kaito felt his heart soften a bit at her words, but caution still lingered. "I... I appreciate that, Yuuma. But I just went through a tough situation, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to... to start something new right now."

Yuuma nodded, showing understanding. "I completely understand, Kaito. There's no rush. Maybe we could just start as friends? No pressure, just getting to know each other better."

Yuuma's offer seemed like a safer approach, something that Kaito felt he could explore without the risk of getting deeply hurt again. "Friends, then," he agreed, allowing himself a small smile. "I think I can do that."

With this new agreement, Kaito felt a light burden lift from his shoulders. Perhaps this was an opportunity to turn the page, to experience something new without the expectations and pressures that had overwhelmed him before.

Yuuma and Kaito began to walk side by side, talking about light topics such as their hobbies, favorite music, and movies. Kaito noticed that talking with Yuuma was easy and pleasant, and gradually his guard was lowered.

After a relaxed stroll through the park, the conversation between Kaito and Yuuma naturally flowed, covering topics from their favorite TV series to dreams for the future. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the surroundings, Yuuma stopped and looked at Kaito with a gleam of anticipation in her eyes.

"Kaito," she began, hesitantly, "I was thinking... there's a new café that opened recently downtown. I heard they have the best matcha cakes. Would you like to go with me, maybe as a date? We can meet there in two hours if you're free."

Kaito felt a wave of nervousness, but Yuuma's encouraging smile made him feel more at ease. He thought for a moment, realizing that he really would like to spend more time with her and get to know who she was beyond appearances.

"You know, Yuuma, that sounds like a great idea," Kaito replied, a smile beginning to form on his face. "I'd love to go to the café with you. Shall we meet there at seven?"

"Perfect!" Yuuma responded, clearly relieved and happy with his response. "Then it's a date. I'm looking forward to spending more time talking with you, Kaito."

The two exchanged phone numbers, to coordinate in case anything changed, and then parted with a wave, each heading their own way to prepare for the evening. Kaito felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as he walked home, thinking about what to wear and what awaited him later.

As soon as Yuuma walked away, Kaito couldn't help but sport a shy smile, feeling surprisingly hopeful about the evening to come. He felt that, despite his recent letdowns, there might still be room for new experiences and, perhaps, a new meaningful connection.

Upon arriving home, Kaito found a peaceful environment. The Hyoudou house always had a welcoming atmosphere, and today was no different. His parents, Gorou and Miki, were in the kitchen, engaged in a joint task of preparing dinner. The aroma of spices and fresh herbs spread through the air, filling the space with an undeniable invitation to communion and comfort.

"Hello, Kaito! How was your day?" Miki asked with a warm smile, drying her hands on a kitchen towel before approaching to give her son a kiss on the cheek.

Kaito returned the smile, somewhat hesitant, still processing the day's events. "It was good, Mom. A bit different, I'd say," he replied, trying to keep the tone light.

Gorou, who was stirring something on the stove, looked over his shoulder with interest. "Different how? Any good news?" he asked, his tone encouraging.

Hesitant to share all the details immediately, Kaito opted for a more cautious approach. "Actually, yes. I met someone today. We're meeting later for coffee."

Miki and Gorou exchanged a quick look, a mix of surprise and evident joy on their faces. "That sounds wonderful, Kaito! Who is she?" Miki asked, her interest clearly piqued.

"Her name is Yuuma. She's... she's really nice," Kaito said, allowing himself a more confident smile. "We're just going to talk, nothing serious. Just to get to know each other better."

"That's great, son. It's good to see you making new friends and opening up to new experiences," Gorou commented, turning his attention back to the pot, but his smile was evident in his voice.

Kaito nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude for his parents' understanding and support. "I have to get ready a bit before I go out. I won't be long," he said, heading upstairs to his room.

On the way, Kaito's thoughts revolved around the upcoming meeting with Yuuma and the conversation they would have. He was anxious, but there was a hint of hope he hadn't felt in a while. The possibility of a new friendship or perhaps something more seemed like a breath of fresh air in his life.

As he got ready, Kaito reflected on how important it would be to keep an open mind, setting aside the worries of the past and focusing on what the present could offer. With this resolve, he prepared himself, dressing not just for the date but also for the new phase that might be starting in his life.

After Kaito went upstairs, Gorou and Miki exchanged a significant look, both recognizing the importance of the moment their son was about to experience. With a discreet gesture, Gorou led Miki to the living room, where they could talk more privately, away from Kaito's ears.

Sitting on the couch, Miki took a deep breath, the concern etching her face. "Gorou, do you think we should tell him about... about the truth now? He seems to be starting something new, something that could really be good for him."

Gorou ran his hand through his hair, visibly torn by the situation. "I know, Miki. It's something we need to do, but I don't want it to affect what he's building. He seems so hopeful, so happy with this new friendship... or maybe something more."

Miki nodded, her eyes reflecting the same doubt and concern. "Yes, I felt that too. Kaito needs this time, this chance to explore this new relationship without the weight of our secret. Maybe it's better to wait a little longer, to give him this space to breathe and be happy."

Gorou agreed, taking Miki's hand in his. "Let's give him that time. When it seems right, and when he's more settled, we can tell him everything. For now, the support we can offer is to let him live this moment without more complications."

Miki sighed, relieved by the decision. "You're right, Gorou. It's the best we can do for him now. He's been dealing with so much lately, and seeing that smile again... it means everything to us."

Gorou offered a half-smile, squeezing Miki's hand. "Let's protect that smile, no matter what. And when the time comes, we'll be here to help him face anything."

With the decision made, the couple remained in the living room, immersed in a comfortable silence. Both knew that the future would bring challenges and revelations, but for now, they chose to focus on Kaito's present happiness, allowing him the chance to discover the world and relationships for himself, without the burden of family secrets.
