Chapter [40]

Hyoudou Residence

Kaito and Asia arrived at the Hyoudou residence, where the lights were on, warmly illuminating the entrance of the house. Kaito carefully opened the door, helping Asia inside.

"Mom, Dad, we're back," Kaito announced, trying to keep his voice calm.

Miki and Gorou Hyoudou were in the living room, and both quickly stood up upon hearing their son's voice. Miki ran towards them, her eyes filled with concern.

"Kaito! Asia! Are you alright?" Miki asked, looking from one to the other, the worry evident on her face. "What happened? Why did you take so long?"

Gorou approached, observing the situation with a serious expression. "Kaito, we were worried. What happened?"

Kaito looked at his parents, trying to maintain calm in his voice. "Mom, Dad, I know you're worried. It's a long story, but the truth is, Asia was taken by a priest, who turned out not to be a good person."

Miki frowned, still concerned. "That priest who approached Asia and me when we were shopping?"

"Yes, Mom. But please, don't ask questions now. I don't want to make Asia any more upset than she already is."

Miki looked at Asia with even more concern. "Asia, are you alright?"

Asia, still a bit scared, looked at Miki and Gorou and nodded timidly. "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks to Kaito-san."

Kaito felt the urgency of the situation and decided to act quickly. "Mom, Dad, I have a request. Asia doesn't have a safe place to stay. She's been through a lot and needs a place to recover. I'd like to ask for your permission for her to stay with us, at least for a while."

Miki looked at Asia, seeing the fragility and need for protection in the young girl. She felt a wave of compassion and affection. "Of course, Kaito. Asia can stay with us. She is welcome in our home."

Asia looked at Miki, her eyes filling with tears of gratitude. "Thank you, Mrs. Hyoudou."

Miki smiled gently. "You don't need to call me Mrs. You can call me Mom, if you'd like."

Miki's words touched Asia deeply. She had always wished for a maternal figure in her life, someone who cared and looked after her. "Mom... Can I really call you Mom?" Asia asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

Miki nodded, her smile widening. "Of course, dear. You are part of our family now."

Asia couldn't hold back her tears of happiness. "Thank you, Mom. This means so much to me."

Kaito noticed that Asia was exhausted and needed rest. "Asia, let's go to my room. You need a place to sleep and recover."

Asia nodded, still moved by the warm welcome from the Hyoudou family. Kaito gently took her hand and began guiding her through the house. They walked through the entrance hallway, past the living room, where Miki and Gorou watched with mixed expressions of pride and concern.

They climbed the stairs slowly, each step creaking slightly under their feet. The soft light from the hallway lamps illuminated their path, creating a tranquil and cozy atmosphere. Kaito stayed by Asia's side, ensuring she felt safe with each step.

When they reached Kaito's room, he opened the door and gestured for Asia to enter first. "You can rest here, Asia. I'll keep an eye on you."

Asia smiled timidly and entered the room, feeling a bit safer. "Thank you, Kaito-san."

Kaito nodded and closed the door behind them, ready to ensure Asia had a peaceful night.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Gorou and Miki continued their conversation.

"Miki, have you thought about officially adopting Asia?" Gorou asked, his voice full of seriousness.

Miki shook her head, with a soft smile. "No, Gorou. I don't think about that. I want Asia as our daughter-in-law, part of our family, without needing an official adoption."

Gorou frowned, still trying to understand. "But, Miki, she's a nun. Wouldn't that complicate things?"

Miki gave a slight smile, reflecting on the situation. "That didn't stop her from falling in love with Kaito. And if she found a home and love here, I don't see a problem with it."

Gorou pondered for a moment, then smiled proudly. "Well, it seems our son has a special way of winning people over. He inherited my charm, for sure."

Miki couldn't help but tease, laughing lightly. "You forget, Gorou. Kaito is adopted. That charm didn't come from you."

Gorou laughed, accepting the joke. "Maybe, but the charm is in the Hyoudou attitude. It's something he learned from us."

Miki looked at Gorou with a playful smile. "You know, Gorou, we only started dating because of me, right? You didn't even have the courage to talk to me."

Gorou frowned, trying to keep his composure. "Let's forget about that, Miki. It's better we prepare dinner."

Miki gave a slight nod and smiled. "Sure, dear. Why don't you go watch TV in the meantime?"

As Gorou walked towards the living room, Miki couldn't resist a small prank. She playfully slapped Gorou's butt.


"Miki!" he exclaimed, his voice full of surprise and embarrassment.

Miki laughed softly. "Go on, go watch your TV. I'll take care of dinner."

Gorou quickly left the kitchen, still feeling the warmth of Miki's hand and trying to regain his composure.

Kaito's Room

Asia was lying on the bed, still a bit nervous. Her face showed signs of exhaustion, but there was also an expression of gratitude and serenity. She looked at Kaito, who was sitting beside her, holding her hand gently.

"Kaito-san, please," Asia said, stammering slightly and blushing. "I... I don't want to be alone. Can you... sleep here with me?"

Kaito felt a wave of tenderness and concern upon hearing Asia's request. He looked at her, making sure she was really comfortable with the idea. "Are you sure, Asia? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

Asia nodded timidly, her expression showing a mix of shyness and determination. "Yes, Kaito-san. I feel safe when I'm with you."

With a gentle smile, Kaito agreed. "Alright, Asia. I'll stay here with you."

Asia made room on the bed, moving to one side and lifting a bit of the blanket so Kaito could lie down beside her. Kaito lay down next to Asia, trying to be as gentle as possible. He pulled the blanket over them, ensuring Asia was comfortable and warm.

Asia, still blushing, snuggled into Kaito's chest, feeling the warmth and security he provided. Kaito wrapped an arm around her, holding her with care and affection. The room fell silent, interrupted only by the soft sound of their breathing.

The two remained silent, appreciating each other's presence. Asia closed her eyes, finally feeling safe and protected. Kaito looked at her, feeling a wave of protection and affection growing within him.

"Good night, Asia," Kaito whispered, his voice soft and comforting.

"Good night, Kaito-san," Asia replied, her voice a whisper as she let herself drift off to sleep.

As the moon continued to illuminate the room with its soft light, Kaito and Asia slept side by side, finding comfort and security in each other's presence.

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