Chapter [42]

Gremory Mansion

In Rias's room, the atmosphere was charged with tension and uncertainty. Rias was sitting on the edge of her bed, while Akeno was in a nearby chair. The elegantly decorated room seemed gloomier due to the heavy mood surrounding the two.

Akeno looked deeply into Rias's eyes, her expression serious. "Rias, we need to talk about Kaito. He has shown immense power. With that power, you could easily defeat Riser and break the marriage contract."

Rias frowned, still trying to process everything that had happened recently. "Akeno, I know Kaito's power is extraordinary, but I don't know if he's willing to return to my Peerage. He seemed so... determined to stay away."

Akeno sighed, feeling the urgency of the situation. "Rias, you need to change the way you treat Kaito. He needs to feel valued, not just as a piece of your Peerage, but as an important person to you. Someone needs to convince him that he can count on you."

Rias looked at Akeno, her eyes full of uncertainty. "But how can I do that? He already seems so distant..."

Akeno stood up and approached Rias, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You can start by showing him that you truly value him. Show him that he is more than just a servant to you. Make him feel that he is an essential part of our group, of our family."

Rias sighed deeply, feeling the gravity of Akeno's words. "You're right, Akeno. I need to find a way to bring him back and show him that he is important to us."

"Let's bring Kaito back, Rias. Together, we can overcome any obstacle."

Rias smiled, feeling a bit more hopeful. "Thank you, Akeno. I really appreciate your support."

Rias stood up and hugged Akeno, a gesture of gratitude and deep friendship. The tension in the room seemed to lessen slightly, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared on the floor of the room, glowing with a red light. In an instant, Grayfia materialized, her imposing presence interrupting the conversation.

Grayfia looked at Rias and Akeno with a serious expression. "Rias, Akeno, I need to speak with you."

Rias tried to hide the concern in her voice. "What is it, Grayfia?"

Grayfia kept her gaze steady. "I know what happened with Kaito. He cannot return to your Peerage."

Rias was indignant at Grayfia's words. "What are you saying, Grayfia? Kaito is part of my Peerage. He belongs to us!"

Grayfia sighed, her expression grave. "Rias, what Kaito did disqualifies him from returning to your Peerage. He freed himself from the Evil Pieces and manifested a power that is beyond the control of an ordinary king."

Rias frowned, her anger and frustration growing. "That's not fair, Grayfia! He deserves a chance to return. He is important to us!"

Grayfia kept her gaze firm. "It will depend on what you offer him."

Rias frowned, pondering Grayfia's words. "What exactly do you suggest I offer Kaito?"

Grayfia sighed slightly, a look of disappointment crossing her face. She had hoped that Rias would be more creative and use her own head to think of a solution. "Rias, I thought you could find the answer yourself. You know Kaito better than anyone."

Rias was silent for a moment, lost in thought. She knew she needed to offer something meaningful to Kaito, something that showed how much he was valued. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. "I could offer a promotion to High-Class Devil," Rias thought, but her expression soon turned sad. She knew she couldn't just snap her fingers and grant Kaito the promotion. It required the approval of someone with more authority.

As the conversation continued, Akeno, sitting in the nearby chair, began flipping through an old book on demonic magic, trying to find some inspiration or solution that could help.

Rias sighed deeply, the sadness evident on her face. "I want to promote Kaito to a High-Class Devil, but I don't have the power to do that alone."

"Rias, you are Sirzechs's sister. He has the power to grant that promotion." Grayfia, perceiving Rias's anguish, approached and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Rias remembered the limitations imposed by Sirzechs's position. "But because of his position, Sirzechs couldn't interfere with the marriage contract..."

"He won't interfere with the marriage, Rias," Grayfia interrupted, her tone firm but comforting. "He will just promote a Low-Class Devil to a High-Class Devil. That he can do."

Rias began to understand Grayfia's intention. Promoting a Devil was not uncommon for a Maou, and no one could question Sirzechs for that. With this promotion, Rias could give Kaito what he really wanted.

"So, I could ask my brother to promote Kaito. That would change everything!" Rias stood up, determined to speak to Sirzechs immediately.

Grayfia interrupted Rias, her hand raised in a firm gesture. "I will speak to Sirzechs. You rest and speak to Kaito tomorrow."

Rias frowned, confused by the interruption. "But Grayfia, I should..."

"No, Rias. It's better if I speak to Sirzechs," Grayfia said, her voice calm but authoritative. "You need to be rested to speak to Kaito. He will need to see your determination and clarity."

Rias hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, recognizing the wisdom in Grayfia's words. "Thank you, Grayfia. I really appreciate your help."

As Grayfia observed Rias, her thoughts wandered to the difficulty of getting Rias to reach certain conclusions on her own. 'Rias has potential, but sometimes she needs a push in the right direction,' Grayfia thought.

Akeno approached Rias, a supportive smile on her face. "You did well, Rias. This is the best solution to bring Kaito back."

Grayfia prepared to leave, maintaining her professional attitude. "I will take my leave now. I will return with Sirzechs's answer as soon as possible." With an elegant gesture, she began to activate her teleportation circle, a soft light enveloping her body. 'Sirzechs won't regret spoiling Rias so much. She just needs proper guidance.'

"Good luck, Grayfia. We're counting on you," said Akeno, watching the light intensify.

Rias and Akeno bid farewell to Grayfia, who nodded slightly before disappearing in a flash of magical light. The room returned to its calm state, the tension slightly eased.

Akeno turned to Rias, noticing a sad expression on her friend's face. "Rias, what's wrong? You look worried."

Rias sighed, her eyes reflecting melancholy. "It's not just that I want Kaito participating in the Rating Game, Akeno. I want him back in my Peerage. I want him to feel that he belongs to us, that he is important to me and to all of us."

Akeno placed a comforting hand on Rias's shoulder. "I understand, Rias. Let's work on this together. Kaito will see how important he is to us. You'll see."

Rias nodded, feeling a bit more consoled by Akeno's words. "Thank you, Akeno. Let's bring him back."

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