Chapter [46]

Fallen Angels' Hideout

Freed arrived at the fallen angels' hideout with heavy steps, a wild expression on his face. He banged on the door aggressively, making the sound echo through the dark corridors of the place.


Raynare, who was in the living room with Kalawarner and Mittelt, stood up abruptly, the irritation evident in her eyes. Her black wings trembled slightly, reflecting her annoyance.

"Come in!" Raynare shouted, her voice sharp and full of impatience.

Freed opened the door with a push, entering the living room. The environment was lit by a dim light, creating unsettling shadows on the walls. Kalawarner was sitting in an armchair, reading an old book, while Mittelt was standing by a table, fiddling with some magical objects.

Freed looked around, his expression wild and uncontrolled. "Why did you call me here?"

"We want information about Asia. Where is she?" Raynare crossed her arms, her eyes fixed on Freed with disdain.

Freed snorted, visibly irritated. "I already delivered that girl to you. Why do you want more information?"

Raynare took a step forward, her gaze narrowing. "She had help and escaped. We need to know where she might be."

Freed punched the wall beside him, frustration evident on his face. "Bunch of useless idiots! How did you let her escape?"

Freed's words echoed through the room, and the tension visibly increased. Kalawarner lifted her eyes from her book, watching the scene with interest, while Mittelt stopped what she was doing, casting a disdainful look at Freed.

"Failed human," said Raynare, her voice dripping with contempt. "Do you have the audacity to talk to your superiors like this?"

Mittelt approached, crossing her arms and looking at Freed with disgust. "Filthy pig. Who do you think you are to talk to us like that?"

Freed turned to them, his wild eyes burning with anger. "You call me a failure? You're the ones who let a defenseless girl escape!"

Kalawarner, tired of the fruitless argument, closed her book with a decisive movement and stood up from the armchair, walking towards Freed. "Where did you find the girl in the first place?"

Freed looked Kalawarner up and down, a lascivious smile appearing on his face. "I'll tell you, but you'll have to do me a favor first."

Kalawarner's gaze hardened, understanding the insinuation in Freed's tone. She crossed her arms, her face showing a mix of disgust and contempt. "Favor? I'm not one of your... toys, Freed. Speak now, or I'll make you talk myself."

Mittelt took a step forward, her black wings trembling with anger. "How dare you treat us like this, you human trash?"

Raynare, with an equally disgusted expression, raised her hand, a sphere of dark energy forming in her palm. "We don't have time for your games, Freed. If you don't cooperate, we'll make you regret it."

Freed scoffed at the attempt at intimidation, a sarcastic smile spreading across his face. He knew that despite the threats, he was stronger than the three of them combined. "You're lucky I have work to do."

He then continued, revealing the information they had asked for. "I found her with a woman, in a house near the park, in the commercial district. Here's the address."

Freed threw a piece of paper with the address written on it onto the table, still smiling smugly. He turned and left the room, closing the door firmly behind him.

Mittelt watched the closed door with disdain. "I hate having to work with humans. They're so disgusting."

Kalawarner sighed, returning to her seat in the armchair. "We have to follow orders from our superiors, Mittelt. We have no choice."

Raynare, eager to go to the address, stood up immediately, but Kalawarner warned her. "Wait, Raynare. We need to think of a plan before going after Asia. We can't make the same mistake twice."

Raynare snorted but nodded, recognizing the wisdom in Kalawarner's words. "Alright, but we can't waste time. Let's devise a plan right now."

The three fallen angels gathered around the table, starting to discuss strategies as the tension in the room increased. They knew this could be their last chance to capture Asia, and they couldn't afford to fail again.

Random Human's Residence

In the living room of an ordinary residence, Koneko was sitting on the floor, holding a video game controller. The environment was simple, with worn-out furniture and a large TV in the center of the room. Beside her, a fat, bald man with glasses was engrossed in the game, smiling enthusiastically.

"That's it, Koneko-chan! Let's defeat them!" the man exclaimed, pressing the buttons on the controller frantically.

"Yes, Onii-sama," Koneko responded, maintaining a neutral expression while internally rolling her eyes.

'Why did I have to accept this contract? Playing this kind of game with him is unbearable.'

The two were playing a fighting game with girls in bikinis, a clearly perverted choice by the man. Koneko, despite her reluctance, had to maintain the facade of being his friend, as per the contract he had made.

The man, whose name was Taro, was visibly delighted with Koneko's presence, even if she was just pretending to be his friend. "You're amazing, Koneko-chan! I never thought I could play with someone as talented as you!"

"Thank you, Onii-sama," Koneko replied mechanically, focusing on defeating the opponent's character on the screen.

'He's so perverted. Why would anyone want a game like this? And why do I have to play it with him?'

The hours passed slowly for Koneko, who kept up the facade of a dedicated friend, even though she was boiling with irritation inside. Each victory in the game seemed only to prolong the agony of having to continue pretending.

After two long hours, Koneko finally saw an opportunity to leave. The game ended, and Taro was celebrating another victory, not noticing Koneko's silent irritation.

'Finally, it's over. I can't stand being here any longer.'

"Onii-sama, I need to go now. It was fun playing with you," Koneko said, forcing a smile as she stood up.

Taro, still with a goofy smile on his face, replied, "Oh, alright, Koneko-chan. Come back anytime you want!"

Koneko just nodded, backing away a few steps to a corner of the room. A magic circle appeared under her feet, glowing with a soft light.

"Goodbye, Onii-sama," Koneko said before disappearing in a bright light, leaving Taro alone in the room.

When she materialized in a safer place, far from Taro's house, Koneko sighed in relief.

'What a pervert. I never want to accept a contract like that again. It was unbearable.'

She then began walking back to the Gremory mansion, eager to shake off the unpleasant feeling from that contract and return to her usual environment, where she felt more comfortable and respected.

Kaito's Room

Kaito was sitting on his bed in his room, with Asia by his side. The soft moonlight entered through the window, creating a calm and cozy atmosphere. The room was quiet except for their low voices as they talked about the day Asia had spent with his mother, Miki.

"It was so fun spending the day with your mother, Kaito," Asia said, a bright smile on her face. "She taught me how to make several dishes and told me many stories about you when you were a child."

Kaito looked at Asia, surprised and a little confused. "You really found it fun? Doing household chores can be so boring."

Asia shook her head vigorously, still smiling. "It wasn't boring, it was wonderful! Your mother is so kind and patient. She showed me how to do things in a fun way. I never thought cooking and cleaning could be so enjoyable."

Kaito laughed softly, shaking his head in disbelief. "I always thought those things were boring. My mother does have a special way of making everything lighter."

Asia nodded, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Yes, she does. And did you know she has funny stories about you? She told me about the time you tried to cook by yourself and ended up putting salt instead of sugar."

Kaito blushed slightly, laughing along with Asia. "Oh, that story... I was such a clumsy kid. It seems you really enjoyed yourself today."

"Yes, I felt at home," Asia replied, with a loving smile. "Your mother made me feel so welcome. I'm very grateful for that."

Kaito looked at Asia, feeling a wave of warmth and gratitude. He realized how important it was for her to feel welcomed and safe. "I'm glad you feel that way, Asia. You're part of our family now."

Asia blushed lightly, but her smile grew even more radiant. "Thank you, Kaito. That means a lot to me."

As Asia continued to talk about the small culinary adventures of the day, Kaito began to think about the next day. His 16th birthday. An important milestone for him, as it meant he would finally have full control over his powers.

'Finally, I'll have all my powers. Will I be able to use them in the best way? Will I be able to protect Asia, my family, and my friends?'

Kaito looked at Asia, who was now nestled by his side, her eyes slowly closing as the fatigue of the day caught up with her. He smiled, feeling a wave of determination.

"Asia," he whispered softly, "I'll protect you, no matter what happens."

Asia opened her eyes for a moment, smiling sleepily. "I know, Kaito. I trust you."

Kaito hugged Asia tighter, feeling the warmth and security she brought. He knew that the next day would be a turning point, but he was determined to face anything to ensure the safety and happiness of everyone around him.

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