Chapter [51]

Kaito activated the teleportation magic circle under his feet, and in an instant, he materialized at the entrance of the Gremory mansion. The familiar sensation of being transported still left him slightly disoriented, but he quickly recovered. The surroundings were elegant and imposing, typical of the residence of a powerful family like the Gremorys.

Living Room

Kaito walked through the main hallway to the living room, where he found Rias, Kiba, Akeno, and Koneko gathered. The atmosphere was filled with a silent tension, and all eyes turned to him as he entered.

Rias stood up from her seat, a look of relief and determination on her face. "Kaito, I'm glad you came quickly. We have a serious situation to discuss."

Kiba, always calm and composed, nodded to Kaito. "Good morning, Kaito. We need your help."

Akeno, with her usual smile but a serious glint in her eyes, stepped forward. "Yes, Kaito. What we have here cannot wait."

Koneko, who had been sitting silently, looked up at Kaito and slightly wrinkled her nose. She sensed a scent coming from him that seemed like the best smell in the world, almost intoxicating. She blinked, trying to focus, but the aroma was hard to ignore.

Kaito nodded, maintaining his calm and feeling the weight of responsibility. "Of course, Rias. What happened?"

Rias sighed, indicating Koneko with a glance. "The victim of the recent murder, Taro, was one of Koneko's clients. He was killed in very similar circumstances to Sakura and Takashi, the father and daughter with whom you recently made a contract."

Kaito felt a tightness in his chest upon hearing this, remembering the horror he found at Takashi's house. "Are you saying the modus operandi is the same?"

Rias nodded, her expression grave. "Yes, exactly the same. And that concerns us a lot because it indicates a pattern."

Koneko, still distracted by the aroma, tried to focus on the conversation. "I didn't like that pervert, but I didn't want him to die like this."

Kaito remained calm, not offering comfort, focused on the gravity of the situation.

Rias crossed her arms, her expression serious. "Koneko has the ability to track the killer by scent. If there's any clue left behind, she will be able to find it."

Kaito took a deep breath, feeling the anger grow inside him. "I will deal with the killer my way."

Akeno, noticing the change in Kaito, frowned. 'Kaito, you seem different. More... resolute.'

Kaito looked at her, his eyes shining with a cold intensity. "I want to find the killer of Sakura and Takashi. And when I find him, I will kill him with my own hands."

Rias stepped forward, her expression determined. "Kaito, you won't do anything alone. It's too dangerous, even for you."

Kaito shook his head, his voice firm and confident. "I am the strongest here, Rias. I can handle this."

Kiba and Koneko exchanged uncomfortable glances, clearly not liking Kaito's statement that he was the strongest. Akeno, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind the statement but watched Kaito with a curious and somewhat strange expression.

Rias narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms. "I know you're strong, Kaito, but that doesn't mean you should act alone. This killer has already murdered three people who made contracts with us. If something happens to you, it will be a disaster."

Kaito lifted his chin, his confidence unwavering. "I am not part of your Peerage, Rias. I'm just a hired mercenary. You don't command me."

Rias bit her lip, trying to control her irritation and frustration. 'Kaito is really stubborn. But I won't give up. I'll bring him back to my Peerage, no matter what.'

"Kuoh is my territory, whether you like it or not. I'm coming," Rias said firmly.

Kaito sighed, realizing that arguing further would be useless. "Alright, Rias. We'll go together. But know that I'll do this my way."

Rias nodded, relieved that Kaito had agreed. "Very well. Let's go then. We can't waste any more time."

Koneko stood up and, with a nod, indicated that she was ready to lead the way. "I'll track the scent. Follow me."

The group left the Gremory mansion on foot, with Koneko in the lead, sniffing the air for the trail of the killer. Rias walked beside Kaito, a triumphant smile on her face. She knew that, even if he wasn't officially in her Peerage, he was still under her influence.

Kiba and Akeno followed closely behind, ready for any eventuality. The atmosphere was tense, but everyone's determination was palpable.

As they walked through the streets of Kuoh, Koneko sniffed the air several times until she finally found a lead. "This way," she said, pointing in the direction of the trail.

The group continued, moving with precision and caution, determined to find the killer and put an end to the attacks that haunted those who made contracts with the Devils.

Fallen Angels' Hideout

Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner were gathered around a table, discussing the situation with tense expressions. Freed, with his disturbing personality, was playing cards on the couch, a maniacal smile on his face.

"What do you want from me this time?" Freed said, his voice dripping with sarcasm and contempt.

Raynare, visibly irritated, crossed her arms and shot Freed a furious look. "We need your help to eliminate a troublesome Devil and steal the Twilight Healing from Asia."

Mittelt, with a look of disgust, added, "You're the only one who can help us deal with this, even if you're a lunatic."

Freed laughed, throwing the cards into the air. "You all are so incompetent that you need me to solve your problems? How pathetic."

The cards fell to the floor, scattering around the room. Kalawarner, trying to stay calm, approached the table and explained the plan. "Freed, we know you think we're incompetent, but together we have a better chance of success. Our idea is to attack Kaito and steal the Twilight Healing from Asia."

Raynare huffed, clearly dissatisfied with the plan but knowing she had no other choice. "I hate this plan, but it's what we have. We'll go through with it."

Freed laughed again, his expression full of contempt. "So you want me to fix your failures? How convenient."

Raynare stared at Freed, her eyes blazing with anger.

Kalawarner intervened, keeping her cool. "Are you going to help us, yes or no?"

"You're lucky I'm in the mood to kill some Devils, so I'll help." Freed responded, his maniacal smile never leaving his face.

"The plan will go down tonight," Kalawarner said, trying to maintain control of the situation.

Freed gave a perverted smile to Mittelt. "Hey, Mittelt, want to join me to pass the time?"

Mittelt made a face of disgust, moving away from him. "I'd rather die."

"I can make that happen," Freed murmured, his voice dripping with malice.

Streets of Kuoh

Meanwhile, Koneko led the group of Rias, Kaito, Akeno, and Kiba through the streets of Kuoh. The group was silent, focused on the mission ahead. Koneko, with her keen sense of smell, followed the trail left by the killer, leading them directly to the house where the Fallen Angels were hiding.

Rias walked beside Kaito, her expression serious and determined. She glanced at him, noticing the intensity in his eyes. Kiba and Akeno followed closely behind, both on alert and ready for any eventuality. Koneko continued to follow the trail with precision, her nose guiding them through the quiet streets of the city.

When they arrived in front of the seemingly ordinary house, Koneko stopped, pointing to the entrance. "This is it. The smell is stronger here."

Rias looked at the house, her eyes narrowing. "So this is where they're hiding. Let's go in."

Kaito nodded, his expression determined. "Let's end this."

Before anything else, Rias raised a magical barrier around the block to ward off humans and ensure there would be no interruptions. Carefully, the group approached the entrance of the house, ready to face whatever awaited them inside.

Koneko wrinkled her nose. "I smell humans upstairs and downstairs."

Kaito, sensing the magic of the Fallen Angels, frowned. "I sense the presence of Fallen Angels. This reminds me of Raynare, the Fallen Angel who tried to kill me. I think it's time to return the favor."

"What is our priority? Rescuing the humans or dealing with the Fallen Angels?"

Kiba asked.

Kaito thought for a moment. "First, we need to know which side the humans are on."

Akeno frowned, pondering the difficulty. "It's going to be hard to know which side they're on in the middle of a fight."

Kaito smiled, an idea forming in his mind. "Not if they're all standing still."

Rias looked curiously at Kaito. "What are you planning, Kaito?"

Kaito closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating, and then increased his magic, placing intense pressure on the house.

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