Chapter [61]

After a long day of shopping, Kaito finally returned home. He had already delivered all the necessary items to his parents and Asia in the Fairy Kingdom.

The feeling of knowing that those he loved were safe brought him immense comfort, but now, he was alone.

Kaito's Room

Kaito entered his room and let himself fall onto the bed, feeling the weight of the silence that filled the empty house. He looked around the familiar environment, trying to get used to the loneliness that seemed to intensify with each passing moment.

Suddenly, a movement at the window caught his attention. A black cat was sitting on the windowsill, watching him with bright, curious eyes. Kaito was never a fan of cats; he always preferred animals that required less attention and were less unpredictable.

Despite not being a fan of cats, Kaito felt an unexpected need for company. He got up and walked to the window, slowly opening it. The cat, with an agile leap, entered the room, landing gracefully on the floor and looking around, exploring the new environment.

Kaito watched the cat as it sniffed the corners of the room and jumped onto the bed.

"I guess I'm so lonely that I'm letting a cat in," he murmured to himself, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Deciding that the cat was probably hungry, Kaito went downstairs to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, looking for something he could serve to his new companion.

He found a carton of milk and took a bowl from one of the cabinets.

"This is all I have," he said as he poured the milk into the bowl. He took it back to the cat, which was now sitting on the living room sofa, curiously observing its surroundings.

Kaito placed the bowl of milk on the floor near the cat.

"Here, drink. I hope you like it." The cat approached cautiously, sniffed the bowl, and began to lap up the milk, seemingly satisfied.

Feeling a little more accompanied, Kaito went to the living room and turned on the television. He started flipping through the channels, looking for something that could hold his attention and distract his mind from lonely thoughts.

Suddenly, a soft glow appeared in his hand. Kaito looked at his palm and saw a small magic circle forming. In an instant, a holographic image of Rias appeared, floating above the circle.

"Kaito, I need to talk to you," Rias said, her voice serious and urgent. "Riser will be coming to the Occult Research Club tomorrow to discuss the Rating Game. We need to be prepared."

"Understood, Rias. I'll be ready. Let's settle this once and for all."

Rias smiled slightly, relieved. "Great. See you tomorrow, Kaito."

With that, the holographic image disappeared, and Kaito stared at the empty space where Rias's hologram had been.

He knew the next day would be crucial and that he needed to be at his best to face Riser.

Occult Research Club

At the Occult Research Club, the atmosphere was tense. Rias was sitting in the center of a large sofa, with Akeno and Kiba by her side. Koneko was relaxing on another nearby sofa, while Grayfia stood in the center of the room, emanating an imposing and serene presence. Kaito was leaning against the wall, attentively observing every movement and expression of those present.

Everyone was anxiously awaiting Riser's arrival. He was taking longer than expected, and Rias was drumming her fingers on the arm of the sofa, her irritation visibly growing.

Suddenly, a magic circle with the Phenex family crest appeared on the floor, and Riser emerged in a flash of light. With a confident smile, he looked directly at Rias.

"Riser is happy to see his fiancée," he said, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Kaito observed Riser with a critical eye. 'This is the high-class Devil? I expected someone more imposing,' he thought, feeling a growing disdain.

Rias stood up, her expression cold and resolute. "Riser, I will not marry you," she declared, her voice firm.

Riser laughed, crossing his arms. "You have no choice, Rias. There is a contract."

Grayfia stepped forward, her voice calm and authoritative. "That's why we are here today. To discuss the terms of the Rating Game."

Riser glanced at Grayfia but quickly returned his attention to Rias. "Riser finds it amusing that you still have hope of winning. Your Peerage is weak."

With a gesture, Riser activated a teleportation circle. In an instant, his Peerage appeared in the room. All women, all with confident and haughty expressions.

Kaito laughed, crossing his arms. "Is this all you have, Riser?" he said, a disdainful smile on his face.

Riser turned abruptly, staring at Kaito. "Who are you to laugh at Riser's Peerage?"

Kaito stepped away from the wall, walking slowly to the center of the room. "I am Kaito, a reincarnated Devil," he said, with cold confidence.

Riser snorted, dismissing him. "Just a humble creature."

Kaito looked directly at the women in Riser's Peerage, then back at Riser. "I have a woman more beautiful than all of yours."

Riser laughed, clearly finding the statement absurd. "And who would this woman be, Kaito?"

Kaito walked over to where Rias was sitting. "Excuse me, Kiba," he asked. Kiba stood up, allowing Kaito to sit next to Rias.

Riser watched with curiosity and disdain until Rias, with a happy smile, sat on Kaito's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. Riser's expression changed from disdain to surprise and irritation.

"Rias is the most beautiful and amazing woman I know," Kaito said, looking directly at Riser.

The room fell silent for a moment, everyone watching the scene. Rias, still sitting on Kaito's lap, felt more secure and confident than ever. Kaito, in turn, knew he had made the right move to provoke Riser and strengthen Rias's resolve.

"Take your hands off Riser's fiancée," Riser said, his magic rising around him.

Riser's Peerage gave Kaito angry looks, clearly offended by the provocation.

Akeno smiled slightly, amused by the situation. Grayfia, on the other hand, sighed, knowing that the tension was rising.

"This is something Rias must decide; after all, it's her body," Kaito said, his voice calm but firm.

Rias affectionately tightened her arms around Kaito's neck, showing her support. Feeling the provocation, Kaito let his hand slide from Rias's waist to her butt, provoking an immediate reaction from Riser.

Furious, Riser began to prepare a fire spell, his hands glowing with intense flames. Before he could launch the attack, Grayfia intervened, her aura increasing and filling the room with overwhelming pressure.


Riser stopped the attack immediately, retreating as he felt Grayfia's power. She looked at him with a stern expression.

"Everything will be resolved in the Rating Game," Grayfia declared, her voice firm and authoritative.

Riser looked at Kaito with contempt. "I will finish you in the Rating Game," he threatened.

Kaito sighed, shaking his head. "Unfortunately, I cannot participate, as I am not part of Rias's Peerage unless you allow me to participate as a mercenary."

Riser looked at Kaito, considering. "Riser permits you to participate as a mercenary. I will defeat you along with Rias."

Rias, surprised, looked at Grayfia. "Grayfia, can you serve as a witness?"

Grayfia nodded. "Since Riser permits it, Kaito can participate without any issues," she confirmed, sealing the agreement.

Riser, realizing it was time to leave, looked around the room, his eyes narrowing as he found Kaito again.

"I will make sure you regret meddling in Riser's affairs."

Kaito only smiled in response, holding Rias in a tighter embrace. "I'll be waiting."

Furious with Kaito's attitude, Riser turned to his Peerage. "We're leaving," he ordered.

With a smooth movement, Riser activated a magic teleportation circle. A glow enveloped him and his Peerage as they prepared to leave.

"You have three days to train, Rias," Riser said, his voice echoing through the room. "We will meet in the Rating Game."


In an instant, Riser and his Peerage disappeared, leaving the room in tense silence. Rias, feeling relieved and happy about Kaito's participation in the Rating Game, hugged him even tighter, her expression radiant.

"Kaito, I'm so happy you're going to participate," she said, rubbing her cheek against his in a gesture of affection.

Grayfia, observing the scene, couldn't help but intervene.


"Rias-sama, this is not the behavior the heiress of the Gremory family should have."

Rias, realizing her inappropriate posture, blushed intensely and quickly got off Kaito's lap, still smiling.

"Sorry, Grayfia. I got a little emotional," she murmured, trying to regain her composure.

Kaito, watching the interaction, kept his calm smile. "We have three days to train; let's make the most of this time."

Rias nodded, feeling more determined than ever. "Yes, Kaito. Let's prepare and show Riser what we are capable of."

Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko were also ready for the challenge, their expressions reflecting the same determination.

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