Chapter [68]

Waiting Room of the Arena - Reactions to Riser's Defeat

In the arena's waiting room, the atmosphere was thick with tension and anticipation. Sirzechs, Azazel, and Grayfia watched the battle intently through a magical projection. Next to them was Riser's Peerage, including his sister Ravel, who anxiously watched every move her brother made on the battlefield.

Ravel, with her eyes fixed on the projection, bit her lower lip in worry. "Onii-sama... you can win," she murmured, trying to maintain her confidence.

Sirzechs, with a serene expression, observed the battle closely. Azazel, beside him, maintained a relaxed posture, but his eyes were fixed on the screen, analyzing every move.

Grayfia stood tall, her expression impassive, but her eyes betrayed an intense focus.

Suddenly, the room fell silent as the image showed Kaito turning Riser to stone. The visual and emotional impact was immediate. Azazel, surprised and impressed by Kaito's power, decided he had seen enough.

"He is really something," Azazel said, with a slight smile of admiration. "I'll leave you to handle the rest. I have other matters to attend to." With that, he stood up and left the room, leaving the others to watch the final moments of the battle.

Ravel, seeing her brother turn to stone, screamed in despair. "Onii-sama!" She began to cry, her tears streaming down her face as she watched helplessly.

Yubelluna, Mihae, Karlamine, Siris, Isabela, Xuelan, Ile and Nel, Ni and Li, Marion, Bülent, Shuriya, and Mira all seemed shocked and stunned. Riser's defeat was hard to believe, especially in such an absolute manner.

Grayfia, maintaining her professional demeanor, announced Rias's victory in a calm voice that echoed through the waiting room. "Riser Phenex has been eliminated. The team of Rias Gremory is the winner of the Rating Game."

Ravel, still crying, looked desperately at Sirzechs. "What are we going to do? Onii-sama is... he's..."

Sirzechs sighed, placing a comforting hand on Ravel's shoulder. "Ravel, I know this is hard, but Riser can be brought back to normal. There are ways to reverse petrification."

A brief glimmer of hope shone in Ravel's eyes, but before she could respond, the projection showed Rias destroying Riser's statue with her destruction magic.


Riser's statue disintegrated into dust, scattering into the air. Sirzechs and Grayfia were surprised, their expressions reflecting the shock of the moment.

"No... Onii-sama!" Ravel screamed, collapsing in tears. The devastation on her face was evident, her heart broken by the sight of her brother's destruction.

Sirzechs, realizing the gravity of the situation, whispered to Grayfia. "Grayfia, take care of Ravel and Riser's Peerage while I speak with Rias."

Grayfia nodded, immediately moving to comfort Ravel. "It will be okay, Ravel. We'll resolve this," Grayfia said as she hugged the young devil, trying to soothe her.

Sirzechs then walked over to a nearby table, where a box and a letter were kept. Taking both, he prepared to go to Rias and Kaito.

With a smooth movement, Sirzechs activated a teleportation magic circle. In an instant, he disappeared from the waiting room and materialized on the rooftop of the arena, where Rias and Kaito were.

Sirzechs approached them, holding the box and the letter.

"Rias, congratulations on your victory," Sirzechs said, looking at his sister with a satisfied smile.

Rias smiled, grateful. "Thank you, Onii-sama."

Sirzechs then turned to Kaito, handing him the letter. "Kaito, this letter is for you."

Kaito looked confused but took the letter.

Before Kaito could ask anything, Sirzechs opened the box, revealing the Evil Pieces for Kaito, Rias, and Akeno. "Kaito, in recognition of your bravery and exceptional skills, I, Sirzechs Lucifer, promote you to a High-Class Devil." Sirzechs took the King piece and placed it on Kaito's chest, sealing the promotion.

Rias and Akeno congratulated Kaito, their voices full of joy and pride. "Congratulations, Kaito!" Rias said while Akeno smiled beside her.

"Is Riser dead?" Sirzechs asked, his voice laden with seriousness.

Kaito nodded. "Yes, he is."

Sirzechs sighed, his expression somber. "Kaito, you will need to leave the Underworld for a while. The consequences of Riser's death are serious."

Rias immediately protested. "But, Onii-sama, Kaito is part of our group. He can't leave!"

Sirzechs shook his head firmly. "Rias, the political consequences are complicated. We need to avoid further conflicts. Kaito, please go to a safe place."

Kaito, understanding the situation, looked at Rias with sadness. "I understand. I don't want to cause more problems."

With that, Kaito activated a magic circle and teleported, leaving the arena and the group behind.

Rias had tears in her eyes, feeling the pain of the separation. "Kaito..." she murmured, her heart heavy.

Sirzechs looked at his sister with compassion. "Rias, you and your Peerage need to return to the Underworld. Our mother is waiting."

Rias nodded, despite her sadness. "Yes, Onii-sama. Let's go back." With a smooth movement, she activated a magic circle and, along with Akeno and the rest of the Peerage, teleported to the Underworld.


Sirzechs returned to the waiting room, where he found Lord Phenex waiting. "Lord Phenex," Sirzechs said with a sigh. "We need to discuss what happened."

Hyoudou Residence

Kaito materialized in his home. The familiarity of the place brought a brief sense of comfort. On the windowsill was Kuroka in her cat form, watching intently.

Kaito let out a tired sigh and approached the window. "Kuroka, it's good to see you," he said as he sat on the bed.

Kuroka returned to her humanoid form, a mischievous smile on her lips. "Welcome back, Kaito. How was the Rating Game, nya?"

"I won," Kaito replied.

Kuroka approached, her eyes gleaming with interest.

"Congratulations, Kaito. I think you deserve a gift from me," she said provocatively.

"I'm not in the mood for that, Kuroka."

Kuroka huffed, disappointed. "Hmpt! I wasn't going to do anything anyway."

Kaito took the letter Sirzechs had given him and opened it, seeing that it was addressed to Thalia Parker. The letter was old, dated 17 years ago, and had an address in New York, Queens.

'Thalia, your mother wrote this letter so you would know the truth about your father. Zeus used her and then abandoned her. He is not a hero,' Kaito read, feeling the anger rise within him. Zeus had pursued Kaito's mother in the past, and now he saw a pattern of despicable behavior.

'All the stories about Zeus must be true, and this girl Thalia is Zeus's daughter, my enemy. But why did Sirzechs give me this letter? Does he want me to find her and deliver the letter? What good will that do if, according to the letter, Thalia sees Zeus as a hero?'

Kuroka watched closely, but didn't seem very interested. "What is that letter?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"It's a letter for a girl, which I'm going to deliver," Kaito said as he placed the letter back in the envelope.

Kuroka tilted her head, watching him. "And where are you going to deliver that letter, nya?"

"New York, Queens," Kaito replied.

Kuroka's expression changed to one of concern. "New York? You know New York is off-limits to Devils, right? And besides, a Greek god lives there. Are you aware of that?"

Kaito frowned, surprised by the information. "I didn't know that, but I need to go. It's important."

Kuroka huffed, irritated. "You're an idiot. But if you're determined to go, I can take you to a safe city for supernatural beings. It's in Virginia, in the city of Nightshade."

Kaito considered the offer for a moment before shaking his head. "I appreciate it, Kuroka, but I need to go to New York."

Kuroka sighed, her expression becoming serious. "Go to Nightshade first. Then it will be easier to go to New York."

Kaito reflected for a few moments and finally nodded. "Alright, we'll go to Nightshade first."

Kuroka smiled, satisfied with Kaito's decision. "Great, nya. It will be better that way."

Before preparing to leave, Kaito looked at Kuroka, an idea forming in his mind. "Kuroka, why don't you join my Peerage? You would be a valuable addition."

"You already have too many problems to have me in your Peerage, Kaito. When you solve all your problems, we can talk again," she said, her mischievous smile returning.

Kaito sighed, accepting her response. "Alright. Let's go to Nightshade then."

"Pack your bags, get a few thousand dollars, and remember, now that you're a High-Class Devil, you can be arrogant, but there are witches there who will make your life a living hell if you think you're the boss," Kuroka warned, her voice serious.

Kaito looked at Kuroka, intrigued. "You've been watching me for so long, do you really think that kind of attitude suits me?"

Kuroka shrugged, returning to her cat form. "Just a warning."

Kaito knew he would need money for his trip. He remembered Rias and decided to ask for her help. He activated his communication magic, creating a hologram that projected Rias's image.

"Kaito? Is everything alright?" Rias asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Rias, I need help. I need a few thousand dollars for my trip," Kaito explained.

Rias frowned, worried. "Of course, Kaito. But why do you need to go so urgently? Is it because of the situation with Riser?"

"I promise to take full responsibility for Riser's death. I don't want you to suffer the consequences," Rias continued.

Kaito smiled slightly, appreciating Rias's concern. "Thank you, Rias. That means a lot to me."

"I'll transfer the money to you immediately," Rias said, determined. "Take care, Kaito. And please, stay safe."

"I will. Thank you, Rias," Kaito replied, ending the communication.

'This girl doesn't even let me speak before jumping to her own conclusions,' Kaito thought.

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