Everything seemed so foreign and unfamiliar to Luciano. From the rectangular device the mortal called a laptop to the slim plastic stick he had inserted into its side. He peered curiously at the contraption in front of him. It lit up when opened up and he could use the board to interact with the screen. The symbols and letters appeared on it almost as if by magic.

It was fascinating to witness what the humans were able to conjure up in such a short time. Even though he hated it, the bustling city streets came alive with a symphony of sounds the second the sun appeared above the horizon—the rumble of vehicles, the chatter of passersby and the occasional peal of laughter.

Suddenly, a movement in the corner of his eyes caught his attention. He turned his head to see the mortal staring at him with a puzzled expression.

"What?" he mused after stiffening at the unwanted attention.

"You need to put a shirt on, mate," the mortal replied, averting his gaze to focus on the road ahead.

He arched a single, perfect brow in amusement. "Does my nakedness make you uncomfortable, mortal?" he purred, his deep voice dripping with a hint of playful provocation.

Giovanni glanced over at him with a calculative look in his eyes. "As a matter of fact, it does. So does the fact that you keep referring to me as mortal."

With his eyes roaming over his features, he mused with a hint of curiosity in his voice, "So you do find other men attractive?"

"Why is my sexuality such a talking point for you?" the mortal mused in confusion and he did not miss the flush which was creeping up his neck. "Are you a homophobe?"

"A homophobe?"

"Someone who hates others based simply on their sexual orientation," he explained, his voice barely dropping below a whisper, "It's either that or… you are secretly attracted to other men too and are just too pussy to admit it."

He nodded in amusement, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I see," he murmured.

The air between them seemed to crackle with tension.

"Also the reason why I told you to put a shirt on is because not wearing a shirt is not exactly normal. People usually wear clothes in public."

Luciano let out a velvety chuckle, nearly explaining to him that he was no mere mortal who needed to adhere to normalcy like him. Merely smiling serenely, he remained unperturbed by the mortal's bewilderment. He knew his godlike form was beyond the comprehension of the average human.

As he turned his face back towards the sun, the golden rays enveloped him in a comforting warmth casting a serene glow on his skin. The gentle caress of the sun's touch filled him with a profound sense of peace as he settled back into his tranquil meditation. A soothing breeze danced through his hair, playfully teasing strands across his face and momentarily obstructing his vision. Yet at that moment, the gentle intrusion only added to the tranquillity of the scene, and he welcomed it without reservation.

Until his peace was disturbed by the feeling of eyes on him.

His brows furrowed slightly as a prickling sensation crept up the back of his neck, causing him to shiver involuntarily. With a sense of unease, he slowly opened his eyes and his gaze swept across the blurry outlines of the buildings that stood across from him.

As he turned to look at the driver, he noticed the mortal sat in his seat, seemingly lost in thought and quietly humming to himself as he skilfully navigated the winding roads. Despite the tranquil scene, an inexplicable feeling of unease lingered in the air which made him question the reality of the moment. Something felt off.

Why did he feel watched whenever he was around the mortal?

Subtly, he glanced around to search for the source of the unseen gaze. The towering trees stood silent and still. A few birds flitted between the branches, their chirps the only sounds breaking the low hum of the vehicle.

Yet the feeling persisted, prickling and insistent.

He inhaled deeply, feeling the cool air fill his lungs as he struggled to maintain his composure. Shutting his eyes once again, he focused on entering a meditative state, letting the calming pattern of his breath consume him. Despite his efforts, he could not shake off the unsettling feeling that he was being watched.

Gradually, he reopened his eyes, surveying his environment more meticulously, searching for any signs of the presence that had unsettled him.

That was when he saw it—a flash of movement in the distance, partially obscured by the foliage. He sat upright in his seat as he strained his neck to make out the shape, curiosity and unease warring within him.

What was that?

A rare, dark bird in flight?

He needed to get in touch with those pixies soon.

It was time to look for that card.

When he turned to look at the interior of the vehicle, he slumped at the chaotic and disorganised sight, making it almost unbearable for him to even look at.

Gathering his resolve, he started sifting through the mess, frantically trying to locate the mystical card that had been bestowed upon him by the pixies. Papers, discarded coffee cups and crumpled wrappers were scattered in a disorderly fashion, creating a visual barrier and impeding his search, adding to his mounting frustration.

He let out a huff of exasperation, running his fingers through his dishevelled hair. How had the mortal let things spiral into such a state of disarray? Surely this had not been the way he had left it when he delivered him here.

"What are you looking for?" the mortal questioned after looking at him in interest.

"My misplaced item," he responded distractedly, turning around to check in the back of the van. He lifted the familiar quilt which had given him warmth throughout the night, tossing it to the side.

"What could you have possibly misplaced in my van, and when?"

Dismissively, he responded, "When I saved you."


As opposed to responding, he continued to scan his surroundings nervously. Among the chaotic scene, a weathered brown envelope seized his attention and without a moment's pause, he extended his hand to seize it.

"What is this?" he inquired, his voice calm and measured.

His expression transformed in a heartbeat, his eyes widening in a blend of fear and alarm. "Do not touch that," he exclaimed, lunging forward in a frantic bid to retrieve the docket.

He held it just out of reach, his brow furrowed as he studied his reaction. "This docket is of great importance to you," he observed, his tone laced with a hint of intrigue.

His composure crumbled and he frantically tried to snatch the docket back, his movements erratic between trying to keep the vehicle steady. "Give that back. It is not for your eyes," he pleaded while clenching his jaw in irritation.

His gaze remained unwavering, his curiosity only growing stronger. With his tone both playful and inquisitive, he questioned the mortal, "What secrets are you hiding?"

"None of your business." Eventually, he managed to snatch the docket out of his hand, placing it somewhere on the side of his door out of his reach. He could feel the tiny glare which was being directed at him for his less than reputable actions.

After picking up a strange contraption in the clutter, he turned it around in his hands. "What is this?"

"That is a tracking tool," the mortal responded before reaching for the device and taking it from him. "We are going to need that."

"What is it tracking?"

"No, it is used to disable trackers on vehicles."

The vehicle eventually came to a slow halt, the tyres creating a crunch over the rubble underneath them. He looked outside the window to see that they had stopped on the outskirts of a nice looking neighbourhood. The mortal instantly jumped into the back of the van.

As he was turning around to see what he was doing, something glinted in the corner of his eyes and he blinked away from the shine. Glancing over, he saw the card he was looking for at the feet of the mortal. He quickly leaned over to snatch it from its hiding place, feeling its texture in between his fingertips. He could taste relief in his mouth.

Before he could read the phrase on it, something was dropped on his lap. With his eyebrows twitching in bemusement, he picked up the aged fabric in his hands. Holding it up, his eyes were immediately drawn to the art printed on it. The being depicted had sharp, twisted horns protruding from its head and leathery, crimson skin that seemed to glow with an unnatural radiance. Its mouth was curled into a sinister, taunting grin. His father, the devil.

He scoffed at the depiction. "My Chemical Romance. What is this?"

"Shirt. Put it on."

He gritted his teeth as the mortal issued him yet another curt command. He could not tell if he liked it or not. He was a prince, for crying out loud. He never took kindly to being ordered around like a mere servant. The only commands he had ever obeyed were those that left his father's mouth.

Yet, here he was, his divine power stripped away, forced to obey the whims of this slip of a human. How had it come to this?

I miss my wings.

With a huff of reluctant resignation, he shrugged the garment over his head with much trouble, the soft fabric settling against his skin. He tugged at the end of the shirt. It felt tight around his muscles but otherwise fit him.

The mortal eyed him approvingly, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Good boy," he purred after grabbing his docket as well as the devices he was going to use, stepping out of the van.

He felt a shiver of revulsion and, unbidden, a spark of intrigue. There was strangely a certain thrill to being spoken to with less timidness by a weaker being unlike what he was used to in the walls of the palace.

Shaking his head, he too jumped out of the vehicle.

He looked around the neighbourhood. It was quiet and well maintained. As they walked down the pavement, he noticed some neighbours tending to their meticulously manicured lawns or washing their cars in the driveway. A few waved and called out a friendly 'hello' as they passed by. The mortal was very eager to present a welcoming look on his face.

It was a refreshing change from the busy crowded city they had left behind. There, the streets were always bustling and it felt like everyone was in a perpetual rush. Nobody had time to slow down and simply enjoy their surroundings—partly because their surroundings weren't much to gloss over. It would take a wingless immortal falling to his untimely death to pull them out of their zombie-like reverie.

As they approached the sleek, shimmering vehicle of luxury, parked in the driveway, the mortal walked with a bit of a cautious crouch, prompting him to do the same. He scowled but noticing the severity in his eyes, he abided by his command and fell into a similar posture.

Expertly, the mortal knelt down at the door of the vehicle, producing a small, intricate device. He watched curiously as nimble fingers danced across the surface of the device, the mortal's eyes narrowed in concentration. Then after some time, he paused, listening intently for any sign of detection and when a soft cuss escaped him after hearing a soft beeping noise, a soft slick echoed and the mortal glanced around furtively before easing the door open.

This had not been the method the hooded mortal used.

"It has a tracker."

With an unimpressed look on his face, he mused knowingly, "You do not actually need to be taught how to break into a vehicle."

The mortal grinned up at him mischievously. "No, but I do need someone to disable the tracking device for me before the cops arrive."

"Cops?" The word barely escaped his lips as a surge of irk gripped him. Just what had this mortal gotten him involved in this time?

His grin only widened at the apprehension etched across his face. "Come on, you owe me a debt and I am in need of your help to get out of a predicament. Do you really think I will be able to drive and get the tracker off all at the same time?"

He glowered at him.

Luciano felt no obligation to stay any longer. He had successfully obtained the card he sought, and it was now in his possession.

He had no intention of honouring his end of the deal, especially since he never asked for the favour in the first place. Getting entangled with the authorities was the least desirable outcome for him at that moment. It would only hinder his ability to return to the Underworld, especially now that he no longer possessed his wings to swiftly extricate himself from perilous situations.

"The tracking device is normally hidden under the passenger seat of the car. You will need to disable it before the cops show up. Can you do that for me?"

Taking a step back from the vehicle, he shook his head. "I am not involved in whatever this. I have no idea what you have gotten yourself into nor do I want any part in it."

The loud sound of sirens blared to life behind them, flashing blue and red onto every surface including them.

"Too late," the mortal hissed sheepishly.

"Step away from the vehicle!" the cop yelled, stepping out of his car to hold them both at gunpoint.

"Get in the car, Luca."


"Fine." The mortal indignantly stepped into the vehicle, the door shutting with a terrible thud.

Luciano turned around to face the bright light piercing his gaze even against the daytime sunrays and he realised that she was still pointing her weapon at him. Wearing a charming smile on his face, he jubilantly approached the cop. "Officer, there seems to be a misunderstanding here. You see, I was kidnapped by this individual. That is why I am here. I was not at all involved in this crime."

"Face away from me with your hands up!"

With an irritated look on his face, he let out an exasperated sigh and explained calmly, "I am not a criminal. Do you understand?"

"Do it now," the officer commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

How bothersome, he thought with an eye roll as he slowly turned around to swiftly return to the vehicle, sitting down next to the mortal who was still fiddling about with some coloured wires.

"What did they say?" the mortal mused with an amused tone, glancing over at the petulant pout on his flustered face.

"Just shut up and drive."

He snickered to himself quietly.

As the engine rumbled to life, the deep, resonant sound filled the air and created a sense of anticipation. The mortal paused for a moment and he flickered his gaze through to his peripheral vision, catching the small, enigmatic smile playing on his lips. His eyes, a haunting shade of grey, sparkled with excitement as he glanced over at Luciano. In that moment, he could not shake the feeling that this was the beginning of something truly intriguing if not messy.

"As you wish, Your Highness."