Luciano took this moment to gulp in desperate breaths, his body trembling from the aftereffects of the harrowing battle with Atropos. After pinching his eyes shut tightly, the tension slowly began to evaporate from his body. He realised that he almost did not make it out of that ordeal alive.

When he opened his eyes, he met the amused greys of the mortal.

"You going to assist me back up to my feet," he asked him tiredly, reluctantly conceding that he needed the mortal to help him up even though it pained him to admit it, "or are you planning to stand there, admiring my handsome form the entire time?"

The mortal stroked his chin, pretending to ponder the dilemma.

"Do not make me have to think of a creative solution, mortal."

"What sort of creative solutions did you have in mind?" His gaze sparkled with barely contained laughter.