A night to forget


AS Professor Thompson approached, Max and I fell silent, our conversation abruptly halted by his presence. Professor Thompson's gaze lingered on me before he spoke, "I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. Disappearing students, you say? How intriguing."

His smooth voice sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of charm and subtle threat. Max shifted uncomfortably, clearly sensing the tension in the air. The conversation had taken an unexpected turn.

I felt a rush of unease, but I tried to hide it well. "Just rumors, professor. Nothing concrete," I said, attempting to keep my tone neutral.

Professor Thompson raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Rumors often hold some truth, don't you think? Perhaps there's more to this than meets the eye."

I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest. Meanwhile Max was just silent finishing his lunch.

Professor Thompson's smirk widened slightly as he adjusted his cufflinks. "Well, I should be off. Duty calls and all that."

With a final, lingering look in my direction, he turned and walked away, leaving me and Max to exchange uneasy glances. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, and we reluctantly headed towards our afternoon classes, the conversation about the disappearances not quite forgotten but pushed aside for the moment.

I spotted my girlfriend in the hallway, engrossed in conversation with another boy. A twinge of jealousy and suspicion stirred within me, but I kept my composure, feigning indifference as I passed by. Max, noticing my reaction, nudged me discreetly, "Just talk to her already, are you really that fine to see your beloved girlfriend flirting with another guy?"

I took a deep breath, "Yeah, everything's fine. I'll talk to her when we get home. And please. She's not like other girls, maybe that's only her friend."

"I don't know, man," Max said as we continued walking down the hallway. "It doesn't look like just a friendly conversation to me. But I guess you know her better than I do."

I nodded, trying to push aside my doubts and suspicions for the moment. "I'll talk to her after class."

Max gave me a sympathetic pat on the back, "Alright, man. Just don't get too caught up in it. Remember, there's plenty of fish in the sea."

Max and I went inside the classroom I sat in my seat, pretending to listen as Professor Thompson delivered the lecture. But my thoughts were elsewhere entirely, consumed by doubts and worries about my girlfriend's conversation with that other boy in the hallway. Every word spoken by the professor turned into background noise as I grappled with the possibility that my girlfriend might be unfaithful. My mind raced with questions and worst-case scenarios, making it impossible for me to focus on the lesson at hand.

I tried his best to shake off the thoughts and focus on the lecture, but the worries about my girlfriend plagued me throughout the class. The ticking clock seemed to mock my anxiety, each second bringing me closer to the confrontation he dreaded.

As the bell rang to signal the end of the class, I hastily gathered his belongings. Max, noticing his preoccupied state, asked, "You alright, dude? You've been so out of it all class."

I sighed, "I can't get the idea out of my head. She was talking to that guy in the hallway, and it didn't seem innocent. I can't stop thinking about what it could mean."

Max shot me a sympathetic look, "Man, that sucks. But you don't know for sure what's going on. Have you talked to her about it yet?"

"No, not yet," I admitted, feeling a knot tightening in my stomach. "I plan to confront her about it tonight, but I'm nervous. What if I'm wrong? What if I'm just being paranoid?"

Max placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You won't know until you talk to her, buddy. It's better to have an open conversation and clear the air. If she's not up to something, then great. But if there's something going on, it's better to find out now than later."

I nodded slowly, taking in Max's words. "Yeah, you're right. I just need to gather up the courage to have that conversation tonight."

Max sensing my anxiety, decided to offer a distraction. "Hey, why don't we grab a drink at the local pub before you head home? It'll help take your mind off things."

I hesitated for a moment, torn between my desire to confront my girlfriend and the need for a temporary distraction. Eventually, I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, maybe a drink wouldn't hurt. Let's go."

At the pub, Max and I ordered a few rounds of drinks. As we continued drinking, the alcohol began to take effect, dulling my worries and clouding my thoughts. I found myself caught up in the moment, laughing and joking with Max and other patrons at the pub.

The hours passed quickly, and the atmosphere grew more rowdy and lively as the night went on.

I had forgotten all about confronting my girlfriend, the intoxication numbing my concerns for the time being.

As we reached the convenience store, Max slumped into a seat at a nearby table, exhausted and ready to rest. I was still inebriated, tried to pull myself onto the seat but slumped down halfway, nearly falling off before Max caught him.

Just as both of us started to doze off, an unknown man approached us. He took in our tired, drunk figures and chuckled quietly, shaking his head. "Looks like you folks had a bit too much fun tonight." He said caressing my cheek with his finger.

I slowly opened my eyes, blurry with exhaustion and alcohol, and saw a figure towering over me. As the image came into focus, I realized it was Ethan, my professor, my finger grazing Ethan's cheek in an ominous gesture. In my drunken state, my initial fear was replaced with a sudden burst of anger and revulsion.

"You," I muttered, my voice thick with disgust. "You're the most creepy man I have ever met." And with that, I leaned over and vomited on the side of the chair, barely missing Ethan.

Ethan stood there, his grin widening, enjoying the sight of my drunken reaction. As I vomited, he chuckled, clearly amused by the situation.

"Seems like you've had a bit too much to drink, haven't you?" Ethan said, his eyes gleaming with a sinister spark. He stepped closer, his tone condescending. "Maybe it's time you went home and slept it off before you embarrass yourself any further."

Ethan lifted me from the chair, supporting me as he stumbled drunkenly. "Come on, let's get you out of here," he muttered, his grip firm around my waist. With Max still asleep at the table, Ethan guided me into the motel room and laid him down on the bed.

As Ethan leaned over me, his gaze lingered, savoring the vulnerability that came with my drunken state. "Sleep well," he whispered, a hint of dark amusement in his tone.