Flight or Fight?


After being knocked out by Ethan, find myself awakening in a dimly lit basement. As my mind and senses gradually come back to me, I take in my surroundings and realizes that I am in a dangerous situation. The cold concrete floor and the musty smell of the air make me shiver with fear, and the sound of dripping water somewhere in the distance only adds to the eerie atmosphere. My heart races as I struggle to get my bearings and figure out what I should do next.

As I struggles to get upright, I hear the sound of footsteps approaching. The door to the basement creaks open, and standing in the doorway is Ethan, a sadistic smile on his face. He watch me for a moment in silence, his eyes gleaming with a sinister glee. I was feeling vulnerable and exposed, freezes at the sight of Ethan, my mind racing with thoughts of what Ethan might have in store for me.

Ethan steps into the basement, his eyes glinting with a perverse satisfaction. He approach me, standing over me with a malicious smile. "Well, well, well, look who's finally awake," Ethan taunts, enjoying the obvious fear and confusion in my expression. "Do you still remember me? Or did my dear associate bash your silly little head too hard?"

Despite my obvious fear, manage to lift my head and glare at Ethan, defiance flaring in my eyes. However, my words are stifled by the handkerchief that has been wrapped tightly around my mouth, tied securely in a makeshift gag. Frustrated and unable to speak, I can only manage a muffled grunt in response, further fueling Ethan's sadistic glee.

Ethan's hand traces a cold caress along my cheek, his touch sending a chill down my spine. He leans in, his voice dripping with sinister glee as he whispers, "You don't have to worry about your family anymore... I've already taken care of them." As Ethan says this, his laughter echoes around the basement, the demented sound bouncing off the concrete walls. My eyes widen in shock and disbelief, unable to process the horrific realization that my family has been slaughtered by this madman.

Ethan's smile widens as he gazes into my eyes, relishing the shock and anguish I sees there. "Why so affected, darling?" he mocks, his voice dripping with mockery. "It's not like you had a loving and supportive family. They barely cared about you, didn't they?... They never bothered to ask about you or check on you. You were just another forgotten piece of their family tree, weren't you?"

My eyes blaze with a mixture of anger and sorrow, a tear rolling down my cheek as I continue to glare at Ethan. Despite the handkerchief muffling my words, my gaze communicate my intense emotion and defiance. Ethan's words hit a nerve, tapping into my deep-seated feelings of abandonment and neglect.

As I glare at Ethan, an amused chuckle escapes Ethan's lips. He presses a finger to his own lips in a mockery of hushing me, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic glee. "Shh, shh," he taunts, his voice dripping with mock innocence. "No need to cry, dear. I understand you're upset, but your tears won't bring back your pathetic family." Ethan's laughter fills the basement, his twisted amusement echoing off the concrete walls.

Ethan dials a number on his phone, his gaze fixed on mine with a mocking smile. "Bring her," he commands, his voice laced with a sinister undercurrent. As the words leave Ethan's mouth, I was surprise turns to dread. I instantly knows who Ethan is referring to, and the thought of Sarah being brought into this dark situation makes my blood run cold. As Ethan hangs up the phone and remove the gag out of my mouth, I protests erupt furiously. "Don't f*cking lay a finger on her, or I'll f*cking kill you!" I yell, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger.

Sarah is brought into the basement, pleading for her life under the tight gag covering her mouth. As I watche, horror and rage surge through me. I struggle desperately against the ropes binding me to the chair, desperately trying to free myself. But Ethan, his eyes gleaming with madness, is undeterred. He presses a knife against Sarah's throat, his psychotic smile growing wider. "You wouldn't want anything to happen to her, now would you?" Ethan taunts, mocking me futile efforts to escape.

Ethan slowly slice Sarah's neck in front of me, I almost want to throw up I look away as Sarah scream for her life and I couldn't do anything to help her.

"I'll f*cking kill you, Ethan Thompson... Just you wait!" I yell in rage and saw Sarah's lifeless body and my eyes widened in surprise when Ethan stomped on Sarah's head I look away and tears ran down to my cheeks.

Ethan's twisted amusement turns to sinister delight as he release me from the chair, tossing a knife to the ground between us. A psychotic smile spreads across his face as he taunts me, "You have a chance to kill me now." I was still trembling with a mix of emotions, looks down at the knife and then back up at Ethan. Despite the fear that still lingers within me, a fierce determination shines in my eyes as I pick up the knife. I stand facing Ethan, every fiber of his being focused on the challenge before me.

As I stand facing Ethan, it seems as though I was about to attack, but suddenly, I make a swift decision. Instead of engaging in a physical confrontation, I bolt toward the basement stairs, making a hasty escape. Ethan, watching me flee, laughs coldly and calls out with a chilling tone, "Darling, are we going to play hide and seek? Be careful, I'm good at this game..." As I scurries away, seeking refuge in a closet, Ethan begins searching the house, his sinister voice echoing through the darkness.

Ethan's laughter echoes through the house, a cold and eerie sound that sends a chill down my spine. With each passing second, my heart pound faster, my fear growing with every beat. "I can hear your heart, beating faster," Ethan taunts, his voice dripping with a sinister glee. "You're almost mine." As I cower in the closet, the sound of Ethan's approaching footsteps only intensifies my fear. My mind races for a way out, but the feeling of being hunted by this madman seems inescapable.

I was still trembling yet filled with newfound determination, peeks out from the closet and sees that Ethan is momentarily distracted. Seeing my chance, I cautiously exits the closet. As I turn a corner, I spot an open drawer with a gun inside. Swiftly and silently, I grab the gun and dashes toward the kitchen. My heart races as I slip silently behind the counter, seeking refuge in the darkness that the kitchen provides.

I was hiding behind the kitchen counter, is tense and anxious as Ethan enters the kitchen. My heart racing, I close my eyes tightly, waiting for the inevitable moment when Ethan find me. After a moment of silence, I risk a peek over the counter, but before I can get a clear view, Ethan's voice rings out behind me, a chilling "Boo~" piercing the air. My heart skips a beat as I spin around to face Ethan, who stand there with a sinister smirk.

I was in a desperate act, quickly loads the gun and, without hesitation, fires at Ethan, hitting him in the shoulder. Without wasting a moment, I bolt away, fueled by adrenaline and fear. Ethan, despite his injury, chuckles darkly, a twisted sense of pride in his voice as he says, "That's my boy..." I can feel the weight of Ethan's twisted words and the danger that still follow me as I disappear through the shadows.