Within five steps

His accent sounds a lot like someone from Henan.

However, I don't have time to figure out where he's from right now. I need to stay alert for any ambushes around this valley.

Spanner and the others are on standby at the perimeter, while Liu Shiyi leisurely roams the mountains with Yan Zi, taking pictures as if they were on a tour.

The so-called "mine" is actually just a small hill. Because the local leader wanted to develop the area, they arranged for people to blast the hill and create roads. During the blasting, they unexpectedly discovered minerals. The boss was overjoyed and immediately contacted various major bosses to compete for it.

The first to arrive was Boss Ning, who, leveraging his wealth and influence, insisted that the boss sell both the minerals and the land to him. After several failed negotiations, they agreed to meet at the mine today to settle the matter.

In reality, the two most precious resources in this poor country of Myanmar are jade and teak, and these are mostly found in areas controlled by the Kachin armed forces in the Third Special Region. The Kachin people are essentially the same ethnic group as the Jingpo people in Yunnan, China, and they speak the Yunnan dialect.

Since ancient times, jade and century-old teak have been treasured in China. Encouraged and supported by the Kachin leaders, who are friendly to China, many adventurers have flocked to Myanmar to mine and log. However, many have been scammed, including a friend of mine who came here to buy jade and ended up losing fifty thousand yuan in a forced "transaction."

This issue aside, the boss who discovered the minerals kept his promise, allowing his armed forces to stay on the perimeter while bringing only one soldier with him.

After both parties met at the mine, we walked together towards the large pit where the minerals were discovered.

In the Qing Dynasty, this area was part of a small county in China but was later ceded as a British colony. Following various conflicts, it completely detached from China and became a poor and backward region ruled by warlords and subjected to feudal systems.

As a result, most people here are Chinese, speak fluent Mandarin or the Yunnan dialect, use the Chinese yuan, and use Chinese products. The leader of the Fourth Special Region is Lin Mingxian, a native of Hainan, China, who was once a youth sent down during the Cultural Revolution. He is also the son-in-law of Peng Jiasheng, the original "King of Kokang."

Unlike other leaders, the upper echelon here consists of intellectuals from Hainan, Fujian, and Guangdong provinces. Lin Mingxian has made significant contributions to local anti-drug efforts, earning high praise from China.

The Secretary-General, Jiang Zhiming, hails from Wanding, China, and was once a brigade commander and deputy chief of staff in the Northeastern Military Region before joining the Myanmar Communist Revolution.

The Fourth Special Region is relatively better off than other regions. Soon, we arrived at the large pit where the jade minerals were discovered.

The local boss pointed to the large stones in the pit and loudly said, "Boss Ning, look at this pit of jade minerals. Aren't you confident that you'll find treasures?"

Boss Ning's eyes lit up immediately, "Well, that's not certain. What if they turn out to be worthless flaws?"

He had a point. Some bosses like to use fake stones to scam outsiders. In their territory, you can't leave without buying something, so you're forced to buy everything, sometimes shedding tears while doing so. These minerals could very well be defective products smuggled from the Kachin region.

I don't know much about this, so I'll follow Boss Ning's instructions.

"Boss Ning, are you implying that I would deceive you? Ah Hu, break one open for Boss Ning to see."

"Got it!"

The bodyguard, named Ah Hu, was over two meters tall and muscular, definitely outweighing me.

He picked up a large iron hammer and walked to the edge of the pit. With a powerful swing, he smashed a face-sized jade stone.


The jade stone shattered into pieces, showcasing the bodyguard's immense strength.

Embarrassingly, after smashing three or four so-called jade stones, not even an egg-sized piece of jade emerged.


With the final blow, a duck egg-sized piece of jade finally appeared.

Boss Ning looked at the jade for a few seconds and then threw it to the ground, sneering, "Ha, a defective piece! Do you think you can scam me out of eight or nine million yuan with this trash?"

"Boss Ning, since you're here, let's discuss this calmly. No need to get angry. You have people, and I have people too! Fighting won't benefit either of us. It's better to work together and make money from this project!"

The mineral boss picked up the jade, smirking.

"How do we negotiate if you have no sincerity? My money doesn't grow on trees. If you want to cooperate, show me a top-quality jade piece right now, and I'll transfer ten million yuan to buy this land!"

Boss Ning raised an eyebrow, his voice stern.

The mineral boss laughed, "Do you think ten million is enough to buy this hill? Are you joking? I quoted nine million for these stones!"

Boss Ning was furious, "Are you messing with me? We agreed on nine million for the entire hill, and now you're changing the terms!"

"Boss Ning, as the saying goes, a dragon can't suppress a local snake. No matter how rich you are, it won't matter if you're dead."

As soon as the boss finished speaking, his bodyguard pulled out a gun.


But before he could aim, I lunged forward and disarmed him.

The bodyguard stared in disbelief, "How did you do that?"

I pointed the gun at the boss's temple and smirked, "With your IQ, it's hard to explain."

"You…" the bodyguard shouted, throwing a punch at me.


I kicked him five meters away into the pit.

Within five steps, my speed outmatched any gun.

The boss was drenched in cold sweat, trembling as he pleaded, "Boss Ning, please tell your man to lower the gun. You can have all these jade stones."

"Too late!"

Boss Ning whistled, and dozens of soldiers with AK-47s appeared around the hill.

The boss collapsed, "You… you lured me here on purpose…"

"Haha, you're not that dumb after all. You could have enjoyed the nine million, but you chose to lose everything!"

Boss Ning slapped the boss's sweaty face, laughing smugly.

The boss gritted his teeth, "You won't die a good death. My brothers will avenge me!"

"Stubborn!" Boss Ning's face turned cold, "Send him on his way!"

I hesitated, having no personal grudge against the boss, but now I had to kill him…

Seeing my hesitation, Boss Ning coldly asked, "Never killed before?"


I pulled the trigger decisively, "Now I have."

The boss fell, his brains and blood splattering all over me.

Boss, don't blame me for being ruthless. I was just following orders!

Your death is better than mine.

Boss Ning was delighted, "Good. From now on, you're one of us. We'll call each other brothers. Since I'm older, you can call me Brother Ning!"

"Thank you, Brother Ning!" I forced a smile and quickly put the gun in my pocket.