Waiting for your good news

I was completely stunned and then snapped back to reality, pushing her away. "Sis, don't do this. If Mr. Ning sees, he'll kill me."

Swallow's bold move made me blush deeply.

"Did Liu Shiyi take your first kiss that day? He's a man, it doesn't count! From now on, if anyone asks, just say you gave it to me!"

She adjusted her bangs, hit my chest lightly with a tearful smile, and then turned away gracefully.

"Sister Yan, Mr. Ning invites you inside for the meal."

Tang Tian opened the car door just in time and helped her out.


I took a deep breath, composed my expression, and jumped out of the car as well.


Seeing me get out of the car, Tang Tian pouted and led Swallow into the hotel.

I paused for a moment, then quickly wiped the lipstick off my mouth and strode to catch up.

At noon, we enjoyed imported Western cuisine and fine wine with Mr. Ning at a five-star hotel. The saying "Don't drink and drive, and don't drive if you drink" applies to law-abiding people.

Here, all the rules are broken by the devil.

But just like me, Maoding Lun practices martial arts and is responsible for driving and security, so he didn't drink.

Wrench, on the other hand, drank everything: yellow wine, white wine, and red wine, one after another.

No one was happier than Mr. Ning, who directly rewarded Liu Shiyi with a box of cash.

Liu Shiyi was so happy that his pale face even got some color back.

Half an hour later, we started our journey back to Myawaddy.

Swallow stayed behind to accompany Mr. Ning, becoming his little mistress.

Mr. Ning, to make sure I stayed loyal to him, assured me not to worry about the underground boxing match. He said he'd find a way to eliminate a few of the fierce competitors...

Some things he said didn't register with me. What mattered was that I planned to escape before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Two hours later, we arrived at the Golden Grand Casino.

Ace, the old fox, was entertaining VIP guests, and Liu Shiyi gave us free time, heading off to play baccarat with Maoding Lun.

I pulled Wrench to a corner and whispered, "Are there any of his spies here? I want to go for a walk!"

Wrench got it immediately and dragged me to an inconspicuous back door.

"Today you look like a gambler, no one will notice you, but come back soon and it's best if you buy something to carry back."

I awkwardly said, "...I don't have any money."

Wrench handed me a hundred yuan, "Spend wisely. This is all I have."


I couldn't help but laugh, opened the door, and dashed out immediately.

If I was any slower, I'd get kicked.

After leaving the Golden Grand Casino, I wandered around the streets a bit before sneaking into Yan Mo's bridge noodle shop.

Seeing me alone and dressed like this, he was obviously stunned. "Boss, what kind of noodles would you like?"

I sat at the innermost table. "Spicy, please."

"Okay! Just a moment!"

Yan Mo personally cooked and brought over a steaming bowl of spicy noodles.

Actually, I was already full from the hotel meal and couldn't eat more.

After dawdling for a few minutes and waiting for the customers to leave, I lowered my voice and said, "I have a message for Yan Yun. Can you handle it? If not, forget I said anything."

Yan Mo blocked the view from outside, pretending to write the menu, "I can. Speak, I'll tell the young master."

"Mr. Ning from Xiao Meng La killed the owner of the suburban mountain, and buried him under the so-called ore. 

I don't know the mountain name or the person's name, but he can find out. Liu Shiyi from KK Park was also there.

Yan Yun should know what to do next. Please tell him I'm waiting for good news at the park!

Just a reminder, I need to hear the news before the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Then I raised my voice, "Boss, can you pack some more dishes? I want to take them back for my brothers."

"Sure, please wait!"

Yan Mo took the money, pretended to give change at the cashier, and then had his staff cook.

In fact, he gave me another hundred in change.

A few minutes later, the food and noodles I ordered were packed. After some polite exchanges, I left the noodle shop with the takeaway boxes.

Then I wandered around nearby, bought some snacks, and slowly returned to the Golden Grand Casino.

As soon as I opened the back door, I saw Wrench, "Whoa, you scared me..."

Wrench looked at the bags in my hands, "You bought so much and said you had no money?"

I laughed, shoving the bags into his hands shamelessly, "Hehe, good looks get you places!"

"Someone's face is thicker than a city wall!"

Wrench laughed and cried, taking the bags and heading towards the casino hall.

The lively casino was full of gamblers placing bets passionately.

Betting money, betting lives, betting on a tomorrow that might never come.

Liu Shiyi was just coming back from the restroom and saw us with the bags, "Yo, bought so much food?"

He implied we could really eat.

"I brought some back for Chen Cheng and the others, so they don't say I hog all the food."

I grinned and told the truth.

The food was indeed for Li Jianguo, not Chen Weiqiang.

Since he's a tech guy, he never worries about getting a bite of meat...

"Professor Ace wants to see you in his office."

"Got it."

I handed all the bags to Wrench and followed a bodyguard to the sixth floor.

His office was in the innermost room on the sixth floor.

No need to describe the luxury; this old fox never has good intentions when he calls me.

"Professor, you wanted to see me?" I asked as soon as I entered.

He definitely knew I left Myawaddy with Mr. Ning, so I might as well take the initiative.

"Sit. I recently got some good tea, try it. It's aged raw Pu-erh from Yunnan, China."

Ace, the old fox, had me sit next to him, skillfully brewing and serving the tea.

Aged raw Pu-erh tea's price is just a hype by merchants.

Though the tea soup was aromatic and sweet, it was no different from ordinary Pu-erh, only differing in the quality of the ancient tea trees.

For me, tea tasting is about the mood, not the price.

"Good tea, thank you, Professor." I put down the cup, pretending to praise.

Ace poured more tea, "Mr. Ning likes your cousin?"

"Yes, my cousin studied nursing and physiotherapy. Mr. Ning is a businessman who socializes a lot and needs a considerate personal assistant."

"Did you just go shopping in Xiao Meng La today?"

"My cousin and I shopped with Mr. Ning's people. Liu Shiyi and the others might have been catching up on old times or discussing business."

"You don't say, and I won't push. After all, the underworld has its rules." Ace put down his cup and smiled sinisterly, "Are you confident about the mid-to-late-month competition?"

A rhetorical question?

I feigned calm, "Half confident. After all, I haven't seen the opponents or know how many are competing."

"I trust your skills. The contestants are almost decided. Eight madmen are challenging you..."