
Lost. Adrift. Insubstantial. These are the only words that come to mind as I drift through the darkness, a mere wisp of a spirit. I am Raxis, once a fierce fighter, now...this.

I blink, trying to comprehend my surroundings, but there is nothing to comprehend. Just darkness. Endless, malevolent darkness. It is the Void, and I am but a speck of consciousness within it.

The whispers start, like a gentle breeze that tickles at the edges of my awareness. They promise me things—power, escape, even vengeance. The whispers grow louder, their siren song weaving through my mind, trying to seduce me, to turn me against everything I once stood for. But I resist.

Resist...even as I feel myself fading, dissipating into the darkness.

"No!" I cry, my voice echoing through the Void like a scream. "I will not give up. I will not yield to the Void."

And then, I hear a voice. A faint, almost imperceptible voice. "Raxis?"

My heart skips a beat as I recognize the voice. It is Corbin.

"Corbin?" I whisper, my voice trembling with hope. "Is that you?"

"Raxis, it's me," he says, his voice stronger now. "I'm here."

I blink, trying to comprehend what's happening. Corbin is here? But how?

"What's happening?" I ask, my voice barely audible.

Ah, the complexity of this situation! Even as Raxis and Corbin struggle to resist the Void's influence, they are acutely aware of their past as enemies. The hate that once fueled their conflict now smolders like a banked fire, a tension simmering just beneath the surface of their shared determination.

"We must resist the Void," Corbin says, his voice strained. "But once we are free, we will settle our differences."

"Agreed," Raxis replies, her voice cold. "But make no mistake, Corbin. Once we are free, we will fight again."

And so, in the midst of the malevolent Void, Raxis and Corbin find themselves in an uneasy alliance. The darkness presses in around them, its whispers growing more insistent by the moment, but the two fighters hold fast, determined to resist the Void's temptations, even as their own conflict looms on the horizon.

As they press onward, Raxis and Corbin find themselves navigating a treacherous mental landscape where their worst fears and darkest desires are given form by the Void. The whispers mock them, trying to break their concentration, to turn them against each other, but they press on. And then, just as it seems that the whispers will consume them, Raxis and Corbin hear it: a familiar voice, calling out from the darkness.

"Raxis! Corbin!" it cries. "I'm here!"

The two fighters' eyes widen as they recognize the voice: it is Skade.

"Skade!" Corbin calls out, relief flooding his voice. "Are you okay?"

"For now," Skade replies, his voice trembling with effort.

"We're in the Void," Corbin says, his voice tense with worry. "We have to get out of here."

"Agreed," Skade replies, his voice resolute. "But how?"

Corbin frowns, his mind racing. "I don't know. But I have an idea."

Raxis turns to Corbin, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "What idea?"

Corbin's face hardens. "We combine our powers." he says, his voice steady. "Together, we might be able to break through the Void."

Raxis snorts, his voice dripping with contempt. "And why should I trust you all, Corbin? You are my enemy."

Skade steps forward, his face a mask of determination. "Because if we do not work together, we will all be lost. The Void is too strong. But together, perhaps we can defeat it."

Corbin nods, his eyes meeting Raxis's. "he's right," he says, his voice firm." "Skade, where are Kraven and Saskia?" Corbin asks, his voice edged with urgency. "Did they make it through?"

Skade's face falls, the weight of her words evident in her eyes. "I'm not sure," she says, his voice pained. "We were separated when the Voidlings attacked. I managed to escape, but I fear the others were not so fortunate."

Corbin's heart sinks at the news, the weight of his responsibility to his friends bearing down on him. "Then we must find them," he says, his voice low and determined. Raxis regards Corbin with a skeptical expression, her trust in him still wavering. "And how do we do that?" he asks. "We are trapped in this hellscape with no way out."

Corbin turns to face hi., meeting him. gaze with hisown. "We fight our way out," he says, his voice echoing with resolve. "We break through the Void's defenses, and we find our friends. And when we do, we take the fight to Corax."

Skade nods, determination burning in her eyes. And so, they fight. They fight as if their very souls depend on it, for in a way, they do. The Void's defenses are fierce, its creatures relentless, but Corbin, Raxis, and Skade are determined. They are warriors, skilled in the art of battle, and they will not be stopped.

As they battle their way through the Void, they begin to hear whispers of another presence—one that seems to be working in their favor, leading them to hidden paths and providing crucial aid when they need it most.

The whispers lead Corbin, Raxis, and Skade to a hidden chamber deep within the Void, where they find themselves facing a mysterious figure.

"Who are you?" Raxis demands, her sword at the ready. "What do you want?"

The figure steps forward, the light from the Void's eerie glow casting a shadow over their face. "I am the Void's Shadow," the figure replies, their voice deep and gravelly. "I have been sent here by my Master, Corax," the figure says, its voice like gravel grinding against metal. "He has foreseen that the three of you will become powerful obstacles in his quest for ultimate power, and he requires your presence."

The Shadow takes a step forward, the shadows around it seeming to swirl and writhe as if alive. "However, he has grown tired of your defiance, and wishes for you to submit willingly. If you do not, he will have you ripped apart by the Void itself."

"Who is Corax?" Raxis demands, her voice echoing through the chamber. "What does he want with us?"

The Shadow turns its attention to Raxis, its face still shrouded in shadow. "Corax is the one who created the Void," it replies, its voice dripping with malice. "He is the one who seeks to consume all reality, to bring everything under his control. And you three? You possess something that he desires—a power that he can use to further his plans."

Raxis scoffs, her sword still pointed at the Shadow. Raxis snarls at the Shadow, her eyes flashing with anger. "That's impossible!" she hisses. "The EtherKin who controlled the Void was an apostle of the EtherGod himself!"

The Shadow lets out a low, rumbling laugh. "You know so little, my dear Raxis," it says, its voice dripping with arrogance. "The EtherKin who controlled the Void was merely an apostle of Corax. Corax was the true power behind the Void, biding his time and waiting for the perfect moment to strike."

The Shadow continues, "Indeed, Corax is a powerful being who rules over the void itself. The EtherGod, in his arrogance, believed himself to be the supreme ruler of the Ether and all existence. But Corax, a being of ancient and terrible power, was always lurking in the shadows, waiting for the chance to strike. And when the EtherKin who controlled the Void was weakened by your battle, Corax seized his chance and took control of the Void for himself."

The Shadow's eyes gleam with a malevolent light.

"And now, he has set his sights on Corbin," the Shadow continues, a cruel smile curling its lips. "Corax knows that Corbin possesses the power to either destroy him or serve as his greatest weapon. That is why Corax wants him so badly."

The Shadow steps closer to Raxis, its voice dropping to a whisper.

"And if you do not yield, my dear Raxis, Corax will have you destroyed. Do you understand? Do you understand what will happen if you continue to resist?"

The Shadow's presence looms over Raxis, its voice a poisonous whisper in her ear. "You will suffer, Raxis. Your soul will be ripped apart and scattered across the Void. You will never know peace or rest again. Corax will make sure of that."

Raxis stiffens, her eyes narrowed in defiance. "And if we yield?" she demands. "What then? What will happen to us?"

The Shadow smiles, its teeth glinting in the eerie light of the Void.

"If you yield, you will serve Corax."

"You will be given a choice," the Shadow continues, its smile widening. "Submit willingly, and Corax will grant you power beyond your wildest dreams. You will become his most loyal and trusted servants, and he will grant you everything you desire—power, riches, even immortality. You will rule by his side, conquering all who oppose him."

The Shadow leans closer, its voice a seductive hiss.

"Or, you can refuse to serve, and suffer the consequences." The Shadow's presence looms over Raxis, his breath hot on her face. "And what of Corbin?" she asks, her voice low and dangerous. "What does Corax plan to do with him?"

The Shadow chuckles, his amusement dark and twisted. "Corbin?" he says, his voice dripping with venom. "Oh, he is the key to everything. Corax will break him, twist him, mold him into a weapon unlike anything this world has ever seen. And when he is done with Corbin, the Ether itself will tremble at Corax's might."

"Corbin will serve as the Vessel of Corax," the Shadow says, his voice dripping with dark glee. "He will become the embodiment of Corax's power, the avatar of his will. He will unleash destruction upon the Ether, and there will be none who can stand against him. And when Corax has finally attained the power he desires, he will consume all of creation, and there will be nothing left but darkness and despair."

The Shadow smiles again, his eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

"Unless, of course, you choose to submit."

The Shadow turns his attention to Corbin, his eyes gleaming with dark purpose. "You have the Storm domain within you," he says, his voice low and gravelly. "You stole it from Raxis during your battle."

Corbin frowns, his eyes narrowing. "That's right," he says, his voice hard. "And I'll use it to defeat Corax, if I have to."

The Shadow chuckles, his laughter like the croaking of a raven. "Oh, Corbin. You still think you can defeat Corax?"

"Foolish child," the Shadow hisses, the darkness around him growing denser. "You will never defeat Corax. But you will serve him, one way or another."

The Shadow raises his hand, and a dark tendril of energy shoots out from his palm, wrapping itself around Corbin's throat. Corbin gasps, his eyes wide with shock and fear.

"Give me the Storm domain," the Shadow demands, his voice ringing with authority. "Give it to me, and I will revive Raxis." Corbin struggles against the Shadow's hold, his body convulsing as he tries to break free. But the Shadow is too strong, and Corbin's efforts are in vain.

"Submit," the Shadow growls, his grip tightening around Corbin's throat. "Submit, or I will crush you where you stand."

Corbin gasps for breath, his face turning red as the Shadow's grip tightens. And then, with a final surge of effort, he releases his hold on the Storm domain, the power flooding out of his body like a tempestuous wave. The Shadow laughs, a sound like thunder in the darkness. The Storm domain swirls around him, coalescing into a pulsating orb of energy. "Excellent," he hisses, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "Now, Raxis's Heart is complete."

The Shadow holds the Heart aloft, the light from it casting a bloody glow across the Void. "Raxis," he calls, his voice echoing through the darkness. "Raxis, come forth."

The light from the Heart grows brighter, and Raxis's spirit coalesces from the darkness, her form slowly taking shape. Raxis's spirit solidifies, her body taking on a physical form once more. She gasps, her eyes wide with wonder and fear as she looks down at herself. "What is this?" she whispers. "What's happening?"

The Shadow chuckles, the sound like the crack of thunder. "You are being revived, Raxis," he says. "I have extracted the Storm domain from Corbin and used it to create your Ether Core, or rather heart as you the Etherkin call it, the source of your new life."

Raxis trembles, her eyes darting between Corbin and the Shadow.