The Darkness That Divides

"What is he?" The shadow Mistress exclaimed in shock, her eyes wishing to unsee

"A demon, I propose, boss. It seems the night as prevailed over the sun," one of the men said

"A demon....." the Shadow Mistress voice trailed off. "Well.. Well, what are you guys waiting for? " she stammered in fear, for stories she had heard never to come across one.

Not this close!.

The men stood there, their gaze at each other.

The was air thick with tension

"Go get him. He's just a single demon, you were trained for this. " The Shadow Mistress voice grew commanding, but she couldn't deny the pang off fear resonating in her mind

The men charge off left to obey their master words, their weapons gripped tight,

aim set.

All in for the kill

"They just never learn, do they?" Damien whispered. A malignant smile grew on his lips, leaving the men to cower in the fear.

With a slight move, their eyes caught no glimpse of Damien