
Getting ready

Cassandra stood up. With a heavy sigh she walked out, led by her escort to the most coveted place in the entire arena – a shower. As she walked inside, completely naked and covered in accumulated amounts of sweat and dirt. With a skull bowl and a cloth in hand, she raised her head to the sweet feeling of dripping water, feeling alive again.

Outside, Jane, Ninja and Sara were waiting while making snarky remarks. "I honestly have no idea why she is so strong. I mean, look at her. She's not built like a tank, and yet she can pulverize someone twice her size," Jane remarked suspicious.

"Yeah, I do not know which dark mage she sold her soul to, but you got to admit she managed to get some pretty sweet terms," Sara added quietly.

"Yeah… she must've had her hands full, if you know what I mean," Jane snickered, simulating lewd acts.

"Just wait till she gets to her wedding night," Ninja added in a nasty whisper. The two other girls cackled discretely. No one dared mock her openly anymore.

Feeling refreshed, the soon-to-be bride stepped outside, staring coldly at her companions. They helped her put on a slick black wedding dress, in a solemn and dry atmosphere, without so much as a friendly word of encouragement. Cassandra recalled what a contrast her earthly wedding preparations were, with her four best friends staying up all night just to talk and then helping her get ready. They held up her puffy dress, joking and gushing over how beautiful she was. The sunny morning led to an even sunnier day. It was everything she had hoped for.

Down here, the wedding dress went with a black bouquet which was, due to the lack of flowers in Helltown, made from twisted barbed wire.

"This would be more suited as a weapon," she thought looking at the bulky part that was supposed to resemble flower crowns. "All the better… You can never know what to expect next," she told herself.

Tamara was waiting outside the arena gate dressed all in black, as if in mourning. She checked the bride one more time, with melancholy in her eyes. "Such a shame you are leaving. I have grown quite fond of you," she said caressing the brides long silky hair strains.

"Me too," Cassandra uttered politely. "I apologize for making you lose a valuable act."

"That is alright. Things worked out in the end. For us at least…" she said calmly. "You look beautiful by the way. Are you excited? Is everything about the ceremony clear?"

"Thanks. Yes and no. I'm actually really nervous."

"Don't be. No one is going to focus on you too much. The booze and the fights will be the main attraction. Not to mention the hookers," Tamara said salty.

"At least you will be able to scout out potential gladiator girls," Cassandra added dubiously.

"That is true. I just hope none of them spot my Biff first. It is so hard to keep a good man down here," she complained.

"I can only imagine," Cassandra replied, glancing around restless.

Tamara took notice. "Cassandra, can I ask you something?" she whispered leaning forward. Her psycho eyes, very close to hers.

The bride held in her breath, holding her hands over her stomach.

With disturbed eyes, Tamara stood inches from her face. "During your stay here… Did you see any other of these hussies trying to seduce my man?"

"No, I can't say I ever saw any of the girls even look at him in that way," she replied calmly.

Her former boss smiled relieved and leaned back. "Good."

The muffled cries of the crowd could be heard from the heavy door. The carnage that happened recently was long forgotten, with some jumping over their fallens favorite curdled blood.

"Well, off you go. Are you nervous about your new life?" her female boss teased. Cassandra shivered from the mere thought. Tamara compassionately caressed her face. "Do not worry my dear. It will be fine," she said as her hand gently moved the strains from the bride's temple, as a mother would. Cassandra could not stand her touch, still thinking about poor Lavinia.

"Now, are you ready?" Tamara said solemn.

Cassandra nodded, holding the wire bouquet tight. It hurt her fingers, but she could not expect any better. Her former owner opened the door, letting the cheers and shouts occupy her ears. The flimsy fence used to keep the viewers at bay during the performances was taken down and used to make a long tight passage for the future bride.

A good thing because the moment the light of flames shun upon her face a frenzy of claws and deformed hands hurled towards her. Raising her head and hiding her concerns with an expression of superiority, she slowly walked through the forest of demonic creatures, all doing their best to at least touch her soft feminine skin.

"Cassandra! Cassandra! Look at me! I'm the one you want! Marry me!" one of them yelled distressed.

"No! Be mine! I love you. I would do anything for you!" spoke another desperate fan.

An exceptionally long dark claw sprung from the fence, scratching her in the process.

She glared at him moving away.

"I want to taste your flesh. I bet it's sweet," he snarled, showing his sharp teeth.

"Get that pervert away from here!" she commanded. The surrounding group grabbed the perpetrator and proceeded to beat the living shit out of him. Relieved that nothing can ever really die, only suffer for eternity, Cassandra continued on her walk.

The groom waited for her at the end of the narrow passage and slowly ushered her to the small black table with barbed wire arranged in a semicircle above.

The ceremony was short, if you could even call it that. The overlord of Helltown glanced at them and turned to observe the crowd, smirking at their distressed faces and broken-hearted cries. Afterward the procession continued to parade through the city streets. The newlyweds sat in an elegant carriage pulled by a mechanical horse similar to that from the gladiator pit. The event created an even larger crowd.

"My queen, I bleed for you!" a skinny demon yelled taking a dagger and tearing into his chest. The scar was in the shape of a heart.

"Damn. These guys are really making me uncomfortable," she whispered to her new groom.

"I know… Just keep your chin up. They are just excited. It's not every day that a wedding takes place," Basil responded calmly.

"I can't imagine why. With all this blood-letting and devastation around, you would think the higher ups would be thrilled," she commented with a side-smile.

Basil looked straight through her. "Exactly. Not all the brides come with so many admirers. In fact, they are one of the reasons this marriage was approved."

His new bride let out a discrete puff, with a mix of emotions about the entire thing.

He placed his hand over hers, patting it gently. "Do not be upset, my dear. Soon we will be in the relative safety of our new home. Once this whole thing is over, I will show you around. Won't that be fun?" he said soothingly.

Cassandra smiled, tightening her grip on their intertwined hands. He kept his hand over hers all the way through, giving here even more reassurance.

A few lower level bat demons ended up in a bloody fight, trying to get her attention.

Basil pressed his lips, also impacted. "That is the Helltown motto. Optimize the opportunity to maximize the misery," he said making her involuntarily chuckle.

Cassandra put up a brave front, hoping they will get to the high tower soon. However, whatever concerns she may have had before, they were quickly dwarfed with what awaited her at the banquet.