
Take care of yourself

"What do you think?" Tamara asked calmly.

"Pardon?" Cassandra uttered.

"Of the new show. The girls are brand new. Fresh out of the brothels. Do you like it?" her former boss said.

The former employee exhaled relieved. She turned to the platform, where the two hollering girls, were running at each other with bulky metal weapons. "They seem okay? A little loud, but I guess that is part of the appeal."

"I agree. Neither is particularly skilled, but what they lack in technique, they make up in ferociousness," her gladiator pit owner replied, making her companion chuckle. The former employee felt uneasy next to her stone-cold tall woman.

Observing the silent Cass, Tamara finally uttered, "How's Helltown treating you? We haven't seen you in some time. We're not out of your league now, are we?"

"Of course not! I was just busy. You would be amazed how time-consuming life here can be."