Teo's melted face looked up as his flesh was boiled alive in the center of the merciless spiral. Cassandra watched, cold and motionless.
"Now you've done it! What in the world possessed you to do such a thing?" Jane protested, wishing she had hands so that at least she could choke her to death.
"Let me enjoy this moment!" Cassandra said, watching the whirlpool long after all traces of his body were gone.
"Why? It wasn't enough that you murdered our greatest benefactor. Now you are just going to stand here and wait for someone to catch you in the act?" her inside voice yelled hysterical.
"Everyone we ever met is 4 miles away. This place is not only isolated by tall rocks, but the magma waves create a sound-proof barrier. He stood so close to the edge, in such a relaxed manner, that I overpowered him with no trouble. The moment was perfect!" she declared to the protesting soul.