
"I want a divorce, Byron." Sydney said in that her girlish voice that makes me do just about anything for her. I had nothing to say. My thoughts were scattered and the only thing that made sense to me in my head was she was joking. My head kept repeating the line over and over until not only my subconscious believed it, but i also believed it.

"Syd, come on. You are joking right? Are we in April? Is this April fool?"

“I wish i was. Let's not drag this. You're a good man, Byron. But this isn't working out for me. I'm not feeling this marriage anymore."

I couldn't believe it. She's joking. She's joking. I kept muttering to myself. Only, she wasn't joking. She had already filed the paperwork before approaching me about it. I had to think of something to say and do fast. I didn't want to loose my wife. Did I love her? Yes. Who wouldn't love his wife? But was i in love with her? No. We'd been together for five years and in that time, I grew to love and tolerate her. Having her on my arm was good for my career. And hers too. Most especially her reputation. Marrying the hottest lawyer in Calabasas, if not all of California made her stand out amongst her friends. I'd never lost a case. I was the lawyer everyone wanted but couldn't afford. I was the beast in the courtroom. Heartless and ruthless. But with her, I was the gentlest human a man could be. So what went wrong?

"What did I do wrong, Syd? Am I not loving you enough?"

“Stop torturing yourself. I told you, I'm not feeling this marriage anymore. Everything is getting boring and dull for me. There's no excitement, no thrill. I'm so sorry but this is it."

Now her words got me pissed. That was her stupid excuse? "Those are your bases for this unbelievable request for a divorce? Are you out of your mind? You are carrying my child for fucksake, Sydney. Are you thinking at all?"

“I can take care of the baby by myself, thank you." she shot me a glare.

There was nothing left for me to say. I walked out of the house, got into my car and drove straight to the Triple 7 sports bar and grill, my favorite spot to unwind. I knew for a fact Jack would be there. He's always there. I needed his company, to talk to him, for him to make me stop feeling like shit. Jack's home was one of the worst I'd ever come across. He hated his wife and his wife hated him. But secretly, I think they'd do anything to protect each other and their three kids. Because they couldn't stand each other, he was always at our favorite spot, drinking. But never, not once did I see him chase after another woman. He was a good man. We actually met at this bar, on a Saturday, during their live performance. He was drunk to his ass and was singing a deadbeat awful song. I was trying to crack my head for a case, and no matter how awful his singing was, and how focused I thought I was on the case, I found myself singing along.

It was the same day I met Normani. My heart raced faster at the thought of her. The only person I'd ever given myself completely to. I don't want to think about her. It would ruin my mood the more. I had no idea what made Jack notice me that evening but he did, and he dragged me up there to sing with him. That was when I saw her. My eyes didn't leave hers until I was done singing. It was as though I was singing to her. He made me sing Elvis Presley can't help falling in love. The intense heat I felt was something I couldn't explain. I saw the heat and intensity in her eyes too. That night, I had the greatest fuck of my life. And I didn't know her name. Not until after a week of great and relentless sex.

Getting to Triple 7 sports bar and grill, Jack wasn't there. But that wasn’t going deter me. I went there to drink and drink I would. I motioned to Mathew, one of the servers.

"Good evening, Mr Knox. Your usual?"

"No, Mathew. I need something strong. Make me something strong will you."

"Yes sir." he bowed his head and left. Such great services. My mind went back to Sydney and the pending divorce. I didn't even read the file, not that I was going to sign the damn thing. She must be out of her mind to think I was going to let her raise my kid as a single mother. Over my dead body, she had another thing coming. Mathew returned with a drink called Dos Aquis. I honestly don't care about the name. As long as it fulfill its purpose.

"Drinking alone I see." A sultry voice said. I turn my head to see a very beautiful sexy curvy blonde standing beside me. She was dressed in a red v-neck body con dress, showing a lot of cleavage. Her lips were painted in bright red lipstick. Bloody devil of all temptations. I did a double take on her appearance and that was when it dawned on me, she's my fucking partner's daughter. It was my first time seeing her in makeup. She was usually so mute and plain whenever she was at the company. I never ever considered her beautiful. But now, looking at her, Taylor screamed sex. Hot sex.

"Like what you see?"

"How are you doing, Taylor?"

"I'm fine, Byron. You look a mess." she grinned.

I laughed. "Thank you. You really know how to boost a guy's ego. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing. Came for a good stiff drink. Jack's not here?”

"Daddy allows you drink? And how do you know Jack is always here?"

"Because daddy is seventy-three doesn't mean he is boring. I drink here often so I always notice you two. Can I sit?"

"Please do. What do you want to drink?"

She reached for my glass and slowly lifted it to her lips. She took a sip and returned it. There's only so much a man can take.

"I'd have what you're having." I motioned for Mathew to bring the same drink. Thankfully, he brought it immediately. I wasn't one for small talks. I had no how to do that. I believe in going straight to business. So we sipped our drinks in silence, watching people perform karaoke.

"What has you looking like this? I've known you for three years and I have never seen you look like this." Taylor said. She was right though. I was a master at hiding my emotions. Emotions were for the weak. But today, I just didn't give a damn. To hell with it all.

"My wife wants a divorce. My pregnant wife wants to leave me. She said our marriage has become boring and dull. She wants adventure. She could have asked me for it you know? I would have dropped everything to give her adventure. But no, she's tired of me."

Taylor frowned. “You are the most fun man I know. Any lady will kill to be with you not to mention being your wife. You're terribly hot. You're the sexiest man alive. You're ethical and a beast at what you do. She's just plain stupid to want to leave you. And it's her loss as a matter of fact. Because now, you're up for grabs. And I am shooting my shot."

Was it the alcohol making me tipsy? I had no idea but with every word coming out of her sexy mouth, I was picturing those lips wrapped around my cock. It was such a distracting thought. I thought I was going to die from a hard on, not until I heard her say, "Want to get out of here? Get your mind off your miserable wife? I promise no strings attached. Just a good time."