There’s that feeling of anticipation and anxiety you get when you get told ‘We will call you back in a few days’ at an interview. It is way better than ‘We will get back to you.’ Anxiety was almost getting the best of me. Should that job click, it would be a big relief for me. As usual Larissa and Emily are sprawled out on my couch eating cheerios and discussing the upcoming birthday party. They’d tried their hardest to not mention Byron’s name thinking I wouldn’t know what they were doing but I was well aware. I was also trying my hardest to get him out of my mind.

“So sis, you won’t believe who I saw this morning at the farmers market.” Larissa said to me.

“Please don’t let it be who I think it is. I do not want to hear about him.”

“No girl. Way worse.”

“Who then?”


“What? Aiden? He hasn’t called me back since he said he would. How was he looking though?”

She sucked her teeth. “He was looking okay I guess but a little pale and stressed.”