Waking up to reality

It was well-lit, and bustling with life, unlike the other side where she has come from, narrowly escaping death.

While the other side of the border had been dark and up in flames, this side shined so brightly that it was almost impossible to tell between day and night. She stared in awe at the streets which were alive with people, their laughter and conversation filling the air.

Sidewalk cafes spilled onto the pavements, offering cozy spots for patrons to enjoy.

A particular cafe attracted Anne. It was more homely than the others with touches of colourful patterns on the wall. From the transparent glass window, Anne saw shelves stacked with a collection of interesting-looking books on one side of the cafe, and on the other side, wooden tables and mismatched chairs filled the space, each one on the other.

This reminded her so much of... home! Speaking of home, where is that? Is it here or is it on the other side of the border?