An unexpected twist

A week later, Anne resumed activities both at home and in school. The break between the first paper and the next had stretched into a week and this was advantageous to Anne who needed time to completely heal.

She had gotten up earlier than usual that morning, prepared breakfast, and prepared for school. It was 07:50 a.m. when she arrived at school.

She hadn't gotten to reaching out to Naomi before the exam commenced so after the exams, they screamed and squealed, genuinely pleased to see each other after a long time. Josephine was with them the whole time, grinning widely, but secretly eavesdropping to hear anything new.

"What happened to your phone, I called you countless times and got no response". Naomi said when the squealing died down.

"I lost my phone, I got a new one only two days ago". Anne replied, showing off her new phone to her friends and the squealing which had died moments ago resumed once again.