Safe again

Michael had sneaked out of Anne's presence and got mixed up with the crowd, then made his way home. He was overwhelmed with sadness and anger. All he wanted was to take out his anger on Josephine.

All through his ride in the taxi, he thought of ways he would torture Josephine and make her pay for Anne's kidnap and her eventual departure. The speed with which the taxi moved did not match his haste to get home and he managed to refrain from telling the chauffeur to speed up.

Eventually, he got to the house after an unusually long ride which was probably due to his haste. He got to the room where Josephine was being held hostage and stepped inside. The sight before him prompted him to stop in his tracks, Josephine sprawling lifelessly on the floor and currently being resuscitated by a fraction of his guys.

"What happened to her?" Michael asked in a deadly voice. The others who did not hear him come in flinched in fear.