Demons From The Past

Ralph's POV

Eva: Fiona?You must be the one who rejected my mate,(gritted her teeth).

Fiona:(smirked) That weakling didn't deserve to have me but his twin did. I mean he's strong and very good in bed,you should get a taste of him then you'll see just how much power he has.

A deep growl erupted from my chest,how dare she? She wants my mate to fuck that bastard? Eva wouldn't do that to us, would she?

Evan:(linked) Of course not,baby boy. Eva can do anything she wants but she'd never cheat,lie or betray anyone especially not the ones she loves.

Ralph: Sorry,I guess I'm so used to people betraying me.

Evan: I know. Everything will be fine soon.

Ralph: Evan!(sadly)

Evan: What is it,baby boy?

Ralph: Why did Eva move away from us when we tried to touch her? I felt her pain when she got down from the car,why was she hurt? Did I do something wrong?(he whimpered)

Evan: No,you did nothing on purpose,love. She's hurt because you didn't want to be distracted by her in front of the Pack. She thinks you are ashamed of her.

Ralph:(sadly) Oh.

Knowing that I made my Flicka feel like I don't want people to know that she's mine hurt. I didn't know my words would hurt her so much,I look at her as she glares down at a smirking Fiona,her white hair tied in a beautiful ponytail just like Evan's. They both wore black sweatpants, black T-shirts and black Puma sneakers. Now that I look at them,they love wearing black. Sighing I focus my attention to Flicka who looked like she wanted to kill someone. Why was Fiona doing this.....Fuck! I should've thought about this earlier. She's provoking Eva on purpose so that my beautiful mate can snap and attack and she can prove to the pack that humans are savages. My eyes went wide with the recognition,I have to warn her however,before I could do or say anything,both my twins ran to the car and came out with their bows and arrows. I didn't even see them put those things in my car. I looked at them confused as the pack gasped. What are they doing? Before I could ask that,they sprinted towards the North boarder,I linked Will and had him bring a few warriors then went after my mates. Damn they're fast,by the time I caught up with them they were surrounded by a group of rogues. They had they're weapons ready and their backs on each other. I growled, Will came there with a few warriors just as the alarms went off and the pack started to panic.

Will:How did rogues get here without us knowing?

Ralph: I don't know but I'm gonna find out!(growled).

Sophie: Should we join in or let your mates do this on their own,they do know how to kick some ass (she smirked).

Zion:( laughed) They sure do.

Shaking my head at them,I turned to my mates and the rogues. The rogues seem to be amused by seeing humans on my Pack lands, they're underestimating them and that was their biggest mistake. One of the rogues lunged at Eva,my heart started pumping in my chest and fear took over my entire body. I didn't want them to get hurt.....What the fuck! Did she just snap a wolf's neck,not just any wolf but a Werewolf?

Will: Shit!(looked on shocked)

Zion: Holy fuck! What just happened?

We had no time to process anything because the fight had started,we stood rooted on our spots as we watched my twins fight the rogues. Some were put out with the arrows and the others were kicked,punched or had their neck snapped. Most of the pack members had come to see what was going on including Fiona and my mother. Their faces paled as they took in the sight in front of them. Blood covered the entire ground, about 46 out of the 59 rogues were either dead or badly injured. Currently Eva held a rogue by its throat choking it,her face was cold,they both looked like killing machines at the moment and that scared me. 3 rogues snuck up behind Eva,I moved to help however,Evan beat me to it. He jumped, flipping in the air then landed on his feet between Eva and the rogues. The rogues looked shocked,they looked from where he had been about 20 feet away then back to him and he just glared at them.

Evan: Nobody touches my sister.

Everyone shivered at the coldness of his tone however,I found it really sexy and I swear it turned me on.

Elvis:(laughed) Our mates are sexy and damn, if they don't end this soon then I'll bend them over right here.

Ralph:(chuckled) Sure they'd let us fuck them in front of everyone?

Elvis:No. They just might kick our ass.

Ralph: Remind me never to piss them off.

Elvis rolled over with laughter as I gulped,the thought of having my mates mad at me shook me to the core....

Evan:Leave him,Evy. We need them for interrogation.

Eva:They tried to attack the Pack,they wanted to instill fear on everyone not to mention the kids,elders and pregnant women. They dared trespass on our land and you want me to leave them!(she seethed).

Evan: I'm not saying set them free,all I'm saying is that don't kill him yet.

Eva:(sighed in exasperation) Fine. Will!(she called out).

Damn! She just used her Luna voice on him,the entire pack seemed shocked even Will. He did run to her non the less not willing to upset his Luna. She tossed the rogue she had been holding to him,he had shifted a long time ago. The rest of them had too and they did not look good. Though we werewolves heal fast,I doubt those wounds would heal soon.

Will:(held the rogue firmly) What do I do with him?

Eva: Put all of them in the cells,then have people clean this mess,(she ordered) Kira!

Kira: Yes, Luna?

Eva: Check if everyone is alright and have them know that it's safe to come out. Sophie,I want you to take out a team of scouts and trackers,go out North and see if you find any rogues.

Evan:If you find them,bring them here as prisoners but kill if necessary,we don't want to lose any of you. Your lives come first so if you think you can't fight them alone then stand back until backup arrives or come back here and we'll make a plan,got it!

Kira:(bowed)Yes Alpha.

Eva: Zion,get your Elite team and meet us in the Alpha's office in an hour.

Zion:Yes, Luna (bowed in respect).

Evan:Ralph,is there anything else you want to add?(looked at him)

Ralph:I think we'll discuss that in my office. I'm proud of you both,you handled the situation well,just like a true Luna and Alpha.

I was so proud of my mates and it showed on my face. I made my way to them,Eva tried to move away but I wasn't going to let her so I pulled her in my arms and held her there until she relaxed. I moved her top aside so I could kiss her mark. It was beautiful,a wolf howling at the moon with my name just underneath it.

But that wasn't the only tattoo I noticed on her,she had another tattoo on her arm which I hadn't noticed before. I pulled her t-shirt up to see it clearly,it was a tribal tattoo.

A gasp left my lips,it was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off it. This tattoo was usually found on the descendants of the Moon Goddess. They were recognised by this tattoo,it meant strength, loyalty and courage. There hasn't been anyone with a tribal tattoo for thousands of years so why would my mate have it? What does this mean?

Eva: We got these made on our 21st birthdays last month.

Ralph: Where did you find this design?

Eva:(shrugged) I dreamt of it. I don't know why but we both had a dream about our tattoos. We never liked having tattoos but it felt right to have these ones made.

Ralph: Hmm. (Kissed her mark making her gasp) I'm sorry I hurt you in the car. I didn't mean to.

Eva:I know, it's ok. I'm sorry I didn't let you touch me.

Evan:(cleared his throat) I'm still here,you know.

Ralph: Come here,(opened his arms for him). I can never forget you.

Evan:(Kissed him) I know,baby boy.

Ralph: Can I see your mark and tribal tattoo?

Evan laughed then took off his t-shirt to reveal his toned chest,8 abs, I look down from his shoulders to his broad chest,down his stomach and straight to his V-line. Fuck, he's hot. A soft giggle brought me out of my dream land. I look up to Eva who was trying to hide her giggles then I turned to find Evan smirking knowingly at me.

Evan:Like what you see?

Ralph: You have no idea.

I gave him a smirk of my own and winked making him laugh. I then look at his mark,it was the same as Eva's just the design was a little different.

The size of their marks was smaller but still beautiful. I turn to his tribal mark and gasped again. It was just as breathtaking as Eva's.

His was of a wolf walking out of a blazing flame. This tattoo was usually found on the descendants of the Moon Goddess who were elementary. Especially those who could control the element of fire. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I have to talk to the elders about this,this can't just be a coincidence. This has to be related to the history of werewolves. I kiss his mark and he groaned as he held me tightly.

Ralph: They're beautiful. We need to get back to the pack house. We still have a meeting with the Elites.

Eva: Hmm. Come on then.

As we emerged from the woods,my heart nearly stopped and I froze. Right in front of us stood the man I thought I would never see again,one of my biggest torturers. The one who used to tie me up in silver chains and lock me in the cells for weeks. He'd whip me till I could no longer move a muscle then inject me with wolfbane. My body shook with fear and the bastard smirked. Elvis whimpered softly in my head,he might be a strong wolf but he didn't like seeing me in pain. And this man had hurt me in the worst possible way. Being the beta of this Pack,Brooke thought he had the power to do anything he wanted to lower ranks. This was before I took the Alpha position of course.

Brooke:Hello,Ralphie boy,did you miss me?