Orion extends his hand to me, and I take it, wrapping my arm around his as I lift the hem of my skirt just a bit so I can walk properly. We ascend a flight of steps that is quite long. As we entered the ballroom, noticed that there were lots of different colours. Men were dressed formally, while women were wearing lovely light-coloured gowns.

Everyone is moving in a circular motion while dancing. Really slow, rhythmic music was playing. The chandeliers above us cast a warm, romantic glow over the room, adding to the enchanting atmosphere. I feel like I've stepped into a fairytale as Orion leads me onto the dance floor, his hand secure in mine.

Just as we got to the middle of a circle, a lady dressed in a beautiful yellow gown was looking at us. She must be the same age as me or a year older. I noticed that Orion was looking at her with a light smile on his face.

"You know you can always approach a lady, I said to him, letting out a chuckle.

I am afraid you cannot when you are on duty, your highness," he said with a smile, but there was guilt in his eyes.

"You can when you are with a friend." I glanced at him, letting him know that he could go.

Thank you, Delilah. He smiled and went towards her. As he approached the lady in the gown, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that he was taking a chance. I watched as they began to converse, feeling a sense of warmth at the sight of a potential connection forming.

I left the center of the room to the side, taking in the atmosphere, when I realized I was the only woman wearing all-black clothing. So it is preferable to stand out than to fit in, I believe. I observed that the majority of the women were dressed in pink, yellow, or orange dresses, while the guys wore a mix of white and black clothing.

"Good evening, Your Highness. A voice came from behind me; it sounded deep baritone, not quite soothing but powerful."

I turned around and looked at him, allowing our eyes to meet for the first time. An energy jolts through my body at the connection. "Good evening. How did you know I was someone of high status?" I managed to ask.

"Well, let's say you look at the part of it, and I guessed that he lets out a low laugh and looks at me."

"His eyes are the greens of the sea, the crashing of waves and violent winds, which have something dangerous in the depths of them yet something exciting, and I manage to lower my gaze to properly assess him from his black boots." The smirk on his face tells me he enjoys the effect he has on me. "I have a talent for reading people," he replies casually, his gaze never leaving mine. I can't help but feel a mix of intrigue and unease at the mysterious stranger before me.

"So, your Highness, are you here to enjoy the dancing or are you just trying to show off your legs?" he said, looking down at my legs.

Are you mocking my outfit? I designed it myself," I said, feeling offended and confident. "Who does this man think he is to mock me like this?"

"Quite the opposite, actually; I rather like it; it is beautiful, but the one wearing it is certainly more beautiful; do you not agree, princess??"

I felt my cheeks going red and hot. Why is he so charming, so beautiful, and so majestic? "I think I can agree."

I can't believe you designed it yourself, m'lady; there are so few women I know who enjoy sewing gowns; it's impressive, he added with a charming smile.

"Thank you, sir," I concluded.

"Dance with me," he said clearly.

''I simply cannot refuse," I said. "When he takes my hand and leads me to the circle, it clears until it is me and him on the floor, and I am starting to think maybe he is of high value."

''Why did the circle clear up so quickly?" I asked him in a low voice. "It seems everyone is in awe of your beauty and grace," he whispered back, his eyes never leaving mine. "Shall we continue to captivate them with our dance?" he suggested with a twinkle in his eye.

''Maybe they want to respect such a beautiful piece of art created by God," "he said.

I was blushing again. The orchestra plays a new song, one that only we can share. Keeping his eyes on mine, he takes the lead, and we swiftly move to the rhythm of the music.

"Shall we have an introduction, my lord?" I said to start some conversation

''Of course, Princess, I am Eric Corrigan, the Duke of Clovelly and the King's most dependable advisor and best friend," he answered.

'' Delilah Frost, the sole child of the King of Brookland," I said

"Such a unique name, it rolls out of one's mouth with passion, Delilah," he said my name in his deep, powerful voice. I am high above in the clouds. How can I feel this only in so little time?"

'The dance turns exhilarating and frantic, almost as if there's something desperate in the music itself. As the song grows faster and faster and his eyes burrow into mine, I can't help but feel as though he's trying to communicate something to me through dance alone.' His movements are intense, purposeful, and full of emotion, drawing me in closer with each step. The connection between us feels electric, sparking a fire within me that I never knew existed.