Game Begins: Maritime Banquet 11

Wen Nannan may be able to survive, but that doesn't mean others can.

They don't have Wen Nannan's ample preparation, and the food and water in some rooms have already run out.

They face the risk of starving to death, or being forced to leave their rooms and cross the zombie-infested corridor to find food in the kitchen.

Finally, a team started to move.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground in the corridor attracted the attention of the zombies outside the door.

The next moment, a powerful song sounded at the end of the corridor. There was a burst of rapid footsteps in the corridor, and all the zombies ran to the back of the corridor.

Wen Nannan watched as the door of the room diagonally opposite her opened, and several people ran quickly towards the kitchen.

The phone ringtone bought them time, and they successfully transferred to the kitchen.

Wen Nannan watched as the zombies were one step late and did not catch up, and then quieted down because they had lost their target. She lowered her head and wrote in her notebook-hearing priority.

With the first successful case, the survivors of the second and third rooms moved to the kitchen.

Wen Nannan guarded the door, eating an apple while recording the number of survivors who had escaped.

Since the thirteenth day, a total of twenty-one crew members have tried to escape to the kitchen, sixteen of whom have succeeded. The number of zombies outside is between 190 and 210.

Wen Nannan counted the zombies outside again through the peephole.

Perhaps she was too focused and didn't notice that a zombie was slowly approaching. Until it blocks the line of sight


The zombie slammed the door violently with its head, scaring Wen Nannan to the ground.

Maybe it heard the movement, this zombie slammed harder, and also attracted other zombies in the corridor.

Damn it!

Wen Nannan took a few steps back, clutching the kitchen knife she had taken from the kitchen.

At that moment, the sound of a door opening suddenly came, and someone couldn't help but flee to the kitchen. This timing was just right, attracting the zombies at the door.

Wen Nannan lay on the door and looked out. It was her next-door neighbor, the fat man.

After not seeing him for a few days, the man had lost a lot of weight.

Wen Nannan looked at him in surprise. He had been scratched by a zombie before, but he hadn't mutated!

Is he an exception?

Or is it only contagious to mutate when bitten by a zombie?

Wen Nannan watched the man run to the kitchen door and watched him hide in the kitchen. In the next two days, no one else fled to the kitchen.

Wen Nannan guessed that there might be no one in the other rooms, and she was the only one left in the middle and back of the cabin.

Sea Survival, Day 18

Wen Nannan listened to the sound of zombies walking back and forth and hitting the wall outside, and even eating an apple had to be chewed slowly, not daring to make too much noise.

In addition, there was a problem with the water source. Two days ago, the water in the faucet turned yellow and carried a faint bloody odor.

Fortunately, there is a Spatial Bracelet, and there are still thirty-six bottles of mineral water in space.

In addition, there is one piece of fruit, twenty-seven bags of instant noodles, ten whole-wheat breads and one piece of medical supplies.

These things gave her a lot of security.

Zi zi—

The lights overhead flickered.

Wen Nannan's heart skipped a beat and she looked up. Fortunately, the lights came on quickly.

Wen Nannan stood up and stood barefoot on the floor covered with a quilt. It is a pity that I did not bring a few books. In the survival of one person, only silent radio gymnastics can pass the time.

At that moment, there was a sound from the kitchen.

"What are you doing? You can't do this! Help—"

The voice stopped abruptly.

A man's body was thrown out of the kitchen, and Wen Nannan's eyes widened. This man was the captain.

The zombies swarmed and devoured the captain's blood.

Something seems to have happened in the kitchen.

Wen Nannan couldn't see the specific situation, and there was no movement at the door.

Only the captain's body, which had been gnawed to reveal its skeleton, stood up unsteadily six hours later and joined the ranks of the zombies.

The time for infection to zombification has shortened, which is not good news.

Sea Survival, Day 19

Seeing that success was getting closer, this time two people, or two corpses, were thrown out of the kitchen.

Attracted by another round of competition among the zombies, two fresh zombies were produced in less than six hours.

The corpse transformation time is shorter.

Wen Nannan squeezed the homemade stress ball, trying to relieve tension, pressure and fear.

"Relax, as long as I stay in the room and don't make a sound, I'm safe." Wen Nannan kept comforting herself in her heart, and there are still eleven days left!


A mobile phone was thrown out of the kitchen and landed in the second half of the corridor.

There were too many zombies outside the kitchen door, and they used their old tricks to try to lead the zombies to the second half of the cabin.

And Wen Nannan's room happened to be in the middle and back of the cabin!

Watching the mobile phone not far from her room playing hot music, summoning a group of zombies who were disheveled, unkempt, and ready to break the door at any time, Wen Nannan felt a breakdown in her heart.

Her psychological quality over the past month has grown by leaps and bounds.