Game Begins: Maritime Banquet 16

"Don't worry, Nan, I will never leave you behind." Sun Yanyan promised anxiously.

Wen Nannan glanced behind Sun Yanyan. "How much perfume do you have left?"

Sun Yanyan hesitated. "About… half a bottle."

"Spray some more on yourself and give me the rest." Wen Nannan ordered without question.

Sun Yanyan hesitated for a moment, looking at the half bottle of precious Dior perfumed with heartache.

"Hurry up!" Wen Nannan urged.

Sun Yanyan reluctantly took out the perfume and carefully sprayed it a few times on herself.

"You are so slow" Wen Nannan snatched the perfume, sprayed a few more times on her, and then stuffed the bottle into her pocket. "Watch for the right moment. I'm leaving."

Wen Nannan quickly climbed to the top of the corridor, intentionally making noise to attract the attention of all the zombies in the corridor.

"Come and get me, you stupid zombies!" Wen Nannan taunted.

Stimulated by the provocation, the zombies roared and stretched out their claws, trying to grab the person at the air vent. They surged into the corridor, and even the zombies locked in the rooms began to riot.

Wen Nannan swallowed and continued to climb forward.

When the time was right, Wen Nannan turned on her phone and played music. At the same time, she sprayed Sun Yanyan's perfume on herself like there was no tomorrow.

On the other hand, Sun Yanyan carefully opened the elevator according to Wen Nannan's instructions.


Wen Nannan heard a scream from ahead and quickened her pace.

They had miscalculated. The elevator was packed with zombies.

Sun Yanyan had no time to dodge. She closed her eyes in horror as the zombies pounced on her.

Suddenly, a kitchen knife fell from the sky, knocking down the zombie in front of her.

Wen Nannan jumped down from above, picked up the kitchen knife, grabbed Sun Yanyan with one hand, and rushed into a nearby room in a panic.

The zombies in the elevator and the zombies that were led over rushed in and knocked on the door frantically.

Sun Yanyan was so frightened that she could barely stand. "Nan, I, I…"

Wen Nannan quickly set up a stool and climbed onto the ventilation duct.

"What are you waiting for? Come up quickly!"

The door was about to be knocked open.

Sun Yanyan hurriedly stepped on the stool and climbed onto the ventilation duct at the last moment. The zombies that rushed in bit her shoes, but fortunately the shoes were thick enough not to be bitten through.

"Nan, I was so scared just now!"

Sun Yanyan hugged Wen Nannan's leg, her shoes covered with several teeth marks.

Wen Nannan glanced at her and said nothing. Everyone was experiencing such a dangerous situation for the first time. Who wouldn't be scared?

Wen Nannan was trembling all over at that moment, lying in front of the air duct, panting heavily.

After taking two sips of water, Wen Nannan finally caught her breath. "Don't cry. Do you want to attract all the zombies downstairs?"

As she spoke, she threw a bottle of mineral water to Sun Yanyan. "Drink it sparingly."

Sun Yanyan hugged the mineral water and gulped it down. In a short while, the bottle was empty. "I'm sorry, I was really thirsty."

Wen Nannan looked at her and rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Be more alert next time you encounter zombies. I can't always pounce on you with a kitchen knife."

"Speaking of which, thank you so much." Sun Yanyan looked at Wen Nannan. "You are so strong! Nan, are you… a player?"

Sun Yanyan stared at Wen Nannan, observing her reaction.

Unfortunately, Wen Nannan didn't show any abnormality, and lowered her head to tighten the cap of the mineral water bottle.

Sun Yanyan saw this and continued, "The survival game is full of dangers. It's normal for you not to reveal your identity as a player. Let me introduce myself first. I'm not the captain's niece. This is the second game I've experienced.

I'm really grateful to you and would like to cooperate with you. #$&*#~%&$#~…"

Wen Nannan was lying on the ventilation duct, seemingly observing the situation below, but in fact she was listening attentively to Sun Yanyan's words.

Unexpectedly, the important information Sun Yanyan said next made her frown because she couldn't hear it clearly.

Even if she couldn't hear it clearly, she had to take action. Staying silent for too long would easily arouse suspicion.

"There are too many zombies downstairs. Let's go further back." Wen Nannan said, "These zombies are evolving. We have to leave here quickly."

Hearing that they had to move again, Sun Yanyan subconsciously squeezed the empty bottle in her hand, making a creaking sound in the narrow space. "Where are we going after we leave here?"

"There is an elevator and two emergency passages in the cabin. One of them is some distance from the elevator. Now that all the zombies are here, we still have a chance."

Wen Nannan reattached her tape and sprayed some of the insect repellent she had been carrying on her.

"Why can't we just stay in the ventilation duct?" After this incident, Sun Yanyan was no longer willing to take risks.

"The ventilation duct can lead to anywhere. We can go to an empty room to find food, and we don't have to worry about zombie attacks."

"Because there is no guarantee that the zombies will never come up." Wen Nannan glanced at her with a frown.

"Even if they don't come up, the people in the kitchen are also a hidden danger. We have made a lot of noise just now. They should also know about the ventilation duct. If you want to stay, I won't accompany you."

Sun Yanyan hesitated.

"You'd better make up your mind quickly."

After Wen Nannan finished speaking, she turned her head and climbed towards the stairs.

Sun Yanyan struggled between being alone and leaving with Wen Nannan, and finally chose the latter.

The two opened the vent, and Wen Nannan looked at the zombies gathered at the stern of the ship. She made a three-finger gesture to Sun Yanyan-"Rush up within thirty seconds."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wen Nannan jumped down first.

Sun Yanyan followed closely behind.

The zombies at the stern of the ship surged up and rushed towards them. Wen Nannan dared not look back and rushed straight to the second floor.

The door on the second floor is locked! Someone had locked it from the outside.

Wen Nannan was stunned. It was the first time in her life that her luck was so bad!

"Wen Nannan, they are about to catch up. What should we do now?"

Sun Yanyan hugged Wen Nannan's arm and screamed, regretting her decision very much.

She shouldn't have come with Wen Nannan!