Re-enter the Game:Village Carnival 19

More and more locusts surrounded them, but they were wary of the fire and hesitated to approach.

Although locusts have no intelligence and only know how to eat and reproduce, their instincts could tell that the meat by the fire was much tastier than the remaining soil on the back of the mountain.

Wen Nannan sighed deeply and added a few more pieces of firewood to the fire.

Locusts are afraid of fire. The fuel that they couldn't use before the locust plague erupted was now proving to be extremely useful.

After several rounds of locust reproduction, although this firewood was far from enough to completely wipe out the locusts, it was enough to keep them alive until the game ended at noon tomorrow.

It was eerily quiet.

Xu Fang and Zhang Yuan dared not speak.

After Wen Nannan confirmed that the locusts didn't dare to approach them, she reminded them to add fuel, then lay down and fell asleep.

She was exhausted.

A whole day of running had left Wen Nannan's muscles aching, so despite the fact that the crisis wasn't over, she still slept soundly.

When she woke up again, night had fallen.

Zhang Yuan's eyes were surrounded by dark circles, which were clearly visible under the flickering flames. But he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

After failing to conquer Wen Nannan and the others, the locusts cleverly jumped over them and started eating from the bottom of the mountain.

But now, the locusts were encircling Wen Nannan and the others in a pincer movement.

From above, the dense locusts looked like a massive dark cloud, surrounding the only flickering fire in the middle.

Xu Fang's sunken cheeks made her eyes bulge out even more. She was exhausted, crawling on the ground. Her eyelids were drooping, but she didn't dare to close them.

"Why don't you two go to sleep for a while?"

Wen Nannan yawned lazily, and her sudden voice made the locusts nearby stir again, but they were anxious, only circling around the light before finally calming down.

Xu Fang shook her head without hesitation. Seeing this, Wen Nannan didn't insist. She took out bamboo shoots, processed fish, and the stone she had been using as a pot.

These were the few remaining food items in her space.

The food that suddenly appeared on the open ground startled Xu Fang. She almost thought she was having a hallucination.

Wen Nannan handed a cup of water to Zhang Yuan, then turned to Xu Fang and asked softly.

"Would you like some?"

Xu Fang finally confirmed that she hadn't been mistaken. She nodded, her expression complex.

It was only on the last day of the game that she discovered that the spatial item owner was a player disguised as an NPC.

But Xu Fang didn't have any other thoughts. This round was almost over. What was the point of getting the space item?

The bamboo shoots on the stone slab emitted a burst of vegetable fragrance after being roasted at high temperatures, mixing with the aroma of the grilled fish, making Xu Fang's eyes glaze over.

Is this really a survival game?

In the late stages of the game, which player wasn't living miserably? Eating cold water and wild vegetables every day is already a luxury. She will have to eat dirt these two days.

Wen Nannan sprinkled some chili peppers on the grilled fish and watched the crust turn a crispy golden brown, making her mouth water.

"Are you a high-level player?" Xu Fang couldn't help but ask.

Wen Nannan, taking a bite of the fish belly, shook her head.

Zhang Yuan, with his mouth full of grease, said, "You guessed wrong."

"She's just a newbie?"

Xu Fang's tone was unbelievable. Wen Nannan nodded, then smiled at Zhang Yuan and said nothing more.

After sleeping, she felt much more energetic. Besides adding wood to the fire, she would occasionally tease the locusts by throwing a few pebbles into the swarm, causing a commotion.

The wind was cool in the evening.

As the sky turned a pale, salmon pink, there was half a day left for the game.

Zhang Yuan and Xu Fang still stubbornly refused to sleep, afraid that something might go wrong in the last few seconds of the game. Seeing this, Wen Nannan quietly waited as well.

As the sun reached its zenith, a "ding" sound echoed in her ears. Wen Nannan instantly appeared in a pure white, otherworldly space.

[This round of the game: Mountain Village Extravaganza, you have survived for thirty days. Congratulations on successfully completing the game. You will receive 10 points. Please keep up the good work.]

A colorful character profile appeared below.

[Name: Wen Nannan, ID: 20007, Level: 2, Points: 20]

The white mist dissipated. Her vision shifted, and she was back in her own room.