The Third Game:Yun Hai City 16

With the most arrogant strongman dead, no one dared to resist Shen Nanzhou. In one afternoon, several rafts went back and forth, loaded three times.

In addition to this, Shen Nanzhou also publicly recruited seven or eight underlings.

Wen Nannan observed Shen Nanzhou's actions and felt a dawning realization – he was aiming to conquer the North, South, and West streets, establishing himself as a local emperor.

"Xiaohua, I've noticed you tend to zone out quite often," Shen Nanzhou remarked, leaning back on the speedboat's seat and gazing at her tenderly. "Is it because you were frightened by what happened earlier?"

Wen Nannan froze for a moment. It was indeed terrifying. Killing someone seemed even more casual to him than her killing zombies.

Shen Nanzhou enjoyed seeing her dazed and slightly fearful expression. His previous girlfriends had all been of this type, but Wen Xiaohua was the one who truly captured his heart.

For the things he cherished, he didn't mind indulging them a little.

Shen Nanzhou extended his hand, a platinum necklace with a sapphire pendant dangling from his fingertips. It was salvaged from the underwater by his men, and he decided to use it to please his beauty.

"Do you like it, Xiaohua? I will give it to you."

What's there to like? I can't even wear it outside. Wen Nannan thought to herself, but a fake smile bloomed on her face as she reached out. "I love it, thank you, Brother Shen!"

If you could let me survive until the last day, I'd love anything you give me!

Shen Nanzhou evaded her outstretched hand and leaned in to personally fasten the necklace around her neck.

He instinctively wanted to see her blush with shyness, but it didn't happen as he wished. Not only did she not blush, but her heart rate didn't even increase.

Normally, girls he encountered in games would be blushing and acting coy now.

What a difficult kitten to please, he mused. Shen Nanzhou enjoyed this kind of challenge. He looked at Wen Nannan's rounded earlobes and said softly, "It looks beautiful on you."

"Thank you," Wen Nannan replied, not wanting to reject her temporary boss's gesture.

Inwardly, she couldn't help but complain. What do I need this for in a flood? If you want to show your appreciation, could you offer something practical? Like more blankets! The bed is right next to the window, and it's freezing at night.

Shen Nanzhou smiled at the seemingly obedient Wen Nannan sitting beside him. "Don't worry, Xiaohua. As long as I'm here, you won't be in any danger."

As for what happens after he leaves... well, love is fleeting, and Shen Nanzhou never considered what would become of his girlfriends after he moved on. A true heartbreaker!

However, his words touched Wen Nannan. "Brother Shen, then you have to do your best!"

Strive to survive for thirty days! She added silently.

Wen Nannan's words surprised Shen Nanzhou. What did she mean by "do your best"? Wen Xiaohua's reaction was different from his previous girlfriends.

He carefully observed the expression on her face and a slight smile curved his lips – interesting.

As the sky darkened, they began their return journey. Shen Nanzhou's strategy of "big fish eat small fish" resulted in a bountiful harvest today.

The city hall was piled high with supplies, including food, daily necessities, and even some gold and jewelry.

Shen Nanzhou was incredibly generous, instructing his subordinates to distribute everything. The flood had only lasted for twenty days, and people's love for gemstones hadn't completely vanished.

Everyone who received gold and diamonds had smiles on their faces, sincerely thanking their boss for letting them get rich. Even the newly recruited members quickly integrated into the group.

In the evening, they even had a feast. This time, Shen Nanzhou didn't have a separate meal. He raised his glass and stood up to celebrate today's harvest with everyone.

"Thank you all for trusting me. As long as everyone works hard in the days to come, we will definitely overcome this crisis."

"We believe in the Boss!"

As soon as Shen Nanzhou finished speaking, someone immediately echoed his sentiment. Everyone seemed to have immense faith in him.

When it came to manipulating NPCs and controlling people's hearts, Shen Nanzhou was a master.

Liu Tian felt that the exorbitant protection fee was well worth it. The game he played two days ago couldn't compare to the ease and glory he experiences now.

Wen Nannan followed the crowd, nodding in agreement. However, Shen Nanzhou's words were like the clucking of an old hen to her ears. Nothing entered her brain except for the irresistible aroma of the pork knuckles on the table.

Shen Nanzhou noticed Wen Nannan sitting in the corner and beckoned her over. "Xiaohua, come here."

Liu Tian quickly stood up upon hearing this and thoughtfully offered his seat.

"Brother Shen?" Wen Nannan sat down.

Shen Nanzhou smiled slightly and waved his hand. "It's alright, everyone, continue eating."

Wen Nannan's eyes lit up at these words, and her chopsticks went straight for the pork knuckle in the center of the table. She dutifully offered the first piece to Shen Nanzhou beside her. "Brother Shen, try this."

"Hmm, not bad." Shen Nanzhou took only one bite before putting it aside and wiping his mouth with a tissue. It was too greasy.

Yunhai City, Day 21

The wind and rain intensified. The water surface churned with waves due to the strong wind, and raindrops flew everywhere. It was impossible to stand firm outside.

Their original plan to go out was naturally canceled, and the twenty-odd people were all waiting for the strong wind to subside.

Everyone gathered by the window, watching the water spray rise to a height of two or three meters. They couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

"Which is stronger, this wind or the one from ten days ago?"

As soon as the words left their mouths, a cracking sound came from the window.


The glass shattered, and the wind roared in. The immense pressure difference caused by the airflow almost pushed the person closest to the window out.