The Sixth Game: All Things Grow 1

Wen Nannan had arrived in the game space. The cold mechanical voice in her ear announced,

"[Dear Chosen One Player, welcome back to the Survival Game.

In this round, 200,000 NPCs and 999 players will join you in the game.

Strive to survive for thirty days in the game, and you will receive 20 points; if you die or evade the game within thirty days, you will die in reality.

In addition, for every reserve Chosen One Player killed in the game, players will receive an additional 10 points.

The system sincerely suggests that you – earn more points!

This round's game: All Things Grow.]"

The mist before her eyes gradually dissipated.

She was placed by the game in a residential complex.

The buildings in the complex were old and dilapidated, with large patches of wall paint peeling off, appearing extremely mottled.

The surrounding trees extended into the middle of the road, blocking the sunlight, causing many areas to grow slippery moss and appear extremely damp.