The man's deep voice drifted over from the narrow corridor. His cold voice contained an unmistakable tenderness, like the low humming of a cello. Even the speed and tone of his speech was pleasing to the ear.
Zhang Qingyun sat on the sofa, leaning toward the corridor, her gaze looking outside. "This one-way mirror design is not bad."
Liu Sunyang walked over carrying a bottle of juice. At this moment, drinks were a luxury. Even if this was just a bottle of green tea that had sold for three yuan 20 days ago.
As he passed the other people, everyone cast longing gazes. But Liu Sunyang went straight to Zhang Qingyun, handing the drink to her.
"You've been watching so closely, did you discover anything?" He sat down next to her, and followed Zhang Qingyun's line of sight.
There was an important reason for agreeing to let them stay so quickly. And that was because of this mirror. With this one-way mirror, he could observe the group outside at any time.