The Fourteenth Game: Dissolution 16

The special material boots stepped into the water, and the group walked into the rain. Through the thick soles of her shoes, she could still feel the puddles and the rotting leaves and soil.

After just a few steps, Wen Nannan stepped on something strange. A messy tangle of fine yellow hair almost caught on her shoe.

Looking down, she realized that it wasn't yarn, it was a dog corpse. It was the dog that belonged to her neighbors on the first floor.

This dog had been adored by its owner; its white fur had to be groomed every few days. It was white, sleek, and swayed in the wind.

But now the white fur had turned into a dull reddish-orange. The blood and acid mixed together, and the corpse and fur had almost rotted and decayed.

"Let's go," urging voice called out. It would be dawn in a little while.