Expelled from the sect

"You ... " Bai Tong expression changed. Xiuluo sword struck in his chest and he spat mouthful oof blood his sword fell down. He fall back on the ground he is looking towards the Xiuluo he regretted he accepted the mission he regretted by taking lightly a blind boy, regretted when he has the chance he didn't kill him but there is no regret medicine in this world .

"Why the sect want me dead and who has given you the orders." Asked Xiuluo to bai tong but the latter just stare at him like looking at the fool.

"You aaaare waaste ....now w w what you will do" replied while stuttering.

"You will also d die hee eeheh" Xiuluo didn't let him spoke scut his neck. After shortly Xiuluo allso fell down

"Kukh..." he spat a mouthful of blood due to previous injuries.

When he heard Li ningxue want him dead he lost his focus during that attack his cultivation was otherwise he would have killed the latter. But now he was crippled aand can't even use the spirit sense method wihout spiritual qi. He tried too regulate the qi in his dantian it was no awail he spat mouthful of blood, he stop circulation circulating the qi.

He took the storage bag from bai tong and hide it in his storage bag and searched eqipments in his storage bag and with the help of it he dispose the body and applied some medine on his wounds and he walk back with some difficulties. He can't use spiritual sense but he he walk by using his normally senses like sound, touch and smell as he walk.

After two days-

Xiuluo came to the the holy dragon sect. His condition is not better. Furst he went to his room and changed the cloth and went to hall.

"Greeting hall master " Xiulou politely bowed to the elder.

The elder frown whil looking at the Xiuluo, he told Bai Tong to killl the latter but bai tong is not preset but xiuluo return.

"Where is Bai Tong " the elder asked sternly as he increases his pressure.

Kukh.. Xiuluo spaat mouthful of blood as the prssure fall on him he gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Hall master, the junior is incompetent and can't save senior bai ..." before Xiuluo complete his sentence the hall master interrupted and asked about what happeened.

"Hall master when we went to pick the herbs there were mysterious figures. They asked us to return the herbs back to them but we didn't gave them and senior bai fought with them but they were many in number and they senior bai but when someone among them ttried to kill me therir leader stopped him. And he told

"He is a blind boy what can he do he can't even see our let him leave, but he is our enemy sect member so crippled him "

"Hall master they killed senior bai and crippled my cultivation." Xiuluo explained in detail his made up story. The elder watching Xiuluo expression and confirm that may be the truth. Who would the blind boy is also expert in acting skills.

But the elder instead of remorsing the death of his sect disciple he is happy looking at waste Xiuluo. Then the elder shouted to Xiuluo.

"You brought a shame to the by coming back crippled. Instead of becoming crippled why don't you die in place of your senior brother."

When he heard Xiuluo connect the doubts that the sect really want him dead before he thought that beacuse of jealousy bai tong told him like but now confim that the sect want him dead. His mind is having questions thought but he didn't show on his face and bowed to the hall master ask for forgiveness.

"Hall master the disciple knows mistake, please forgive me." While bowing Xiuluo ask for forgiveness, as he knows that he should not show any other emotions now otherwise next moment he will die.

"You are now a waste and from today onward you are expelled from the sect and you will not be allowed inside and if you were seen you wil wxecuted immediately." The hall master replied coldly.

"This hal..." Xiuluo tried to ask but he was cut short

"You can go now" the hall master momentum roase and Xiuluo went flying and struck on the wall. He spat mouthful of blood and he rose to his feet and one last time bowed to the hall master and went out.

After Xiuluo the elder called for enforcement hall member and passed his order about Xiuluo. After he laught eerily

"Its good now the celestial bloodline can be used without hindrance." This does not know by the Xiuluo. He went towards the training tower. Everyone respectively bowed to him as he walks and stroke his white beard as he enjoy watching the people bowing to him. He called a member who is old man when he heard the instruction he went to the training and shortly return with a beatifull teenage girl.

The girl has long silver hair and deep blue colour eyes and has a peerless face and wear the blue and and white mixture of nylon cloth. She is extremely beautiful which make all the woman on the scene overshadowed. She had exquisite beauty to the point that every man who looks at her, skips a heartbeat and even other woman are attracted to her. She is like a fairy in the nine heaven. But her indifferent eyes does not have slightest emotional fluctuations like a ice cold lady. She greeted halll master respectively.

"Greeting hall master" . She greeted halll master respectively

"Hmm " he nodded in satisfaction and told

"Xiuluo is crippled by the enemy sect members during his last assigned mission and he was expelled from the sect due to being waste. Now he is leaving go and meet him last time and forget about him from today onward." Hall master told to Ningxue.

Wheen Li Ningxue heard this she frowned and on her indifferent face there is fluctuations of emotion which is worry sad and anger. By looking this the hall master expression also change becuse he know that this girl does not care about any affair except Xiuluo's.

"Hall master i am also leaving the sect with my Xiuluo, wherever he goes i will go there. " she said coldly.

"Do you think that with you by Xiuluo side he will be safe. If you leave now without sect protection the other parties either want to covet your bloodline or to destroy you. And he will also face the consequences of your choice. The only thing I can say is you to show him your usual indifferent attitude and tell him that you can't have the ceippled partner this way he will move on." The hall master advised to Li Ningxue politely instead of becoming angry.

Hearing this Li Ningxue beautiful eyes waver as she don't know what to do. But again she makes a choice and come back her usual indifferent appearance. She walks away. Seeing this hall master nodded in satisfaction.

One of the peak of holy dragon sect-

Xiuluo was sitting with an old man. The old man has a wretched appearance but he is one of the few people who treated Xiuluo warmly. His name is Jing fen. His cultivatition is in the nascent soul but compared to powerhouse this much is nothing.

"Old fen I am leaving the sect do you know where is ningxue." He told the jing fen

Jing fen frowned and asked "Why what happened suddenly you want to leave the sect?"

Then Xiuluo explained about his story the same as he told to the hall master and told about what happened in the hall. Listening after olf fen frowned and checked Xiuluo condition and confirmed it. But he can't do anything with his cultivation.

"Do you resent the sect that they expelled you because you were crippled."after knowing what happened olf den asked Xiuluo.

"I don't resent the sect because i know when the person doesn't have any value the others will leave and diacard that person that is law of our human being so i don't resent for this." Xiuluo replied honestly without acting he knows old fen knows him well so he gave the honest answer.

"You have this much sense when you are just a teenager, I can say they will definitely regret their choice," Old Fen nodded at Xiuluo reply as he knows that he willl say that but after sometime he lost in thoghts and looks at Xiuluo and asked again

"but... you don't resent for this means do you resent for something?"

Before he reply then suddenly the cold breeze came they both turned towards the breeze and there is a peerless woman that is Li ningxue. She came here after listening from the hall master as she knows where she will be able to find Xiuluo because both of them used to visit old fen timely. Before Xiuluo said anything she said sternly

"I heard you were crippled ." Her voice was has no emotion just plain words.

But that much was enough to Xiuluo as he frowned as he remembered what bai tong told him that Ningxue also want him dead. And he don't know how to reply because shhe who used talk to him politely suddenly said indifferent words. He didn't even show his emotion when he got crippled but now his emotions are reflected on his blindfolded face. Seeing this Ningxue also frowned but she clenched her fist and return back to her indifferent attitude without any fluctuations as she made her mind for something.

"Hmm... yes during last assigned i was crippled." Xiuluo told as he narrate the same story as he told to the hall master and old fen. And he told what happened at the hall also.

"Hmm..." but Ningxue just nodded. The three people are standing but no one spoke as Xiuluo just stared in the direction of Ningxue and Ningxue waited for him to say and old fen simply stare at both of them from certain distance as he both of them were childhood sweetheart and lovers. He knows about their some storiesbecause they used to say to him excitely but now those acting indifferently. Finally Xiuluo broke the silence

"Take care i am leaving. May be we won't meet again. And thankyou for everything till now." Xiuluo said to Ningxue by bowing slightly as he blindfold got moist may be he was crying and he doesn't want to show it to her. He turned around and when he is leaving he heard Ningxue saying

"Do you hate me." She asked while biting her lips like she was anticipating that he will say yes i hate you but she got replied

"No , I don't hate you ." Xiuluo moved forward as he replied. He didn't turn back he just walk forward when he used to walk like that before she will always be their for him but their is no Ningxue for him his back look lonely. Seeing this Ningxue want to go but she know what will happen after that so she just put like a ice staue but their is tear at the corner of her eye.

Old fen who watched all this just sigh, he know what each other meant to each other but they are now indifferent to each other, may be this will their final goodbye. He knows that Xiuluo situation is related to the sect as he lived so many year he knows world moire than them but he didn't say anything and just observed the two.

"Haa..."he sighs

After Xiuluo was not the sight Ningxue went to her peak which is exclusive for her and return to her boudoir and started crying silently.