Showdown of pacticed skills

Xiu Luo hide behind the waterfall as he sensed two people are coming in his direction. He tried to hide his presence as much as possible as he don't know why the people are coming in the deep forest, 'is it possible they came to practice like me'.

As he heard the voice of the young man he felt that he know this person. Yes this person is Xu Yuan who derived him away from the inn during eating. Suddenly he wanted to rush and kill them but he halt his footstep as he listened to their conversation. These two had come for the opportunity but he didn't know what is the opportunity as they didn't talk in details. Finally both of them decided to stay in this place. Hearing that they will stay here, Xiu Luo decided to take action.

Due to the waterfall they can't hear the footstep of Xiu Luo as he came out of the cave and he didn't activate spirit sense as they would detect him. He swiftly moved to the middle age man by holding his sword using moving skill, the movement skill is the mixture of both river floating steps and assassination type movement.

Xiu Luo came behind the man and slashed tried to cut man's head but the middle age man reacted at last moment as he felt the killing intent and avoided the attack but it did leave a serious injury on the back of his shoulder which is bleeding.

"'s been two years since I had done last assassination." His movements were too swift that the middle age man should not be able to avoid it.

The middle age man got severe injury. Xiu Luo sighed inwardly thinking that his assassin skill become rusty.

There is a shock on the faces of both middle age man and Xu Yuan as they recognised the person in black clothes who wear the black blindfold on his eyes.

"You..." Xu Yuan was shocked becuse this is blindman he had deived away and send one of his servant to kill him but the latter disappeared. So he made up his mind to kill the blindboy if he meet him again. But now the blindman tried to attack his servant who has cultivation of fourth rank foundation establishment and injured him. If he was replaced with the blindboy he don't think he have the ability to do the same.

"We meet again." Xiu Luo is smiling and waving his hand to Xu Yuan while the latter's look had disbelief expression. If Xiu Luo would have seen the latter reaction he would have laughed. Its a pity that he can't see.

"Did you killed my brother ?" Asked the middle age man to Xiu Luo.

"Huh who is your brother, I am a blind man and I can't see you know, so how do I know who is your brother." Xiu Luo replied while acting innocently.

The middle age man didn't say anything but brought out the sword from his storage bag it is a broad heavy sword with it he charged towards Xiu Luo. Xiu Luo activated the spirit sense range of three hundred meter as he want to reduce the consumption of spiritual qi, sensing that the middle age man is coming towards him Xiu Luo attack head on as he want to test his strength but middle age man has a robust body like he cultivated his body and he is not like the previous servant who was arrogant as he is acting calmly.

When both swords clash Xiu Luo was rebound back and he was crashed on the boulder. Then spit out some blood as he get up . The middle age man was also got pushed two step back.

He knows there is a cultivation realms difference but latter pushed him back, seeing this he charged again to attack Xiu Luo, as he is determined to kill the latter if not he will die.

This time Xiu Luo didn't face the latter attacks head on but avoided it as he learned his lesson from previous mistake.

Seeing this that the blindboy is avoing his attacks the man took a stance and raised his sword which is glowing scarlet and unleashed the scarlet sword strike toward Xiu Luo.

Void splitting sword strike

Xiu Luo had seen this strike in his spitual sea, he knows the horror of this skill as it cut the space.

Seeing this Xiu Luo shifted the sword from right hand to left hand took the stance and he relased his palm seal which created golden illusory palm moving toward the incoming scarlet sword strike.

Mountain crushing palm seal

The two skill golden palm and the scarlet slash were clashing each other like they don't want to lose to one other. But the golden palm move forward and crushed the middle age man.

The middle-aged man was crushed to the trees and fell out from Xiu Luo spirit sense range but still that man came back limply while dragging the sword.

Xiu Luo condition is not better the earlier palm seal had consumed half of his spiritual qi. He half kneeled on the ground while supporting his body with his long sword as he had activated spirit sense range till four hundred meter as the man was crashed to the trees but the man is still coming and his aura is changing he can't see what is changing .

The man is releasing scarlet blood colour aura around his body his previous shoulder injury healed quickly as he was burning his blood but he is coughing up blood, seeing that his condition is not good the man suddenly charged towards Xiu Luo, this time he didn't use the martial skill but just swinging his heavy sword as he attack Xiu Luo

Xiu Luo sensed that the man is not just swinging is heavy sword but his physical body strength has also enhanced and with double the force the man is attacking him. If he gets hit by the latter's attacks he will be seriosly injured. So Xiu Luo avoided the sword strikes as he swiftly moved and kept his distance from the middle age man. Beacuse the man's aura increasing aand decreasing simultaneously his strength is not stable . He remembered what he had seen in the third screen in his spiritual sea -Blood swallowing body refinement which left clots of blood in his meridians

"So that is the reason huh.." Xiu Luo avoided every strike swiftly like he is floating on the river, his movements look graceful but frown expression can be seen visible on his face because too much spitual power is consuming, if he doesn't finish the man quickly may be his spiritual sea will deplete and he will be killed and he can't even use the palm seal second time.

After avoiding the man's attacks Xiu Luo decided to counterattack the man as he clenched his fist while holding the sword he moved toward the man by avoiding its strike and both came face to face.

Xiu Luo is facing the man and the man is staring at him with bloodshot eyes then Xiu Luo stab his sword in the man's chest and swiftly backed away. The man grabed the sword before Xiu Luo could take it out and tried to attack the latter as swing his heavy sword to Xiu Luo. But before the man's sword could touch him, Xiu Luo backed away.

"Kukh ..." the man spat mouthful of blood and took a step back.

Sensing that the man strength is decreasing Xue Luo removed one more sword from his storage bag and moved in a semicircle and came behind the man. And slashed back of his neck.

The man due to being stabbed in his chest he took step back and coughed up blood but he tightened the grip of sword and strike backward as he sensed killing intent from behind.

Before Xiu Luo could cut the man's neck the man suddenly strike back. The man's sword is fast this time. If Xiu Luo tried to cut the man's neck he couldn't avoid the sword the man's sword so he moved his sword trajectory to block the man's incoming sword.

Due to being more force and heavy sword of the man when the incoming strike clashed with Xiu sword he was rebound and crushed to the tree and he is coughing two to three times mouthful of blood while placing his hand on his mouth. He supported his body on the sword strucking it at the ground half kneeling. He wad left with only one fifth of spiritual qi in sea and he is using now three hundred of spirit sense range and checking the man.

The man is not moving, sword is on the ground and Xiu Luo's sword is struck in his chest. There is no movement and there is no spirit fluctuations. Only the white steam is releasing from his body. After few minutes the mist was also stopped. The man was dead and that was his last strike against Xiu Luo.

Sensing the man aura was not detected Xiu Luo increases his range to five hundred meter but still he did not find the man's aura then he retracted sense range to three hundred. His spirit sense can only detect spiritual things so the man had died and that was the last attack of his life.

Suddenly Xiu Luo gritted his teeth and clenched his fist and rolled towards left and activated river floating step and swiftly moved away from the incoming attack from the right side but this time he has deep lacerated wound on his right shoulder.

Xiu Luo was glaring in the diection of where he just left because there is a young man named Xu Yuan who just attacked him.


"'s been two year since i had done last assassination."

what does Xiu Luo means by this if you want to know keep reading the novel ASURA The Eternal God