Tough opponent

When Xiu Luo heard the wailing of woman, Xiu Luo understand the situation that these bastards kidnapped the woman who does not have cultivation and may be all the presence he observed are woman which these bastards brought them here to use them for their entertainment and fun.

Always calm Xiu Luo became angry when he heard the woman cry. So he went fast inside the cave and then he hide behind the turn wall, the man is only a hundred meter distance from him but he was indulge in abusing the woman and didn't sense the presence of Xiu Luo. And the man is facing the opposite to the Xiu Luo which is a good sign for Xiu Luo to assassinate the man even if he doesn't kill him it will still leave a serious serious injury

Then Xiu Luo removed the sword from his storage bag and charged to the man while maintaining the breathing and he swiftly slashed the back of the neck of the man but the latter try to turn back but before he could turn back his head was split apart from his body and his body fell down and the man died easily.

The woman was releashed from his clutches.

The lean person cultivation base is higher than the robust man so Xiu Luo thought this person would be difficult to dealt with but the latter died easily.

Then Xiu Luo tried to moved towards the woman but the woman took the steps back may be she is still frightened or may be she is thinking that Xiu Luo is same as them.

"I won't do anything to you so please don't be frighten by me." Xiu Luo said as he tried to calm the woman.

"..." the woman didn't replied but is staring to Xiu Luo.

"Can you tell how many people are there total who had kidnapped you guys because I have only observed the two, are there any more?" Seeing the woman is not talking,n Xiu Luo tried to ask about how many people are there with this man.

"There is 'sob' one more person with him." The woman said while crying.

"How many people did they kidnapped?" Xiu Luo asked the woman, he had sensed the fourty five members but may be there are still members that these bastards had hidden somewhere.

"They kidnapped many and I don't know the specific number because after using each girl they will kill her and if you didn't came I...."the woman didn't finish the sentence and started crying.

Hearing this Xiu Luo clenched his fist so hard that his nails pierced his palms and started bleeding.

"Gather everyone we don't have enough time may be that other person will come back." Xiu Luo said hastily.

Hearing this the woman got up and went fast and after some time she brought the other members. There were from teenage to twenty five years age of girls are present.

"Big brother did you came to save us." One girl who had short stature who looks pretty asked in a innocent way.

"Hmm..." Xiu Luo nodded.

"All of you stay here I have to save one more girl who they had kidnapped just now and after bringing her here we will leave this place." Xiu Luo said to the people as he turned back to leave the place.

"Saviour I will come with you." Many woman said as they were frightend to stay here.

"I will come back after I save her so you can stay here and if you guys don't trust me you can go on your own way." Xiu said flatly.

"Saviour I trust you I will stay here until you come back." The same woman said who Xiu Luo had saved previously.

"What is your name?" Xiu Luo asked the woman.

"Lu Hua." The woman replied hastily.

"Lu Hua stay here I will come later." Xiu Luo turned and walked away from the cave.

Xue Luo tried to walk back as he remembered the backward direction, but in halfway he sened a man coming in his direction and this is the second one who kidnapped the women.

Sensing the man Xiu Luo hid behind the tree and tried to hide his breath, the man was coming and when he came to the designated area of Xiu Luo, Xiu Luo came from behind and tried to swifty cut the back of the neck of man. But the man sensed it and avoided the attack by moving away.

Before the lean man was abusing Lu Hua so he didn't able to sense the presence of Xiu Luo but this man had clearly felt the danger when he came in this vicinity. And Xiu Luo failed to leave a single injury on the man.

"Who are you?" The man asked Xiu Luo as he turn back and stare at him.

"A dead person should not ask the identity of others." Xiu Luo said as he tightened his grip on the sword.

"With your strength do you think you can kill me." The man said as he removed a heavy sword from his storage bag.

Xiu Luo frowned sensing that the man had taken the perfect stance without giving him any opening, and Xiu Luo met this situation for the first time. It will be difficult to deal with this man.

So Xiu Luo thought of using his old style play and that is to provoke the opponent and let them explode on the spot and blindly follow the rage. May be he could get an opening and attack the latter.

"You told that I can't kill you with this much of my strength, but I had killed your brother who is higher in cultivation rank than you." Xiu Luo said to provoke the man that he had killed his brother. But the latter laughed crazily.

"Heeeheeehaaa... you killed my brother, haaahaa...

"So what, even if his cultivation base is higher than me he was not my opponent." The man said laughing crazily.

Xiu Luo thought that the latter will explode on the spot but the man didn't even flinch from his place. And what the man said may be true that the latter combat power is higher than his brother.

"Hey you blindboy I have to thank you that you eliminated my brother, I always wanted to kill him when he was giving me the orders but still he was my brother so my emotions didn't allow me to kill my own kin. But still I have to avenge my brother so be prepared for consequences." The man said to Xiu Luo and attacked at Xiu Luo with extreme speed holding his broad and heavy sword.

Sensing that the man is fast even when he is carrying the heavy sword.

Xiu Luo can't avoid the latter attack even if he used the river floating step and if he used the movement skill now he will only give the man his blindspot.

So Xiu Luo removed the heavy sword from his storage bag and this sword is from Xu clan member who is young master Xu Yuan servant.

Xiu Luo held the sword with his both hands and strike with full strength to the incoming sword strike but the man had gotten advantage in this round as Xiu Luo was rebound back hundred feet away but he didn't fell down and maintainedhiss posture.

Then Xiu Luo thought that he can't win against the latter in pure combat form so he decided to use the skills. Then Xiu Luo took the stance to unleash sword skill as his sword glowed in golden radiance and stiked at the man.

Void splitting sword strike

And a golden swword qi released from Xiu Luo's sword and charged at the man.

Seeing this the man raised his sword with both hands his sword glowed yellow as his aura and he striked the incoming attack with verrtical slash. Both the slashes clashed and cancelled each other

After striking with the Void splitting sword strike Xiu Luo didn't wait for the result and swiftly moved to the man with river floating step.

After clashing the strike Xiu Luo was in front of man and he attack with the sword in the abdomen region, the man was not able to block the attack and forced back and there is a deep wound of Xiu Luo's sword and the latter's abdomen region started bleeding.

But the man was still standing, his tenacity is a real deal. What man said before was not false he is stronger than his brother.

The man rubbed his abdomen with his hand and then licked his own blood. Xiu Luo can't see what the man did but he got goosebumps due to his sharp senses. Xiu Luo took steps back as he jumped back and kept certain distance from the man.

"You are a veteran in this field." The man said he licked his blood finger and staring at Xiu Luo with crazy look like he found a good prey to play with.