Eastern Martial Conference

Hearing what Xiu Luo said the other people's mouth twiched. They know the patriarch loved his daughter dearly and he loved to enjoy hearing when other people say like that.

"Cough... let's continue our conversation. So you thought that if you asked other elders they will inform the patriarch and patriarch won't allow you, right?" Xiu Luo continued as he circled around kneeling Zhu Yun.

"Yes that is what I thought." Zhu Yun respond in calm voice because he had thought he will say this if they asked the same question what Xiu Luo just said, but he didn't expect that Xiu Luo would say it.

"Seeing mister Zhu Yun righteousness and loyalty to the clan, i am getting emotional." Xiu Luo said as he tried to wipe away the tears from his eyes but there is no tears.

"Mister Zhu Yun should be awarded with the reward instead of interrogation." Xiu Luo said and the whole crowd had disbelief expressions but Xiu came to Zhu Yun and whispered something in his ear.

"Zhu Yun do you know patriarch Zhu and these people knows all the truth but they are just toying with you as I asked patriarch Zhu to give me a reward to interrogate you so that I could humiliate you... heeeheeee how do you feel the one you had beaten two day before now is interrogating you in front of your own clan members. Heeheee hee pathetic..


Xiu Luo whispered slowly in Zhu Yun's ear and the latter facial features faded and he looks like he just ate shit as he look terrified.

Patriarch Zhu is watching Xiu Luo with interest, he know that Zhu Yun kidnapped his daughter for unknown reason so he will punish the latter but he can't justify his actions. So he is watching Xiu Luo every action and he also know that the latter is coating sugar on him but he just stayed silent and obeserved silently. And he could hear what Xiu Luo is whispering in Zhu Yun's ear not only him but everyone in the hall could hear with their profound cuiltivation bases. And then suddenly Zhu Yun grabbed Xiu Luo's neck

"You bastard you are the one who is reason for my failure, if you didn't save her I would have heavenly bloodline with me, before I die I will kill you." Zhu Yun shouted as he tightened his gripped around Xiu Luo's neck.

"Kuh..." but Zhu Yun went fly and crush to the wall. And the one who had taken the action is Elder Jin and Miss Jia came to Xiu Luo.

"Cough...cough..." Xiu Luo started coughing because the latter really hold his neck tightly.

"Xiu Luo are you allright. This bastard I will kill him." Zhu Jia checked Xiu Luo's condition and then cursed Zhu Yun.

"Hmm I am alright but I don't know why but I feel chills." Xiu Luo said but the latter said he felt chills so Zhu Jia turn back and faced her father, the latter had dark face as he glared at Xiu Luo.

"Father..." Zhu Jia told her father to stop glaring at Xiu Luo but her action backfired and he is glaring Xiu Luo intensely.

"You despecible you were toying with me, yes I ordered them to kidnap that bitch I wanted to have her..." but before he could finish the sentence the latter was held in air as Patriarch Zhu is holding his neck and the latter is struggling and trying to grasp for air. Patriarch Zhu really wanted to kill the latter.

"Senior don't kill him, maybe someone is backing him, with his cultivation even if you gave him nine live he don't have guts to do, so may be someone is backing him." Seeing that the patriarch Zhu is trying to kill Zhu Yun, Xiu Luo hastily said to stop him.

"You,..you...who are ...you..." Zhu Yun looked at Xiu Luo with shocked expression. From his reactin it could be guess that someone is really supporting him.

"Oh just now I told you the lie, your people were killed by me and there is no such interrogation heeeheeeee." Xiu Luo said as he faced Zhu Yun and laughed heartedly.

"You..." Zhu yun fainted after hearing this the latter didn't expect that he was just toyed by a blind boy.

"Elder Jin you will be incharge of him." Patriarch Zhu throwed Zhu Yun to elder Jin like a ball and elder Jin catch the latter with spiritual energy.

"Yes Patriarch." Elder Jin said as he went out carrying Zhu Yun. Patriarch Zhu waved his hands and everybody went out of the hall. Only Xiu Luo, Zhu Jia and Patriarch Zhu remained.

"Xiu Luo...hmm." Patriarch Zhu turn to Xiu Luo as he was about to say something but he saw that his baby daughter is supporting the latter.

"..." Zhu Jia seeing her father's reaction left Xiu Luo and the later fell on the ground and on Zhu Jia's face there is a deep red shade as she is blushing.

'Huh I am feeling chill again' Xiu Luo wondered but he don't know that it was Patriarch Zhu who is glaring at him.

"Little friend take a seat..." Patriarch Zhu told to Xiu Luo with amiable smile but the later feel chill all over his body as he got goosebumps.

"Yes yes senior." Then Xiu Luo amd Patriarch Zhu took the seat, well there is one more person who seated beside Xiu Luo and that is Zhu Jia.

"Senior what is the status of Zhu Yun in your clan as not even a single person defended him." Xiu Luo asked the patriarch because when the latter was brought not a single member tried to stand for him.

"When I was roaming outside I met Zhu Yun and brought him due to his talent and gave him our family surname, but who would have thought... haa." Patriarch Zhu said the story with a deel sigh. And the atmosphere became silent again seeing this Patriarch Zhu asked Xiu Luo.

"Little friend your eyes?" Patriarch Zhu asked Xiu Luo about his eyes. Hearing this Miss Jia also turned to Xiu Luo.

"Senior I can't see." Xiu Luo replied honestly with a smile on his face but hearing this Zhu Jia bit her soft lips.

"I see, is there a way to restore your eyesight, you can tell me I will do anything if there is a way." Patriarch Zhu said as he watched his baby daughter.

"Senior many cultivators who may not weaker than you have diagnosed my eyes but they told they don't know the cause, and now I am alright how I am and thankyou for your offer." Xiu Luo bowed as he felt the earnest offer from Patriarch Zhu.

"May I know who had diagnosed you..." Patriarch Zhu asked.

"Senior it was one of the immortal sect..." Xiu Luo replied reluctantly.

"Which sect..." Patriarch Zhu was trying to ask Xiu Luo about something but the latter cut him short.

"Senior I don't want to talk about my past." Xiu Luo guessed that the patriarch Zhu is asking about the one who checked him but the latter rejected as to not talk about his past.

Seeing Xiu Luo like this Patriarch Zhu didn't get offended but changed the topic.

"Little friend why did you come to our Zhu clan region." Patriarch Zhu asked Xiu Luo.

"Senior I heard on the way that great Patriarch Zhu is holding an auction so that's why I came to try my luck." Xiu Luo said as he add sugar coated words. Hearing this Patriarch Zhu mouth twitch but he held back because his baby daughter is laughung on Xiu Luo words. Seeing her laughing he just stayed silent.

"Yes you heard right I the great Patriarch Zhu is holding the auction." Patriarch Zhu told in a same way as Xiu Luo.

"Then I won't waste Senior's precious time, senior may I know what is unknown item you are holding the auction for and if possible I want to see it." Xiu Luo said in a serious tone as his playfulness gone.

"This... little friend it is impossible now because the eight immortal sects had taken that item after they can't verying what the item hold the functions so I can't fulfill your request." Patriarch Zhu said with hesitation.

"This..." Xiu Luo just stayed quit and didn't say anything.

"Little friend if you really want to check the item, you should join the eastern martial conference which will be held in two years." Patriarch Zhu said as he saw Xiu Luo looking down without saying.

'Eastern martial conference.' Xiu Luo muttered himself