CHAPTER 7: Leveled up

As night fell and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, the moon began to set and cast a white dark glow over the village, Leon arrived home with a young boy who's in age of 8, was a stranger to Leon's family, and their curious gazes met him as they entered the humble abode.

"Son, who is he?" Leon's father inquired, his voice filled with concern and curiosity.

"This is Dion, he will be living with us from now on, father," Leon replied in his deep baritone voice, his eyes reflecting a sense of responsibility and compassion.

His mother, unsure of how to respond, looked at Leon with a mix of surprise and apprehension. "Is it okay, mother?" Leon turned to her, seeking her approval with a gentle gaze.

"Big brother? Is he going to be my brother too?" Leon's little sister piped up, her eyes wide with curiosity. Leon smiled warmly and nodded, affirming the bond that was already forming between them.

As the family gathered around the hearth, Leon's parents expressed their concerns about their limited resources and the challenges of adding another mouth to feed. But Leon, with a determined look in his eyes, reassured them that he would take on the responsibility and do everything in his power to provide for Dion.

Leon insisted on preparing a meal, despite the meager provisions in their home. With a touch of magic, he reached into a mysterious black box and conjured up a feast from his old world - rice, mushroom soup, Ramen, and Pork barbecue.

In a matter of moments, the table was filled with an abundance of food, each dish a testament to Leon's love and generosity. As they sat down to eat,

As the enticing aroma of the freshly conjured feast wafted through the air, Dion and Lean's eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation. Dion face lit up with joy, mirroring the genuine happiness that filled the room. "Wowwww big brother, what is this? Smells good!" Dion exclaimed, his mouth watering at the delicious scents that surrounded him.

Leon, with a humble smile, watched as Dion's enthusiasm bubbled over, delighted to see too that everyone is enjoying the meal he had prepared with care and magic. The family started eating the bond between them grew stronger with each shared moment of joy and wonder.

Meanwhile, Leon's father, intrigued by the mysterious origins of the food, began to voice his thoughts. "I really don't know how you get these food, son, the ingredients and—"

Before his father could finish his sentence, Leon interjected with a sense of determination in his voice. "Father, mother, I'll take responsibility for all that I did. I'll provide for the family in my own way. Please, don't ask me to explain. Let's just say that I'm talented, alright?" His words were firm yet filled with a deep sense of love and devotion to his family.

With a nod of understanding, Leon's parents accepted his words, sensing the sincerity and dedication behind them. They joined hands around the table, offering a heartfelt prayer of gratitude for the food before them and for the bond that held them together in love and unity.

As they began to eat, the room filled with the sounds of shared laughter, the clinking of utensils, and the warmth of familial love. Each bite of the flavorful meal was a testament to Leon's ingenuity and selflessness, a reminder of the strength that comes from standing together as a family in the face of challenges.

And so, in the soft glow of the candlelight, amidst the simple yet abundant meal, Leon, Dion, and his family found solace in each other's presence, savoring not just the food on their plates but the precious moments of togetherness that filled their hearts with joy and gratitude.

QUEST: For the upgrade of the Dark Box, kill 3 Level 5 Monster.

Rewards: +5 stamina

+3 Strength

Upgrade of Swordmanship

+4 Agility

1 - Pearl Of life

As Leon read quest that the system gave him, he stood after he ate his food and went inside his small bedroom.

In a moment of reflection, Leon stands before the mirror and is taken aback by the sight that greets him - a physique that defies the typical appearance of a 16-year-old boy. Amusement dances in his eyes as he observes the chiseled 8-pack abs and muscular form that now define his reflection, a mix of surprise and intrigue coloring his reaction to this unexpected transformation.

Seated on his bed, Leon's hand glides over a hidden interface that materializes solely for his eyes, revealing the purpose of the pearl of life. With a sense of curiosity, he delves into its essence, uncovering the pearl's unique ability to bestow the precious gift of life once more, a revelation that sparks a cascade of contemplation and wonder in his mind.

As the weight of the day's events settles upon him, Leon succumbs to weariness and fatigue, his body yearning for rest. He reclines on his bed, surrendering to the embrace of sleep as the events of the day drift away, leaving him adrift in the realm of dreams.

The following day arrives abruptly as Leon is roused from his slumber by the urgent call of Dion, whose voice carries a tremor of fear and urgency. Startled into wakefulness, Leon's senses sharpen as he takes in the distress etched on Dion's face, a harbinger of imminent danger.

Rushing outside, Leon is met with a chilling scene - a group of eight knights standing ominously before his home, their presence foreboding and mysterious. A surge of anxiety grips his heart as he witnesses his family held captive, bound and gagged, his younger sister's tears a poignant testament to the fear that grips them all.

Dion's trembling words convey the grim truth - their family is under threat, ensnared by unknown assailants whose motives remain shrouded in darkness. With a steely resolve and a glint of determination in his eyes, Leon strides forward to confront the enigmatic knights, his mind racing with questions and his heart aflame with a fierce protectiveness for his loved ones.

"Give me a reasonable answer why did you captive them?" Leon inquired with it's cold voice and baritone.

In a tense and chilling confrontation, the knights found themselves on edge as the young man before them exuded an aura of silent menace. One of the knights, emboldened by bravado, stepped forward and taunted the young man, questioning the intensity in his voice and demeanor that seemed to hint at a latent danger.

"Young man, what's with your voice and face? It feels like you can kill us? A knight and we are eight," the knight provocatively challenged, seeking to test the resolve of the enigmatic figure before them.

In response, Leon spoke with a chilling calmness that sent shivers down the spines of the knights. "Answer," he commanded, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

As the leader of the knights, Roy, introduced himself with a hint of arrogance and authority, Leon's gaze remained fixed and unwavering. His next words, thick with anger and a simmering rage, demanded answers from the knights about their actions towards his family.

The truth revealed by Roy's callous words, suggesting using Leon's family to settle a debt, ignited a fire within Leon that burned with a fierce protectiveness and wrath. The knights' callous disregard for the lives of his loved ones stoked a fury within him that could not be contained.

In a swift and decisive motion, Leon's hand moved with dark speed, taking the life of the knight leader in a single, lethal strike. The suddenness of the act left the other knights in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the swiftness of Leon's actions.

With a voice that resonated with power and authority, Leon questioned the knights' audacity to harm his family, his words laced with a chilling intensity that sent a shiver down their spines.

As the remaining knights moved to retaliate, they were met with a display of unparalleled speed and skill as Leon swiftly dispatched each one with precision and efficiency. The swift and decisive actions left the knights incapacitated, their defeat at the hands of this enigmatic figure a testament to his formidable strength and unwavering resolve.

As the harrowing confrontation neared its climax, Leon stood poised to deliver the final blow to the last remaining knight, whose visage was etched with a palpable fear and trembling unease. In a moment of vulnerability, the knight mustered the courage to pose a question that hung heavy in the charged atmosphere.

"What are you?" the knight's voice quivered with a mix of dread and disbelief, his eyes betraying a deep-seated fear of the enigmatic figure before him. In response, Leon's voice cut through the tension with a cold clarity, revealing a truth that defied the knight's expectations.

"A commoner, 16 years old and trying to protect his family from bastards like you."

Leon's words were delivered with a calm resolve, belying the extraordinary power and skill that he had displayed in the face of adversity.

"T-that's impossible, how can a commoner be this s-strong..and a 16 yrs old, you say.."

The knight, stunned by this revelation, could only mutter in disbelief, unable to comprehend the depths of strength and ferocity hidden within this seemingly ordinary youth.

In a moment of defiance and finality, the knight's attempt to label Leon as a monster was met with a chilling command that echoed with a raw intensity. "Shut the f*** up," Leon's words rang out with a cutting finality, a stark reminder of the consequences of underestimating the true nature of leon standing before him.

With a swift and decisive action, Leon brought an end to the knight's life, the silence that followed punctuated by the weight of his words and the finality of his actions. In that moment, the facade of innocence and youth fell away, revealing a force to be reckoned with, a force that transcended labels and defied expectations.

As the echoes of the confrontation faded into the stillness of the aftermath, Leon stood amidst the fallen knights, a figure shrouded in mystery and power, a reminder that true strength often lies hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed in moments of dire necessity.

Watching from the sidelines, Dion observed in awe and trepidation as a dark shadowy aura enveloped Leon, a manifestation of his power and the depths of his strength that left a lingering sense of fear and amazement in its wake.

Congratulations for your victory, because of the sudden quest, the rewards will be doubled.

Rewards Received:

+5 strength

+5 Agility

+5 intelligence

New skill: Berserker:Black DarkLight Descendant

Leon Craven: Rank G (High class)

Level 4. LEVEL UP


HP: 20

Stamina: 2

Strength: 7 + 5 = 12

Agility: 7 + 5 = 12

Intelligence: 12 + 5 = 17

1 Skills: Swordmanship Level 1. (UP LEVEL 1)

-Berserker: Black Darklight Descendant

Title: Seed of Darklight

Due of your victory killing the level 3 Wolk you recieve 10 physical damage

Physical Damage: 2 + 10 = 12

Magic: 1

Possession: Wooden Black Box