Engagement Party (II)


She felt delicate in my arms. I could tell by the rapid rising and falling of her chest that she was scared. She tried to hide it but I saw past her façade. I'd spent three years waiting to marry her, and I knew everything about her.

She had changed so much since she was eighteen. Her body had blossomed more, and she was irresistible. Her breasts were small but full, round, and firm, her waist was small, and her ass was curvy and round.

Viola was hot.

Gone was the shy girl that stood beside her father three years before. Her stance was confident and her gait bold and classy. She carried herself with boldness I hadn't spotted when I first saw her.

When I let her go, she calmed down a little. My mother had thrown a fit when I told them I was marrying Viola Agosti but she soon realized the benefits of having her as a wife.

Of course, Father told her he had approved of me asking for Viola's hand in marriage before I did it. He and I had other plans my mother couldn't know about because she wouldn't approve.

Our lifelong rivalry with the Agosti family was temporarily solved. Our engagement brought peace and ensured we had allies in case someone attacked the Cosa Nostra. We would also have their back in case they were attacked by their enemies.

"The guests are waiting for us. We should go." I stated.

She was still shaken up by the words I'd said to her. I meant them. She was mine and any man who tried to so much as look at her in a suggestive way would pay with his life.

I was possessive over my toys and Viola was by far my favorite one. I hadn't played with her yet but I knew she would be fun.

I guided her out of my room with my hand on the small of my back until we reached the guests downstairs. People congratulated her and complimented her ring. She was very good with people.

Everyone loved her. She listened to people talk, gave her opinion where it was required, and reacted like she was supposed to. Everything with her was effortless.

She was going to make a phenomenal queen.

Everyone but Antonio Mancini seemed happy with the union. He glared at me the entire evening, more so when I touched Viola intimately.

Get used to it, bastard. It will be like that for a fucking long time.

Viola and I soon parted ways. She made friends with my cousins while I hung back with Dante by the bar.

"She's gorgeous. I can see why you chose her."

"Don't look at her or talk about her in that way," I warned.

I knew Dante would never think of my woman like that but I still had to warn him. Talking about my woman's looks was off the table.

"Antonio isn't too happy. Do you think he knows the real reason you married his daughter?"

"He doesn't. Only you and I know and I would love to keep it that way."

The marriage wasn't about my infatuation with Viola. If it had been. I wouldn't have bothered marrying her. I would have seduced her at one of the parties mobsters hosted and taken he virginity.

And there was nothing Antonio Mancini would have done about it.

But there was something more—a secret. Antonio Mancini looked too comfortable in my home drinking my liquor. He would soon get what was coming to him. Men like him deserved to pay for their mistakes.

Viola would be nothing but collateral damage and a bonus. The more I looked at her smooth creamy legs, the more I fantasized about wrapping them around my shoulders and burying my face in her cunt.

Was it sweet? Was it salty? Was it musky?

I couldn't wait to find out.

Soon, the party was over and people were leaving. I was leaving for New York the next day, and I would only be back for the wedding. That meant I wouldn't see Viola until I waited at the altar for her.

I had to mess with her and make sure she thought about me every day I was away.

As the Agosti family was leaving, I made my way to them and called out to Viola.

"I want to talk to you."

She looked at her father for approval and I fucking hated it. I was going to be her husband. She didn't any approval from her daddy.

Antonio gave her the go-ahead because he had no choice. She was still mine even though we weren't married yet.

Grabbing her hand, I dragged her a distance away from her parents and brother and pulled her close. "I will see you at the wedding. Take care of yourself before then."

She nodded her eyes and held my gaze even though she wanted to look away.

With my mouth hovering by her ear, I whispered, "I wish I could have taken off that dress for you tonight. You would have screamed so loudly that the world would have known you're mine."

Her cheeks, neck, and ears were pink from the heavy blush she was spotting. She closed and opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"Don't worry. I can wait."

I kissed her cheek and walked away leaving her flustered and shocked. Breaking her was going to be so easy.

Little did I know how much I had underestimated Viola Agosti.