Boss: Alpha Wolf

This was the boss, the leader of the wolves. It let out a deafening howl, the sound echoing off the stone walls. The battle was about to begin.

**Boss: Alpha Wolf** 

**Level: 30** 

**Health: 50,000** 

**Skills: Savage Bite, Howl of Fury, Shadow Pounce, Regeneration**

The Alpha Wolf's eyes gleamed with intelligence and malice. It towered over us, its fur a dark, matted mass, and its muscles rippling beneath the surface. This would be our toughest challenge yet.

"Stay focused!" I shouted. "We can do this together."

Lilith moved first, darting forward with her daggers poised. She aimed for the wolf's flanks, hoping to find a weak spot. The Alpha Wolf, however, was faster than any wolf we had faced before. It sidestepped her attack and snapped its jaws at her, forcing her to roll away.