Chapter 16

"Harder! I know you can do better than that!" 

Three years after I met Katarina, my fiancée, I was currently undergoing sword training with my father.

There was some minor differences between the sword techniques of this world and my previous one but the basics were still the same.

In terms of skill, I was sure I was at least on par with my father. If there was one thing I was lacking in, it was...

"That was a nice maneuver but it left you open."

... It was battle experience. Sure I may have went around challenging many master of martial arts in my past life but in this world, my father must have fought tooth and nail for his life in order to acquire those skills.

There was no way someone who came from a peaceful world would be a match for him.

Though if we were fighting to the death, I have a fifty percent chance of defeating him.

"Did it?" But I wasn't planning on losing this round.

I twisted my body and blocked my father's slash with my blade and and kicked at his hand that was holding the sword sending it into the air.

"Let go of my body and slid across the ground before leaping onto the air and caught the airborne sword and landed on the ground in a split second.

"I win, father."

My father was stunned as I leveled my sword at him.

Well, I'm sure he was. After all, his son that was getting his ass handed to him just two mock fights ago is now pointing a sword at him.

"Looks like I underestimated you." My father broke into a melancholic smile and I nodded.

Today's training was special. Special in the fact that I probably won't come home for the next couple of years.

For this was the moment I began my journey proper as a warrior, and the day that I left the house.

"Big brother, you're really leaving?" A pudgy little ball of cuteness also known as my sister, Celia, wobbled over and hugged my legs.

I set the swords in my hand gently and picked her up and bounced her in the air.

"Not forever my little princess. Your big bro is just gonna head out a little, I'll be back before you know it." I kissed her eyelids and and Celia giggled and I felt a sharp pain in my heart at the thought of departure and for a moment there, I almost considered not going.

"Now that I'm leaving, you'll be the one taking all those boring lessons. Can you do it

?" I brought her down and asked her in mock seriousness.

Three years ago, my parents finally succeeded in giving me a sibling and it was instant love at first sight.

Knowing I was forcing the role of a duchess upon my sweet little sister almost made me not want to leave but I couldn't stay. After all, it wasn't just pain o felt. There was something aside from that. A throbbing for adventure.

Just imagining all the strong people I would encounter and defeat made my blood boil. I was a son, a big brother, a friend and most importantly, a warrior.

And a warrior does not go back on his conviction.

"Okay, Celia nodded her head and beamed but even I could spot the tiny droplets of tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"I'll be back." I looked at my mom and walked over to her and let her pull me into a crushing hug.

"My little baby boy." She murmured as she stroked my head and I let myself be pampered one last time.

Honestly, I was grateful to my parents who despite knowing I was some rando who got reincarnated, they still treated me with the same amount of love and care.

"I'll miss you mom." I wanted to cry but held back because of I did, the whole area would descend into tears.

It wasn't just my family. Everyone who worked for my family and come to see me off. And the people in the city probably would have if not for the fact that we were keeping my departure a secret from the general public.

"Bye-bye everyone!" I picked up my load that was in magic bag and looked at the face of everyone and gratitude and numerous emotions welled up on my chest and I tried to convey everything I could and turned around and kept walking.

Little by little, they turned into tiny figures smaller than a sesame seed and eventually, I couldn't spot them.

Teleportation magic existed in this world but one could only travel through set coordinates over long distances.

And some areas block teleportation magic so it was unknown whether I could even get back home when I needed to.

"No use crying. After all..." I looked forward and saw a small, black haired figure standing with her hands crossed and broke into a smile.

"... I'm not alone."


"Will he be alright?" Rachel looked in the direction her sweet little boy disappeared and couldn't help but voice her concerns.

"He'll be fine." Aris looked at his son and couldn't connect him to the crying figure of the day they discovered what his magic was.

Even on his entire lifetime, Aria hadn't come across any healer with as much apitude as his son.

In this world with countless unique magic, the ability to heal damage improved one's survival rate exponentially.

"And besides he was able to defeat me." Aris Reschelburg, also known as the strongest swordsman of humanity who made his name known far and wide as the one who singlehandedly defeated the Most Terrible Witch, Sayla.

"He was able to defeat me in my area of expertise and was able to get your seal of approval." Aris looked at his wife, Rachel Reschelburg, also known as Sayla, the Most Terrible Witch.

Thiers was a story long before this one but that's a tale for another day.